Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/ - /wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers

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First for Freedom.

OMZ is just the bonus atop the speed advantages.

Nice digits, but this topic is deprecated.

New topic: tmux or screen and why?

>tmux or screen
For what? I just use screen

I wasn't aware of how useful Linux Mint is
· runs programs
· you can install more programs
· 99% of what you now from ubuntu still works

Have you guys seen the Humble Book Bundle? It's a bunch of unix stuff pic related.

Which ones are recommended, if any at all for a linux bab like me?

I just want to let you know that I love all of you. Really.


tmux: Change the bindings, change your life

Check the copypasta stuff in OP for the shell pasta. In my very holy opinion, when it comes to shell stuff, Greg's wiki is the only good ressource to read. There are so many books full of failures like examples with uppercase variables, useless use of cat, etc. Greg's wiki is simply ebin. Also good: grymoire.com/Unix/ This guy can teach you sed, awk and regex and you'll actually understand it and become a true wizard.

>linux bab

Read LOTS of manpages.
Re-Read LOTS of manpages.

>not torrents

Free Software Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman, 3rd Edition

magnet or gtfo


How can I convert all images in all subdirectories into grayscale?

use the program "imagemagick"

it is free software under the BSD 2 clause licence

here is the website with information about command line usage: imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php

please access it using a free software web browser such as mozilla firefox or Midori

Exactly what I've been looking for, thanks!
I'm using GNU IceCat, if it matters.

since it's perfect answwers thread, I'm using Arch Linux if it matters, and I'm searching for a screenshooter that also captures the mouse pointer

the gnome screenshot tool has a tickbox that allows you to capture the pointer.

i am considering to actually try gentoo. do you have to compile software that you want to use in it? or do you only compile gentoo itself for installation/updating?

i dont care about optimization i just want to try to have it as a desktop OS. i already tried ubuntu and mint

what the heck, just checked the manpage and it even supports selecting a screen region

someone please remind me why I'm suing scrot

if you want a good KDE distro try opensuse
if you want a tinker toy try arch
if you want an optimized distro try plain debian

gentoo is for masochists

>he fell for the gentoo meme

because using command line makes u a badass c0mpu73r h4ck3r.

and the funny name

>As seen on %random_persons% screenfetch
you can use gnome's screenshot program via cli too

(or jsut use imagemagick like a true haXX0r)

Now I'm wondering why I don't have a delete_this-gentoo.png meme in my archives. What the hell.


Seconding imagemagicks import

Hi, so im still on this arch to USB install... well ended up using YUMI and am noob lost... usually i follow the instructions on the wiki, but i guess yumi does more than i am aware of.

Partitions are created and mounted and just ran the pacman -Syu... which begs the question where am i on the arch install according to their wiki?


anyone please direct me to where i need to continue or pick up at?

-pic not related

>im still on [...] arch
The only part that matters.

install gentoo

Gentoo would be nice, if the devs only would stop recommending nonfree software and providing tutorials to install them.

why? whats wrong with arch?

Literally everything. Everything you believe that Arch is, is a meme, because it's always the opposite, that's the whole joke about Arch.

Install Arch is of neo Sup Forums's way to say Install Gentoo

except that people actually don't learn anything by installing arch, but by installing gento they may... so it's not quite the same thing

Aight, let's sattle it as:
Install Gentoo: Lurk moar
Install Arch: kys


i take it that you have to compile every single software you would like to use

i guess i will stay with mint then

archfag here, tbqh, the only reason I'm using arch is the aur, and it's a good readon, proof me wrong

DUDE, seriously, whatever comes into your mind; it's better than mint
install gentoo right now
it's not hard, just follow the guide

git clone program
make install
"the ebin aur"

but... mint just werks for me. i use my laptop for web developing, browsing, studying, watching videos/porn, and torrenting. if i can use gentoo for these without compiling entire programs then i would try it. but i am not sure from the answers here

noob has underestimated his arch question... carry on

Use Mint as long as it works for you. If something happened(TM) come back. The problem with Mint is basically that it doesn't get security updates and if you enable them manually, you can break it. That's why people recommend not to use Linux Mint..


arch inst that hard if on hdd using vb. done it 2-3 times, but now i want to do it on the usb and it seems i can get vb working, so now trying other alternatives and not sure of how far they go with the install as i see partitions created and my sdb1 is already mounted, so am at lost with this arch usb stuff? any good videos u can share on live arch usb?

are you too retarded that you can't stop yourself from installing it? you shouldn't be using a computer in the first place then

>guise, mint is just like windows, get it!!! it just werks
while having no idea about gnu/linux in general

I'm not, but I don't support developers who support nonfree software. I'm aware that I can add a license filter, which is cool, but
a) it should be default
b) devs shouldn't recommend and give instructions to install malware

nah it shouldn't be anything but what the devs decide. i'm glad they aren't so retarded as to stop other people who need malware from installing it just because of a few autists like you who can't control their compulsions to install all the software they see (a habit from their windows days)
that's according to your shitty opinion and nobody really cares about that especially not the people involved in maintaining gentoo so yeah, tough luck buddy

What do you think about this article: wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Skype

It would be okayish if they would add a disclaimer and inform the users about surveillence and PRISM, or at least warn them and add link, but they don't.

i'm sure it's fine as most articles on that wiki, the arch wiki is overall better though
you have to be literally brain dead to not know about this beforehand. or are you really telling me someone is going to install a niche distro and not know this? i guess they deserve it then.
i don't think people should be prohibited from doing harm to themselves if they really are that retarded.
>It would be okayish
why do you think your arbitrary metric matters here? why do you think you can prohibit people from installing something they want even if it's total shit.
you can tell them about it, no need to try and stop them from downloading it since that isn't going to work anyway and you'll just make yourself look like a retard, which wasn't that hard to begin with

nigger, you can jump out of the window right now, but would you recommend it to your kids and tell them exactly how to do it, so they die whatever happens? there are things that are cool and there are things that aren't cool and things that arent cool is spreading buttcheeks for the nsa in the holy name of gentoo

Why even reply if you didn't read the conversaton and the related article?

^(skip 1 post)
literally couldn't comprehend your retarded post
try again next time or something
idk. just felt like replying
is there a problem with that?
are you gonna try and stop me from posting here as well?

How can you take a screenshot by selecting a rectangle, and not leave that inverted line on the left and top?

For example, scrot and
import -quality 100 -window root -crop $(xrectsel) +repage "/tmp/out.png"

do it.

read the copypasta in OP and check the screenshot pasta
there are basically 3 solutions
a) kill your compositor
b) use xrectsel
c) find a program with hacks (locking the X11 selections will give you clean screenshot but also lead to faggotry)

Your best bet is to use the screemshooter your DE ships, since they're basically all c tier.

>but would you recommend it to your kids and tell them exactly how to do it,
i wouldn't recommend it but i wouldn't try to shield them from reality and tell them that they won't hurt themselves by doing so
i'll leave the possibility open so to speak

>kill your compositor
Thanks, that works.

nice strawman

where exactly did you notice a "strawman"

The bad side effect is that you don't get transparency. Get xrectsel or slop to calculate the region and use import to screen it. I guess everyone of us has a script like that.

>try to shield them from reality
didn't he actually request reality here:

Thats not the same user, newfag

>he thinks that Anonymous is different persons
you need to go back:

found the redditor

install trisquel

he tries to deny its existence by trying to say that developers shouldn't include info on proprietary software
i mean if you have such a compulsion to install proprietary software that you need all mentions of it purged from the internet then you shouldn't be using a computer. easy enough right?
or at least do it under supervision so you don't spread your mental illness to other people through the internet.

... or just get Debian unstable and ignore the wiki

same with gentoo, btw

I guess you're right and at this point its just about ideology and support, so here my ideology and support: Why supporting people who recommend nonfree software?

That question was already answered at the last thread:

>he pretends that he doesnt use proprietary software

that answers the why use but not the why support

Isn't it basically the same thing?

doesn't it make it even worse?
>microsoft forces skype on people
>nsa collects skype data
>everyone uses skype
when you use skype, you support the "you can communitcate with me, but only if you have skype" thing, which leads to supporting surveillence

>this is what these delusional fags truly believe
i guess your definition of "forces" and "everyone" is pretty different from the one normal people use

He's not wrong. I installed skype 2 times, just because I don't wanted to be the "weird guy".
At this point you actually ask youself if literally everyone around you is a tech illiteratre, which isn't bad, but stuff like wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Skype or wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/skype doesn't help, right.

>replies to bait
go to Sup Forums, read the OP (should be addedd to Sup Forums IMHO)

so did someone force you to install it? because that's what he said microsoft does.
do they have some kind of armed forces which force people to install and use skype?
i can't tell if you're serious or not.
do you seriously think that every time some one disagrees with your obviously wrong views he is baiting? must be a pretty sad life your'e living.

>eh, chicka, what's ur phone

>he thinks anyone gives a fuck about the wikis of two obscure distros
Go outside some time. You'll find that most people don't even know what Arch is. I know, big surprise right?

It's actually saddening.

>>eh, chicka, what's ur phone
ZU 0666’, 0, 0; Drop Database Table

found rm -rf / guy

Seriously, so you guys even... no you don't.
reddit everwhere

epic as they say on reddit.com

>current year
computer basics should be tought in school already

>Good morning everyone
>>Good morning dr ovbious
>Today's topic: arch and the dank memes

>thinking that teaching something in schools will result in more people caring about it
You really should go out some time. That or just stop making any statements about the outside world.

I'm on Arch if it matters and I diagree with this post.


Reminder to contrubite to our amazeballs /wg/ thread: OC highly welcome!

Just cut out this meme person, not sure what to do with it. Please help.

I'm doing all the Videos in the Linux section on install Gentoo. But I'm confused as to witch order to do them in?

Id think I'm a medium lvl wizard where should I start?


install gentoo



Torvalds actually dislikes GPLv3 (says, GPLv3 should be a new licence, not an upgrade).

Long story short:
GPLv2 had a grayzone, which allowed people to ship hardware with GNU/Linux systems, which had restrictions, eg: you could run the system, check the source, but you can't change the source and/or run your own version. Hashchecks fordbit that. More about the topic here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivoization
GPLv3 got related upgrades, that make sure that GPL software has all 4 freedoms gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html even in such systems. Torvalds thinks, that it restricts the developers freedoms, while RMS thinks, such restrictions restrict the users freedoms.

[cititation needed]