Sysadmin for a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider)

Sysadmin for a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider)


How smart would you say you are? How do you think you compare to other sysadmins in terms of intelligence?

Should I just give up if I'm an unsociable, 110 iqlet?

Why should I give a fuck about who you are or what you do.

Kill yourself.

if he can break codes does it make him a cracker?

how much wireless data do you use/month?

He's a cracker anyway

Intelligence has 2 forms.
Knowledge and Problem solving.

I didn't say who I am and not many people do the things that I do on a day to day basis.
Reddit requires verification to "moderators" which I do not agree with.

The business in total? or just myself?

This depends on your definition of hacker and cracker.
There is a fine line.

just yourself

Over 2TB

nice. seeding? only way I can think of a phone using 2+TB data, unless your job could be effectively described as "netflix"

How the fuck do I buy bandwidth from a teir 1 provider?

I suck dicks for food and don't know how to trip and yet im here because reddit is 2 mnstrm 4 me

This isn't wireless in the sense of cellular data.
Wifi over the radio spectrum (802.11).

You're looking at purchasing peering from another provider for hundreds of thousands of dollars a month or even more yearly.
Big contracts big expectations, aka you don't as a single person.

oh so like city/airport/chain wifi middlemen

How old are you (me)?
How many years it took?

more like wifi base stations that serve other radios that we install.

very rural areas or speeds that other providers won't do at that location.

How old are you?
How much do you earn pre-tax?
What text editor do you use?

N++, nano, gedit

Do you love yourself so much you look in the mirror while you wank?

Are you in the US?

>40K USD
I feel bad for you.

If he lives in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere that isn't as terrible


Considering my age and locale, its not bad but I know I can get better with some more time.

here we go again
pointless to post this without the city you live in

>shittiest nothing studio apartments in big cities: $1500+
>same shit in a rural area: $300

Everyone starts somewhere and I am very well off when most people are still studying when I am working for more than I can spend in a month.

How's kicking the bends?

Hey OP,

I'm a network admin/engineering tech guy and I have always wondered WHO these people are who run WISPs? I hear about them but I never see any around or know of any specific ones.

Are they all small businesses? Smaller sectors of large companies like Level 3? How is the industry segmented?

I've worked with P2P wireless in my current job (Tranzeo & AvaLAN currently) and I always found the devices to be fascinating. How does one get into a job like that? Do you have to start your own company?


As far as studying what degree do you have if any? I'm only an Associates w/ no certs and I'm not in school. Similar situation, I make 44K pre tax and still live at home w/ parents but I make more than I can spend and I spend a lot. But I feel like if I want to keep on this path I need to go back to school or cert up. My other networking friend told me to cert up but I feel like an associates isn't anything. What's a good education path, or, are you even qualified to answer that?

search for "wireless broadband" on google, should bring up some results.

I have no certs but I feel that staying in my job for 5 to 6 years will let me into other positions at least or into senior positions.
I live on my own.
I feel certificates are becoming watered down since they're no longer anything "special", you have to go the extra mile all the time to get that slightly higher certificate or higher form of education. This is only my opinion on the matter for a non-US country, so my view point might be different as the jobs market is different per country.

What about for US? I live in the US as I assume


Do you have rain coat? How do you defend yourself against DNS tunneling?

The thread is dead

>Wireless Internet Service Provider
>WLAN Sysadmin

How is this WLAN? Isn't that much rather WWAN?

u have a degree? certs?

Guy I knew just googled and learned about them and started one in town.

It started getting pretty popular since its a bit rural here. He began to expand since the money was rolling in.

He bought a superbike with his profits and killed himself on it. Now his dad runs the business or something.