/dgt/ Daily Guts Thread

Black Friday edition.

What did you get for your rig? I'm replacing my 250gb SSDs with 500gb models. Gonna put the old ones in my media server.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Coollaboratory-Thermal-Compound-Processor-Heatsink/dp/B0039RY3MM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480287476&sr=8-2&keywords=liquid metal cpu

Got a i7 4790k from a friend. My poor 4670k couldn't run BF1 smooth.

jesus christ it's like the clearance section threw up all over your build after deepthroating the dish washer hose rack at lowes

Can someone translate this? I don't speak autism.

I ride in the functionality lane only, how tightly my cables are zip tied toghether "out of sight" when my case door is closed, does not concern me :)

Still looks like shit with that exposed rad.


Think it looks cool, my cpu and gpu agrees.

it's amazing how stupid stores in europe start to use black friday too, what's the next thing they gonna steal from the murricans?

>messy af

also it's not just for muh aesthetics, makes for poorer airflow

Whatsup my beautiful /guts/

An i3 6100 can run battlefield 1 smooth, it's your shit tier graphics card or cooling.

no bully

Getting better cables is my next step.
My first build since 2005.

Kek and it's sideways.
Don't usually have that problem posting from my phone.

The difference between a 4790k and a 4670k in gaming is almost non-existant.

Da fuck do I need good airflow for? Watercooled cpu and gpu. I have a 120mm in fan and psu draws out. got fans blowing on vrms on mb and gfx.

Gtx 1060 6gb, loading at 40c in furmark. I got stuttering on 64p servers when there was alot going on. Cpu load was 100% on the i5 4670k, Now its around 65% with the i7 4790k, and stuttering is gone.

If the games/applicatoins support more than 4 threads, the differance is obvious. The i7 runs a good deal faster aswell @ stock, and overclocks alot better than the i5 I had.

waiting for cyber monday, getting an m.2 to PCIe adapter card to make use of a 128GB SSD I salvaged from a lost-cause yoga 2 repair job. might convince me to actually consider reinstalling win7 on this.

also a new touchscreen for my rooted '14 Fire HD 7.

you should have used the money that you wasted buying a 1000W power supply and used the difference to buy a bigger case.

The v1000 I got on sale for the price of a v750. I consider having a better quality psu smarter than having a huge expensive case.

I dont care how it looks, and I find making shitty things work way more fun than buying the pretty, easy "watercooling in 5minutes" setup stuff with windows and flashing lights.

is beautiful, 10/10

what a wonderful mess, 11/10

awesome fung shway, 12/11

love it despite the seizure it induces, 12/12

burple is my favorite color, 10/10

mobo ketchup and mustard cables reminds me that I have leftover hotdogs from thanksgiving, 12/10

the lights remind me of my dad's trailer at christmas, 12/9

sleeper builds remind me how awesome naps are, 13/12


Made a permanent change to a test bench for ease of maintainence. Waiting for the last bits to arrive Wednesday.


The Noctua L9i us a seriously good cooler for its size.

Not enough memes to be relevant.

Why dont you have a graphic card? And if you don't plan on getting any cards, why didnt you get a itx board and case or even a low profile itx case?

yeah, i've been very pleased with it so far

It's alright for what it is, but it kills me when someone has it installed when they have 60mm+ room in their case for a proper cooler.

I use it in my case, I would have space for a huge cooler. But I got it to put the system into a SFF case at some point.

>Why dont you have a graphic card?

The waiting game.


Cases are way more expensive than regular ATX ones, while the price difference of MBs are kinda negligible, while having slightly more functionality.

Maybe you should worry about getting an actually case that can fit your retarded build

sup Sup Forumsents

about to pull the trigger on a 1070 Strix Oc
it seem like the best option for the Aesthetic Autistic that i am.

Any last words ?

best guts in this thread right here

>having a better quality psu smarter than having a huge expensive case.
Since when have higher wattage PSUs become better quality?

You can provide 1000w but if the voltage regulation is garbage you still bought a shit PSU.

I have a 600w titanium rated PSU because my system doesn't draw over 450w and a PSU is usually only providing 50-100w during idle use or Web browsing, a 1000w PSU trying to provide 50w will generally have an efficiency of 70%, sometimes even lower. Whereas my titanium unit is 90% efficient at 50w power draw.

I'd say so, every brands cards look so non-neutral this time around. Evga looks the best imo, but thermal pad bs.

replaced 128g crucial ssd with 500g 850 evo
that's about all i needed for now, maybe another hard drive soon

> (You)
>burple is my favorite color, 10/10
Sadly, ill have to replace it soon because i think its starting to fail. Also, very nice guts.
Specs? Looks like a cozy build
Ayy, i thought i was the only one here depending on intel graphics

wutup luke

When will I get off my ass and finally sleeve those cables?


Oh are we starting this thread off with a bang

Any news on the 1080ti?
Recently replaced the thermal paste I've been using on my 6700k die with liquid metal, temps have dropped significantly

Which brand did you use ?
Any link ? Any application tips ?

I got a 4k monitor. What am I in for when I try to use it with an i3 6100 and no discrete gpu? I'm getting a 1060 next year, but it's not a priority for me.

I used this one
amazon.com/Coollaboratory-Thermal-Compound-Processor-Heatsink/dp/B0039RY3MM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480287476&sr=8-2&keywords=liquid metal cpu

You gotta be really careful when spreading, the shit's incredibly conductive. Unlike thermal paste, more is better

Why did you do that
1060 can't push 4k and the 6100 shouldn't really be pushing that res but you should be fine

None of you can even come CLOSE to my level of excellence.

What frame is that?

I'm not a huge gamer and I don't mind playing the few games that I'm into at 1080p. The monitor was really just for productivity and future proofing.

Are you saying something could go wrong if I use a 6100 to edit text and browse the Internet at 4k for a few months?

No not really just watch out for the heat output
And you do realize that if you run 1080p on a 4k monitor it looks much much worse than 1080p on a native monitor right?

My trashy build, just the way I like it.

Thank you! I'll be trying it soon on my 2500k.

No prob man, be really careful though

I haz ones of these s2600cp boards aswell.
dual e5-2670s, 128gb of rams, water coolings.

I got these little risers. They work well and they are short enough that my videocards still fit in my case. Just gotta use 3 motherboard standoffs.

thinking about moving to a bigger case

Dude what the fuck is this


Name of those risers?

Been looking for something like that!

E5-2670 here as well, gonna pop in the second one once I get my EVGA G3.

How do you like your board so far? Anything I should know?

you need to. the case chokes on airflow and i can only justify it because im running ONE Gpu and a h100i

>2 CPU fans directly next to two case fans

Full Retard: The Case

That board appears to have a immensely retarded number of RAM slots.

I'm convinced he's a moron but it's not nice for us to bully the mentally impaired

16 slots. What's not to love?

How do you apply ? With the brush or something else ?

With the brush very gently


Do you have four ssd's?


Yeah, but I hear it's not really that bad. Probably worth the extra pixels

Just picked up a surface pro and was considering the samsung 1tb that has been on sale as of late. But dont think I need anymore storage right now.
cute fan as always.
love the system as always bb
pretty cool build you got there is that actually black fluid?

I need to make gut-images of even more computers.

Glad I didn`t fall for the mATX meme

But it also has support for two CPUs it seems, so I assume each CPU gets half the slots.

Why such oversized cases for what you haveā€¦

Hello GPU friendo


That's an ATX case though.

Search ebay for "PCI-E Express 8X to 16X Durable Adapter Riser Card Without Extended Cable "
they cost about $2.50

I have the EVGA G2, it works fine.

>How do you like your board so far? Anything I should know?
It's finicky.
It takes a while to boot.
To get the pciexpress to run at 3.0 you have to downgrade your bios to 01.06.0001 or earlier. (google "s2600cp2 bios downgrade nvme")

Do it great card have it myself

What material should I use to make shrouds for the bottom and the hard drive bay? Aluminum or acrylic?

Making no color scheme look great.


It's actually incredibly ugly want me to take pictures?

oh look another one

Nothing special but still happy with the result.

Does your microphone get a good signal with an octopussy sitting on it?

>Since when have higher wattage PSUs become better quality?

Since never really, but if you have a good performing series of psu's, I'll bet the 1000w can deliver more power longer than say a 650w (psu degrade over time) as it uses components meant to be under higher loads.

Also, I dont know what my next setup will be, if I get some powerhungry shit im ready.

About efficiency, I'll bet you are 100% correct, but I dont really care, power is included in my rent.

I whould love to have gotten the Corsair ax860i instead (actually had it a few years ago, traded it off with a friend) or some other platinum/titanium psu, but the psu prices went up like fucking mad a couple of years back in my country, like doubled. So grabbed this one pretty cheap on sale.


>if I get some powerhungry shit im ready
Have you ignored the previous decade or so of computing?

Power use is down across the board, CPUs, GPUs, RAM, etc.

Idle power draw is even lower, my computer can idle around 30-40w and I have a 140w TDP CPU with a 150w GPU.

Unless you're literally setting up a server in the next few years, its just a waste, and further if you DO setup something needing that high power, i'd hope you'd upgrade to something higher quality.

And the fact you get your electricity in your rent is nice for you wallet, but you're still using the electricity and SOMEONE is paying for it, not to mention the added carbon footprint.

>carbon footprint

>the added carbon footprint
Haha get fucked with that shit you hipstonian nigger.

My next setup will be Zen. and probably AMD gpu aswell. And I'll overclock it to hell and back.

Either way Im not buying a new psu anytime soon. Techpowerup tested the v750 and it performed very well, and when I bought the v1000 I couldnt find any bad words on the series anywhere.

Actually, on your carbon footprint note.. I live in Norway, pretty much all our power is water generated. I dont drive a car, I dont even take the buss. My legs work so I walk or bike.

I'll let my psu be inefficient.

I mean i'm technically the same, 70% of my states power comes from nuclear, another 15% is hydro electric. rest is natural gas, oil, coal.

Anyway, where is your guts?

Any good deals on SSDs? Do I really need an SSD?

That is so wrong. I use a i5 3570k and I never get below 80fps, GPU is GTX 1070 and everything on highest settings. Renderscale: 120%

>works on my machine :)


Even though german stores discount their stuff, in america its still cheaper without discount. Sucks to be european.

One day I'll upgrade the GPU and get some better monitors

Did you overclock your old CPU? I get 90% load, OC'ed to 4.5 Ghz.