

good meme my man

Pls kys.

Ubuntu is true master race.

Why does this board even exist again?

Install solus

I was with you until the end but it doesn't even have a 32bit version! This makes it much less useful for VMs. You think I'm putting Linux on bare metal? Also, I want your Sartre Pepe :(

Babbie's first Linux.

>boot times over 30 seconds
I didn't know this was still a thing.

t. macfag

who knows, man.

>he does it for free
life's good, huh user?

>Babbie's first Linux

I have installed Arch, Fedora and other flavors. None of them feel as polished and desktop ready as Unity/Compiz on Ubuntu.

apt > pacman

>installing a botnet

Pissing into an ocean of piss.

once you set your theme and icons, simple remove unity-webapps-common and amazon is gone.

It is just a launcher.

Fedora is essentially Red Hat's test branch.

But they actually made Release 25 this week after only postponing it twice, so they can't be all that bad.


best distro for best laptop

go away kevin

Do the solus """"""""""developers"""""""""" (i can not put enough quotes around that) pay people to make these threads or do they use all their free time (god knows they have a lot of it)

>3.8.x kernel
>2GB of ram
you went full retard kid. get a job selling lemonade for $0.25 and you'll be able to buy a much better computer in 2 weeks.

>it doesn't even use systemd
now that's some good bait

it's just 1 shill named Kevin

but it would never be, this sexe

>letting a botnet run on your computer for "faster boot times"
ok solus shill

What's wrong with openSUSE?

it sucks balls

>apple tier ports
does it really only has one usb?

How do you download ChromeOS? is there a way besides compiling source? I am new to technology.

Why would you want to?

once saw a full iso of chrome os
so no

You cant do it easily, chromiumOS is the same shit though, same people just the open source version, you could rip an iso of chromeos but you need the special bios to actually use it because "lol were google we do wut we wan"

Yeah, but it does have vga which is nice for a chromebook, hdmi would be nicer but vga is more compatible with old shit if i needed it

It also has a microsd slot under the battery, next to the sim card slot for the 3g modem

Solus isn't a botnet though.
It's open source so feel free to prove that it is. Until then I'll keep recommending it because it's one of the few actually good distros out there.

>arch: installation process ruins it
>struggles with replicating commands from a wiki page
i guess its natural selection, those who succeed are using arch now

>apt > pacman
pajeet go away

I always dis dained people who cant install arch. Natural selection indeed

Report this faggot wherever seen

Debian, Fedora, and SuSE are some of the most solid Linux distros out there. Arch and Gentoo are borderline toys. The rest can be completely ignored.

Debian is useless

I installed Arch and Xfce. The damn thing boots into CLI despit having lightdm and all the required shit installed. Manually startx to boot the environment only to realize I have no wifi, dvd or usb support. I am just sitting in a win 95 looking desktop.

Even after fixing wifi, I can't download any packages because I have to manually locate the aur repo for my country, which is not in the list. So I went with France and still I can't even download screenfetch with pacman -s screenfetch.

It was the most fucked up experience ever. I followed the gibberish wiki and did all the steps, I assume I would at least get a minimal desktop with basic features configured like repos and software updates.

Fuck Arch and the niggers who shill for it. Fuck you.

These Solus shills are becoming an annoyance.

>captcha: road calle

the same could be said about any linux distro.

>oh look it's another solus shilling thread
an hero.

Mint user here and I'm happy with it, the security thing is a joke anyways their webpage got hacked.

switch it to "enjoy your proprietary codecs and bloat" because it's just Ubuntu without Canonical's Amazon botnet and a good default DE

>The damn thing boots into CLI despit having lightdm and all the required shit installed.
You have to enable your display manager. It's not like debian's handheld repos. Arch is pretty vanilla

#systemctl enable lightdm -f && startxfce4

> I have no wifi
Arch has THE best wiki for configuring your wireless. It teaches you how to go about getting your wifi ready in ANY Linux distros. It's actually one of the good things about Arch - it teaches you so much by hand.

>No dvd or USB support
That's built into your file system and kernel. Stop lying.

>Windows 95 desktop
Sorry vanilla xfce looks like it.

> I can't download any packages because I have to manually locate the aur repo for my country
No, you compile an AUR helper and get your packages are downloaded through that helper. Retard.

>pacman -s screenfetch
It's #pacman -S screenfetch. Bash is case sensitive

Don't act like a complete retard, I know you never actually installed Arch, it's really obvious to spot.

t. Xubuntu/Arch/FreeBSD user


Except Ubuntu minimal actually worked the first time I tried. I manually set the partitions, host, user, password, clock, file system, swap, packages and DE. It installed everything and upon reboot, I had a working desktop with all the required features.

Linux Mint, ElementaryOS, Manjaro and even Fedora worked flawlessly.

It's always Arch Linux that is a pain in the ass to configure because the autistic devs can't write a simple script to expedite the installation and take care of misc configurations like setting the fucking repos and adding user/pass.

This is why they call arch bare bones. If you wanted meat you should have gone with a meat distribution. Your Wifi needs firmware usually not included because most are proprietary. You might run into that issue no matter which distribution you use. If you can locate the .bin (or whatever ext) firmware file, it's as simple as copying it to /lib/firmware. /dev/sr0 is usually where the optical drive lives. /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd work as well, but they all point to /dev/sr0. You can get to see if your usb device is being seen with lsusb. It wont necessarily automount.

Ubuntu mini installer has a little flexibility

The Arch wiki is the worst guide ever designed. I only manged to install it through Youtube video guides which seemed to vary in sequence, creating another headache.

It just shows how unprofessional and half baked this distro is where users have to run around searching for missing information not listed in the wiki.

Give me a better wiki for configuring Wireless. Unless you are unable to read it's the best.

If English is not your first language then there are tons of pajeet youtube videos where you can relate yourself to. Stop pretending that you ever installed Arch in the first place. Your posts make it pretty fucking obvious



Enjoy kevinnet
>what is ubuntu minimal
>gentoo is a meta distribution

source of pixelart pls

I don't even use Arch and I occasionally resort to using their Wikis. Just because somebody says a mountain is tall, doesn't mean you need to climb it to prove a point. Arch and Gentoo don't even come with installers. This should give you some clue that they're not well suited for an introduction into Linux.

unique flaw I see is "no systemd = bad" in void.

Besides Manjaro, that's pretty much the list of distros I tried that shipped broken on the day I settled for arch and never looked back.

I actually fell for the solus meme and it's pretty good, definitely better than ubuntu as a "just works out of the box" distro, but the repos are small as fuck and budgie, even though it looks nice, doesn't support any customization beyond themes/icons/applet position.

fucking shills.




.>Still using Slack
For what purpose?

>any good
BSD is the only normal UNIX system.

>only criticism of void is that it's a meme
It's good knowing I'm master race

I'm unironically considering installing Void instead of Arch. I have installed Arch before, but Void comes with an installer which gets the job done and doesn't add muh ebil bloats. That's the only reason I have so far.


I've used it for a bit over a year now and I'm quite happy, just keep in mind the package repository isn't AUR tier and you will have to get used to runit/xbps to save your system if stuff does break.

Reverse search with no results

While the sentence above is actually true, no sane person can say apt is better than pacman
Hmmm, I don't recognize that last distro. Let me zoom in to see the name.
>it's fucking Solus
top kek good meme Kevin


install solus

what about slackware

install puppy

god damn it kevin

apt is an ok package manager
solus is fast and well made, I'll give you that
but it sacrifices customization
and customization is literally what linux is about
so it's a no-no for advanced users
now kill yourself

Install Kevin.

>Install process is what kills it

You do know that Arch Anywhere exists, right


>doesn't have croatian keymap for some reason

Solus does not even have Chinese IME.

Literally shilling for free software

is solus the new maym?

time to shoop

What's wrong with OpenSUSE?

not even croatia has a croatian keymap

not the chromebook homo but here you go faggot

Fedora is shit.
Takes more than half a minute to boot from an SSD, uses more system resources than Ubuntu or Solus, always felt more sluggish in comparison.

Debian A shit too.

google doesn't index his ass

>global rule 11
>for a Linux thread

You newfags are hilarious

There's a MATE version, or you can try installing gnome 3, if you want customisations.

I think budgie keeps that to a minimum to keep it idiot friendly. Too many options might scare Tech illiterates away.

What the fuck is kevinnet?
Sounds lame and fake.

Pretty sure that's fake. Look at the distro versions.