>there are people young enough on Sup Forums right now that don't know the pain of using dialup internet.
You kids just don't appreciate how good you've got it these days.
>there are people young enough on Sup Forums right now that don't know the pain of using dialup internet.
You kids just don't appreciate how good you've got it these days.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was bretty fucking good considering the alternative I had at the time was no Internet.
The age of exploration and discovery. I'll forever miss it.
Now it's just mostly
>Sup Forums.org
They shouldn't either. It was shit.
I'm not on dialup, but i'm on a 60k connection.
Everything hurts.
>tfw always had broadband
>tfw could download anything without yelling at sister to get off the phone
>tfw infinite porn
>waiting for images to load
>the noises of connection
>tfw cable internet in the 1990s.
I felt like a god selling pirated software half off to my friends at school.
>tfw could download anything without yelling at sister to get off the phone
I had ISDN so it wasn't an issue.
It wasn't that bad up until about 2003. Pages were mostly text with a well optimized pic here or there.
>tfw you miss the sweet noise of a modem
The good ol' days. Truly wonder.
That was the most annoying shit ever.
We had a family computer but didn't get a dedicated Internet connection before a later date. I remember being asked by friends how I survived without Internet.
>mid/late 90's
>borrowing friend's AOL account because parents cheap
>AOL couldn't www at the time so had to exchange porn in their chat rooms
>"got any pics?"
>28.8 modem
>first pic download was a disgusting 16yo asian
>may or may not still have it
It was fun at the time but can't say I miss it.
>Disconnect home phone to use 56k dial-up modem
>Shit speed, massive phone bill
>Dad gets mad
>Finally get ADSL
It took me less than 5 minutes to download a short low resolution porn mpeg clip from Kazaa Lite
Anyone remember The All-Seeing Eye program to play games online?
Good times :D
post it
>want to watch some porn
>loud as fuck dial-up sound letting parents know you're about to beat your meat
>takes half and hour to download a 10 second pixelated clip of some whore bouncing on a dick at 300x200 resolution
Jesus Christ, kids don't know about the struggle. Looking back, I would have been better off trying to get real pussy even if I was only 11 at the time.
You made my day.
Nice try fbi
Kids have a different problem today, concerning screens not much bigger than 5".
This. There were only a few mega sites back then, some .gov and .org for prominent organizations, and a fuckton of seedy websites.
I miss the days when the Internet was more than just Facebook, Youtube, Reddit and Google.
>not jacking off to ASCII porn
We did what we could with what we had.
>want to surf the internet
>dad needs to make a business phone call so I get disconnected
>sister wants to call her friends
>mother needs to call the neighbors about gossip
>having to go to your neighbor's house to play a cool new video game on his PC
I still remember being completely blown away when I was younger and saw a friend playing EverQuest. I couldn't even fathom how it was possible, it felt like an entire new world where you could do anything you wanted. Now games like that just feel like virtual grindstones and auction-houses. Oh well, I guess part of it is that I'm more cynical now. It wasn't all that great back then either. Not much to do online except browse badly-maintained websites and internet forums unless you were lucky enough to know about usenet and get a connection.
At least we were free back then.
My first Modem was 14400 kbps and Internet had cost $3 / hour. I used Windows 3.1 with a 3rd party TCP/IP stack ("Trumpet WinSock").
Later I upgraded to 28800 bps, skipped 56k analog, then 64000 bps ISDN. Routers were still expensive then, so my first router was an old 486 with 4 MB RAM running fli4l off a single floppy.
Later replaced fli4l with SuSE, then Mandrake.
I had briefly used the Internet earlier, before the WWW existed, reading Newsgroups, but I was only 12 then.
It reminds me the old time. A time where tag was cool.
This was the best part of it even in 2000 especially when it came to ps games
>tfw you first download dialup porn
First time I got SLIP working with SLIRP between the University Unix box and my home computer with fresh Linux (1993!) I about jizzed.
I was happy at 28.8kbps.
>reading a book while waiting for pages to load
I found my first dialup porn this year when I got ahold of all my old floppies from my mom's house.
Savannah, got pozzed and killed herself.
I was thinking about this. When did they actually start Internet surveillance? I guess it must have been post 9/11?
>rainbow text in aol chats
>are you a wizard
Nope, never have. When did dialup get phased out?
user, why are you watching shitty tv-rip instead of DVDISO?
56.6k dial up in 1996 and 10mbit cable internet 1997. Felt awesome, i miss the old internet sometimes was only 10 in 1996
It really was the wild west. So much new information without getting bogged down in social distraction and one liner headlines
fuck this image
That image is the reason I had to use crippled, adware laden, piece of shit download managers.