What is more important: freedom or video games?
What is more important: freedom or video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Freedom to play video games
Microsoft Reich
The freedom (as in libre) to get your games (and all other software/media) for free (as in gratis) while abusing parenthesis (for no reason whatsoever).
Also known as Windows 7 Ultimate - Daz Edition.
Why not both?
Free video games
How is Linux more free if windows has a significantly larger library of programs?
I have a headless steam box so I can game from anywhere.
>unironically uses non-free software
>chooses video games over freedom
>text based graphics
literally autism
NetHack is more complex and much more difficult, and fun than most so-called AAA games.
>dissing NetHack
I always buy video games with unrestrictive licenses.
>he's a grown man who plays vidya gaymes
I dont need linux to be free because I already live in AMERICA BITCH
>tfw you will never pahk your cah in your qt sensei's hahvahd yahd
The freedom to play video games.
>Nearly stopped playing vidya at 24
>Stopped playing now
Never thought it would happen to me but holy fuck video games sure are repetitive and designed for younger more ADD addled brains.
I still waste my life away, just on social media.
My man
Roguelikes are great and have high replayability
>being literally retarded
Kill yourself, shit stain.
Libre > Gratis
Free as in freedom nigga
Freedom, now go back to Sup Forums where you belong
The freedom to go back to Sup Forums
Snippy crabs
This question reminds me of when Sup Forums used to invade 2chan.
The games are designed to make users keep playing — and, in many cases, keep paying. Unlike the games of 30 years ago, you don't just buy a copy once and use it as much as you like. In many games, players are pressured to pay to advance.
The fact that the games are proprietary, not free (libre) software, is a crucial part of the problem, because that enables the designers to maximize the amount they draw out of people, and gives them an incentive to make the games addictive.
The technology-industrial complex shows a general dynamic of designing things to be increasingly addictive.