Xmas Light MYSTERY

I tried to post this question on /ELI5 /AskReddit, etc, but for some fucking reason the posts weren't allowed. SO I said fuck Reddit, I'll ask Sup Forums. I have a thread up in /sci/ too but I figured I'd try here as well.

WTF Happened to my Xmas Lights? Electronic Engineers/Smart People, I need your help!

Some backstory:

>1) There are 12 strands of lights, ALL TWELVE have broken
>2) They are about ONE year old
>3) The lights have been used once, last year
>4) Lights were carefully rolled up and stored in a dry cardboard box
>5) No signs of water damage anywhere on said box
>6) ALL of the fuses are IN TACT. I checked every single one! Two fuses in each plug and they are ALL fine
>7) In my frustration I balled them up and let the cats play in them, but trust me they were rolled up carefully before, I promise
>8) Forgot to mention I tested the lights in confirmed working outlets
>9) Also forgot to mention, I did not use an extension cord
>10) Last thought, when I took the lights down last year they were definitely all working

So there you have it, I stored the lights properly, the fuses are in tact, yet every single strand of these lights don't work! All 12 of them! ALL TWELVE!

I am requesting you all to please theorize about what could have happened to my lights! Can you solve this fucking mystery

Planned obsolescence.
Come to Walmart and buy new, goy.


strip the wire and see if its broken or something
also if one lightbulb broke from the heat changes or something all the others after that stop working
so look carefully at the light bulbs

Run some high voltage direct current through it for a few moments.

This will melt everything back together like they did in the factory.

What is the likelihood that this happened to ALL 12 of the strands?

do they all plug into one plug or what I dont really understand what you mean by 12 strands sorry

Fuck off and kill yourself, you brain dead shit stain.

What's your Redit username faggot? Stupid cunt. Who gives a fuck if you tried to post to Redit first?

Come on cunt what's your username? Pathetic little faggot you're probably literally shaking

Woah, somebody is having a bad day!

Don't worry OP. Sup Forums is pretty much THE goto place for technology help.

We'll figure it out in just a bit.

Make a photopicture of your wall plug and power supply unit

I'm assuming you check all 12 individually and not plugged into each other connected to 1 outlet? That's a shit load of electricity. Have you checked the circuit breakers to make sure you didn't trip one?

You are probably right.

Checked all 12 individually. Did not trip circuit breakers.

>not using parallel connection
fucking pleb


I'm going to Walmart now, to get more lights of course. I've gotten my answer. Thanks for the help :) Have a good night.

Moisture. Could have rusted. Could still be wet.

install gentoo

) Last thought, when I took the lights down last year they were definitely all working

I think he means they're twelve seperate sets of lights.

OP I don't care how careful you think you were, you weren't careful enough, besides, keep in mind you stored that shit somewhere and its exposed to things you're not aware of, could be temperature, could be someone fucked with it while they were stored, they could have been thrown here or there because this damn box is in my way. Don't assume anything, next time, use a tote and zip tie it to be sure of no tampering, also, you need to be careful when storing.
