Why aren't you using Windows Server 2016 Server Core yet?

Why aren't you using Windows Server 2016 Server Core yet?
>no bloat, much smaller
>no telemetry
>no* botnet (there may be some minor NSA backdoors but no keyloggers)
>steam works fine
>more secure
>slightly better network stack

>he uses a gui


Can you download it directly from Microsoft?

what's the real difference between that and win10 LTSB?

Because GNU/Linux is much better, and I have windows 7 in my GPU passthrough VM.

because i am, and its not really that much smaller. to make it smaller you really need to remove the installer files for pretty much every feature with dism


All of the server features you tard

the real question is why are you using 2016 server core when nano is an option?

Because most software wont run on it you autist. For fucks sakes shit like Exchange and NPAS wont even run on Core let alone Nano. Other things like Veeam B&R wont let you install them on a non-DE edition but can be coerced to install on Core.

>All of the server features you tard
yeah but I mean if you just want a secure winblows for your desktop. is there any reason to choose it instead of LTSB?

No, and if it is like anything like 2012 R2 you might not want to as it wouldnt include things like a Bluetooth stack. Also I had problems playing vidya on 2012 R2, there were some librarys that it wouldn't have. I used it at the time because Win 10 wasnt out yet and Win 8.1 didnt support ReFS.

Presumably the same differences as between 8.1 and Server 2012 R2. The Server version is intended for server usage and comes with some different management tools and whatnot.

Because I am on 8.1 and when the day of hardware upgrade comes I switch to Debian + GPU Passthrough VM like the true Sup Forums patriot


I prefer debian, windows server is too restricrive.

Also why do you need steam on a server?

I need one to run a ms sql database until i figure out how to export the database to mysql

I can only find the evaluation version.
Can I activate this version if I purchase a license?

Yes. I installed the eval and activated with a key from dreamspark.

>Can I activate this version if I purchase a license?
You can for the desktop experience edition, not for the core edition. Go to the MSDN downloads page, find the name of the ISO image you want, google it, there will be some server somewhere hosting it. Download it and verify the checksum.

Host games?

Nice. Thanks guys.

>not debian

Can I run W10 LTSB with only 2GB of RAM?

i love how 2012 R2 made me into PS, can't move without it.

What should i try doing?

that shits designed to run on PoS with less..

Because I'm using the full Standard edition.

>not OpenSUSE or at least Fedora

>not gentoo

>not LFS

>not compiling your own kernel without any propietary blobs or drivers for a true GNU/Linux experience

Because Windows 10 fucking sucks, even the Server version (which does have telemetry like it or not).

>Steam works fine

That's nice. Now try playing the actual games.

>not IoT core

Server (full desktop experience)? Probably not much.
Server (Server Core)? When you log in, you just get a cmd. No explorer for instance.
What server features do you mean? Not having a crippled network stack?
>no local login
No, Server Core isn't for PoS.
>unironically being a part of the botnet
Works fine too.

It's still Windows 10, which means it's shit. Same schizophrenic OS.

>schizophrenic OS
You mean TempleOS?

No, I mean Windows 10.

Windows 10 is objectively the best OS to date, for better that want to get things done without the BS.

>Windows 10 is objectively the best OS to date
(Citation needed)

There is no arguing about it, it just works and is.

(Citation needed)

No, it's not. The best desktop OS to this date is still Windows 7.

(Citation needed)
Also tits or gtfo.

>Windows made for a server
>No Telemetry


I use them both.


I'm using XenServer, sorry user but my experience lies in administration for GNU systems. If it's any consolation I'll probably use an evaluation copy of windows server 2016 to work on my MSCE whenever I go for it.

Enjoy your 10~15% performance lost.

that nice an all but does it support dx12 and vulkan?

~10-15% performance loss is nothing on my SLI'd 1080s.

Should I get it, I get it for free ?

my question is which should i get?
there's like 3 versions

>spends 1600 bucks in 1080 cards
>not 200 in fucking windows

kys yourself