Any serious tips on how to debloat this piece of shit? Make it as lightweight as possible?

Any serious tips on how to debloat this piece of shit? Make it as lightweight as possible?

All the available guides and infographics are a joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

its pretty easy to unpin things, i installed it for a newb already

Install Gentoo

or windows 7.


You can't. It's a lost cause.



>Not using Tron script

open up powershell and run Get-AppxPackage
browse through the list
run Get-AppxPackage package | Remove-AppxPackage to your liking

Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage *bing* | Remove-AppxPackage

this is the only real answer you'll get here

unpin all that metro shit, remove search bar and task switch button.

Barnaclees has a decent guide on removing most of the botnet, aesthetic wise just download classic shell with a custom icon.

>Any serious tips on how to debloat this piece of shit? Make it as lightweight as possible?
pro-tip: don't use it in your thinkpad from 2004, poorfag

>pro-tip: don't use it in your thinkpad from 2004, poorfag

You weren't even born then, have you, juvenile asshole.

Use 8.1.


install solus or gentoo, whatever you prefer.

If you install the education variant it doesn't come with Cortana or the ads in the start menu. Other than that you just use the mentioned powershell command to remove pre-installed apps you don't like.

just reinstall to win 7 its MUCH better than that piece of shit

It's beautiful.

i just reinstalled 7 after using debloated win 10 enterprise ( non ltsb ) for a year. It feels like im back home, yet i notice that 7's window manager isnt as smooth and silky as 10's. Also minor things like 10's calculator being a lot more usable, as well as task manager. I also miss virtual desktops, had an autohotkey script that switched between them with alt-1, alt-2, alt-3 and so forth, and alt-shift-1, alt-shift-2, alt-shift-3 to move selected window between desktops. Another thing i noticed is how much better dpi scaling is in win 10 compared to 7.

Now that i think of it i will probably just reinstall 10 again...

Try 9.

7 has two methods of scaling. You can use the one from 10 as well. DWM is actually more lightweight in 7, so that's a problem on your side if it feels "less smooth". Task manager I personally prefer the one from 7 as I'm using Process Explorer mainly.

Use another OS

like what?