Are multiple monitors a meme?

Are multiple monitors a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

>increase productivity
>play games at extreme resolutions like 5760 x 1080
>emulate games at this res and make /vr/ pee and shit itself every time

There was a study that showed you're more productive if you use a large high resolution monitor than multiple monitors.

Depends what you do, if you get used to having multiple displays though, it certainly becomes hard to move back to a single display.

one for documentation
one for codeing

The Souma anime isn't that great. Read the manga.

Trust me, I know


This set up looks retarded, you are always forcing yourself to look at a side instead of in front.

they're IPS, if you set both at a slight ~5 degree off angle, you can very clearly and easily see both displays, especially at my viewing distance.

I see. That's Oneechan addon right? Is it still horribly outdated?

Last updated about a month ago, it doesn't need updates every week or something.

There was a study that says the opposite of that study

trips of truth

Sorry, meant Appchan X. Last update it had iirc is from 2016-02-12.

It was more of good use for me before I had this LCD monitor I would use 2 old CRTs. I've yet to have much reason to want to pursue getting another LCD even though I clearly could easily fit it so I could be open to it if I had to cash.

No I'm using 4chanX which gets updated every few days if not more often.

as someone who's trying to get into anime and has downloaded souma as his third series to watch: shit

He's just saying the manga is better, which is true for like 3/4 of all anime, ignore him. It's a fine anime, pretty solid story and some nice character development that's fun to see over the whole series.

>u dab bro



what a relief. thank you for clarifying, kind user

Yup, if you're looking for recommendations I can easily recommend Space brothers and Planetes if you like hard scifi.

i'm currently watching neon genesis evangelion (if that's what it's called), and i'm not a fan of the whole mech battle thing that goes on every half episode (but the non-mech stuff is great). do those 2 recommendations have battles or other action stuff like that?

Eh, yes and no. Multiple monitors can be useful when playing shit in windowed fullscreen, you can keep a guide or a chat window on the other screen. I used to be in the "dual monitor is absolutely essential!" camp, but after one of my monitors died and I was too jew to buy another, I realized it really isn't as necessary as you might think.

Both of the ones I mentioned are hard scifi that go into character development, story, etc.

In fact, very little if any fighting action in either one.

NGE is an action anime, the two i recommended are more slice of life animes, but not girly drama or romances, they're just hard scifi with good stories.

sounds lovely! i'll go check them out

also, is that a schiit modi on your desk?

Such an awesome setup ruined because m'bushido doesn't allow a chair.

Yup, AKG K712, Schiit magni/Modi

The modi is on the desk because I'm using it for my speakers and the right channel speaker cable wont stretch far enough to hide the modi anywhere else

sounds very similar to my setup
>akg q701
>fiio e10 in the middle of desk because speaker cables don't stretch far enough

which cartoon is this from?

Show by Rock!!

Gaki no tsukai?


> (You)
Nice. Where did you download that in what seems to be high quality judging from the size of the folder? I have had trouble finding good torrents with Gaki

>souma shit

confirmed shit taste.


Damn creepy ass decor you have there in the background user

>not using virtual desktops

Thanks. That's awesome.

Is that the guy that lost his family and bought a bunch of anime toys and merch to fill the hole in his soul?

depends what you want to do with your time, Dunno, maybe they are but it's fun chief.

what model monitors?

>Sup Forums
>Redpill me on X

>Sup Forums
>Is X a meme?

Samsung SyncMaster 226BW

just because bezels

Fuck I want that but with U2415


No point to my setup other than I need 12 o/p testing.
Better to go for one or two big screens with ultra hi def in my opinion.

think my rig would probably run that, might have to upgrade :)

"is X a meme?" is sitewide and it's annoying. Whenever I see people use it on /ck/ I tell them to kill themselves.

If you want 16:10 you don't have much choice.

3840x2400 doesn't exist and 2560x1600 has shit pricing and no small bezel options.

If you want 16:10 and small bezels, your only choice is the U2415.

Is 1440p better than 4k for gaming? I'm really oblivious to this help pls :(

hang on, I got 12x16:10 at the mo, from memory that's 6720x4200 on a win 7 desktop, would the U2415 be better?

1920*1200*12 is 7680*3600 in a 3x4 landscape configuration.
27.6M pixels.

For comparison a single 4k monitor is 3840x2160 for about 8.3M pixels

If you have 1680x1050 (16:10) then it would be 6720*3150 for ~21.2M pixels.

Thank you. It's annoying as shit.

need 12x 4k ftw, see what the accountant has to say, but I'm not taking no fo an answer on this one.
you only live once right :)

The problem with 4k is pixel density, 1920x1200 on a 24" screen is ~95PPI, most people are used to 90-110 PPI Under 90 PPI the pixels stick out, over about 120PPI and you start having to do GUI scaling in order to read text clearly.

3840x2160 @ 40" is 110 PPI, meaning the SMALLEST 4k panel you can buy that will approximate your current pixel density is 40"

If you think you have room for 12*40" 4k monitors, by all means. Go for it.

BUT realistically 3x40" 4k is far more economical and gives you basically the same resolution as your current 12x22" 1680x1050 displays.

3840*2160 * 3 displays is ~24.9M pixels
1680*1050 * 12 displays is ~21.2M pixels

Id have to say that more than three is a meme unless you're doing some serious realtime media creation, stocks, or something equally enterprise.

2 is comfy.

3 is nice for games sometimes, great for productivity. Though ultrawide makes more sense in this regard, unless you need/prefer portrait monitors.

Yes. I have 5 monitors but I only put one on my desk (27") because it's fucking annoying to use multiple monitors. Usually use two screen in most offices because companies are cheap and don't invest in decent size monitors. Thanks for reading my blog.

It should be noted however, 12*22" 1680*1050 is roughly 7 feet wide.

However, 3*40" 3840*2160 would be ~9 feet wide. Because the 4k monitors are 16:9 and in a 3x1 configuration whereas the 1680x1050 are in a 3x4 configuration so they have more vertical real estate.

actually a big help thanks, just working with 12 projectors at the moment, think they are 720x480 or some shit, I will consider your advice, cheers.
But scaling up to 4k 10,000 lumen projectors is well beyond me at this point, if they even exist yet.

Well currently a Sony 4k projector will run you ~$60,000 for 5,000 lumens.

yup, fuck that.
stacking sanyo 12k's is my game.

Yeah, there are some 15,000-35,000 lumen cinema 4k projectors that weigh 200+ lbs if you really wanted to go there, they can be found for under $60,000 used. But fuck that. Not worth it at the moment.

what's the name of this anime? I'm trying to get started

already posted

No, but 40"+ UHD is still generally preferable to multiple 1440p displays or gobs of 1080p garbage.

A large landscape UHD flanked by 2x 1080p portraits is acceptable though.

I know your setup.

You are the weeb that have picture of Beatrice.

I mainly use my desktop for recreational use apart from editing photos and I've been playing with the idea of a dual setup again. I used to shitpost on MIRC using dual CRTs years ago which was fun. I think shitposting would be my only use though.

Wat do Sup Forums?

For what fucking purpose?

someone should recreate this photoshop

i'm sure you can find the uncensored original

I used to run a 28 and a 19. I replaced them with a 50. Not a good move. Text looks like ass at 1080p unless you sit so far back it negates the big screen. Gonna get a pair of 24 or 28 4k pretty soon.

for programing its very useful

documentation, charts, forms and shits on the right
coding on the center
database on the left

You're retarded user. Just how 1080p at 50" is way too low PPI for text, 4k at 24-28" is WAYYY too high PPI for text, everything looks super fucking tiny.

To match a 20" 1080p pixels per inch (PPI, the thing that makes text readable) you want ~90-110 PPI

a 20" 1080p is 110PPI
a 40" 4k is also 110 PPI

therefore the smallest 4k panel you will want is going to be 40".

24-28" will REQUIRE GUI scaling in order to use.

I love programming on my Surface Pro 4 because the text looks so delicious. I thought that was because of the high-PPI (something like 265) with 200% scaling. Is it something else that makes it look so good? 4k at 24" is still a major step down from 265 (something like 185).

currently using 5 monitors + a tv.

hoefuck i'm a meme

I love the vintage tech, and the general setup. I have a very similar setup. Someday I'll post it, and when I do I hope you see it fellow Sup Forums.

Good luck.

I mean yes, higher PPI will make text smoother, but you're losing out on the desktop resolution when you scale to 200%.

Your 4k display becomes the same desktop space as 1080p, things just look much sharper because your panel has 3840x2160 pixels but you're displaying things as if it were only 1080p (in order to read text and other items)

For gaming it becomes a non-issue at 24-28", but for desktop use (programming).

Getting a 4k 24-28" display and scaling to 200-150% to read things would be the same as buying a 24" 1080p or a 27" 1440p, you'll just get slightly sharper text.

I, as a programmer, MUCH prefer having MORE windows open, being able to have two text editors open and some reference material in a web page and still having a full 1080p res quadrant for a movie/TV show or similar.

Fuck GUI scaling, having my text slightly crisper simply isn't worth the trade off in desktop realestate.

That katakana font is absolute cancer

t. newfag

Yes, that's sysadmin.

>NGE is an action anime
You're lucky you're not posting on Sup Forums

Kek, it's an action anime in that every episode shinji isn't being a little bitch boy, there is some random ass explosions and other crap for little reason besides making shinji be a bitch for another episode.

I'll be adding my 4th monitor soon, feels good man. I just need to figure out how to fix it on my wall since it has no VESA mount.

Also counting my laptops and TVs there's 8 monitors in total around my desk. It's still not enough.

I really don't see it as action. It's more of a psychological series coated in action just to carry the real premise along.

thanks man.

i'm sure i'll see it, i'm always lurking on Sup Forums

I guess if you're looking at it through the lens of an anime fag, a normie watching anime however is likely just gonna see robots and explosions.

I suggest this wallpaper @ somepoint

2 is good. anymore is counter productive

Nope, its increase productivity

i'm looking for new monitor at the moment. which one would you guys recommend for a gamer?

budget is about 500€

2 is a noticeable improvement. 3 is okay depending on what you do. Anything more is a meme.

does this count as multiple monitors?

It is just duplicating screen. So no. Btw - it's ugly

yeah but i could extend them if i wanted to.
youre ugly

>one vertical monitor for scene highlighter, properties panel, scripts
>one monitor for 3D view or UV image editor or 3D view and node graph
>one monitor for timeline, NLA editor, dopesheet
>one monitor for browser

are you still alive sysadminman ?

1980x1080 144hz or 3840x2160 60hz for gaming?

no, ultrawide is.