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What is Haskell good for?
What is Haskell bad at?


First for getting a real job

At least you tried


Once again, haskell prevented me from getting a job

>tfw to smart to get a real job

>Delusions of grandeur.jpg

finished my wow cheat in time for neo-nostalrius release
gui layout looks like shit but whatever

>to smart
gtfo newfag

Rate my blog post


As a type theory guy, I don't like Haskell users in general. Haskell is basically the Mount Stupid of type/category theory.


how come?

Threadly reminder that it's not about good code or design, it's about making as much money as possible

>Real jobs

Learn Java

Because Haskell is a teeny tiny bit useful

>not about good code or design
>Learn Java

>t. Pajeet

When did you realize that Haskell is a meme language and finally moved on to a language that matters (Like C++)

For me, it was the moment I started programming


Enjoy that good design from inside your cardboard box

No dependent types and partiality everywhere, yet many Haskell users like to act as if they're the ivory tower. At this point I'd put Rust ahead of Haskell when it comes to safety and reasoning power because Rust has affine types and isn't lazy.

Is this a reference to two three threads ago?

>being to stupid to get my memes

Did you start with a functional language? How many here did? Do you consider it a good start for an imperative programming life?

>(((tiobe))) index

> {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}

barring safety and memory, laziness is the shit when it comes to writing programs

GHC had linear implicit params at one point, pretty sure they're getting a new linear types extension soon

Can anyone give me the answer? I really can't figure it out, I'll be able to figure it out when I can see what it wants me to do.

Friendly reminder that Lisp is the only programming language that has been endorsed by Richard M. Stallman (PhD).

admitted = (age >= 13)

>inb4 this isn't the same because muh dynamic typing and null

You have to compare age with 13 and set Admitted to the correct value accordingly.

if age >= 13:
admitted = true

Friendly reminder that nothing relevant is coded in LISP today.

Have you started programming 5 minutes ago?

I didn't realise that. Best avoid it so..

OHHHHH. Thank you so much.

Stallman is a literal retard

You can do lazy in Rust, it's just not lazy for everything. A lot of things in Rust are basically lazy anyway. Iterators are lazy (so you can do "infinite" lists similar to how haskell does them), vector allocations are lazy, etc.


There are no grills allowed in Sup Forums

admitted = age >= 13

How old are you?

>What is Haskell good for?
smug fedora tipping
>What is Haskell bad at?
pretty much everything else

This is the only non-pajeet solution.

Don't let Sup Forums discourage you. They're bitter because
>tfw if((haskell == no job) == true){ return true; }

If you can't get a real job with Haskell, how would you afford a Fedora?

> == true

>not learning multiple langauges and choose the best tool for the job
fucking pleb


>bothering to point out the joke
>missing the other ones

I would chalk it up to autism, but an autist would have picked up on the other stuff.

You can add laziness to a strict language very easily. A thunk is just a closure with no parameters. It's not possible to start with all laziness and get strictness, though. Strictness in Haskell is a non-standard extension.

Thank you for posting an anime pic OP.

Stallman doesn't even have a realistic view on software licensing. He has this weird idea of software and politics that can be described as globalist leftist anarchist. While motivating it through free market means.
He has stated that people in the west get paid too much for their work and proprietary software keeps that going. He'd rather see an open source world with less wage gaps.
While the podcast hosts aren't particularly good at asking questions and arguing here Stallman makes his point of view clearer here than anywhere else. Especially by the end when he questions one of the hosts self-interest in being paid. (iirc it was in the last ten minutes. But it has been years since I saw this)

sorry, sorry, I meant:

var checkIfHaskellEqualsEqualsNoJob function(){
if((haskell == no job) == true){
return true

if(checkIfHaskellEqualsEqualsNoJob() == true){
}else if(!checkIfHaskellEqualsEqualsNoJob() == true){

Software licensing has nothing to do with wages, though. You can support copyleft without taking his economic stances as well.

Fuck off to Sup Forums?
I want programming girls, like practically any programmer without major insecurities of their capabilities.

if(age == 0){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 1){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 2){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 3){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 4){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 5){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 6){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 7){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 8){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 9){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 10){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 11){
admitted = false;
}else if(age == 12){
admitted = false;
admitted = true;

Stallman wants all software to be copyleft if i recall correctly, which would mean massively less wages for everyone. As well as flat out way shittier software.

You didn't handle fractional ages. Come on.

i want programming traps


The language he's originally using is Python as well
So you need to check age isn't a string

>else if

for(double i = 0; i < 13; i += 0.0000001){
if((age == i) == true)
return false;
return true;

Less mechanisms for capital investment. Less people will work on software, especially very intelligent and skilled people who will find highly paid work elsewhere.

Profit incentive = higher quality.

Look at GNU code. It's fucking terrible.

How does copyleft lead to this?

That's circular logic.


Yes but his motivations are concerning.
I wouldn't accept big oils arguments for why we need petroleum cars or why alternatives are bad at face value.
And its extra important to be suspicious and careful in your examination when you find them reasonable.
That's all I'm saying. Overall I do support a lot of copyleft but if the world isn't already as he would have it his non-proprietary world simply doesn't allow for standards of living.

Something people don't consider enough is that your participation in society supports political ideology implicitly.
If you live and pay taxes in Sweden, purchase goods in Sweden. You do support their government and their position in the world politics arena. Let's limit the considerations and just consider worker living conditions.
When you buy goods from China you support everything they're doing. Including their workers living conditions, their extremely low purchasing power etc.

If you believe (as I do) that full on copyleft no proprietary software would send tons of political and economic power to countries like China you'd probably agree its bad. If you think people inhaling soldering vapors for 12 hours a day for amounts of money that barely sustains them isn't good.

because it's much harder to make money when you make copyleft software. It's much harder to sell. All you can sell generally is support, and hope for donations.

if age == 1 or \
age == 2 or \
age == 3 or \
age == 4 or \
age == 5 or \
age == 6 or \
age == 7 or \
age == 8 or \
age == 9 or \
age == 10 or \
age == 11 or \
age == 12 or \
False: #lmao im so random
admitted = True

Le fixed :*)

>Comparing doubles for equality
>Incrementing with 0.0000001

This is literally Pajeet-tier

Getting linux 4.8 to run on a printer that's currently running linux 2.6.21

>Circular logic

How? All the people who write good code work for companies and get paid to do it. All the people who write shit code can't get jobs and so write GNU code for free to pad their resumes

>circular logic
More of a feedback loop than circular logic.

It's very hard to express the world as a flow chart. So if we wish to argue at this level we have to make some assumptions about how the world works right now.
>not an argument
Yes. It isn't. But we're simply way out of reach for any actual arguments. For either side.

I think you may be retarded because you're definitely not picking up on humor/sarcasm


no user, it actually was a joke. You literally have autism if you couldn't pick that up. Read back up the thread.

How meta is this? Who's the retard here? Or is it all of us

> he doesn't use fixed point
> In the year of our Lord, 2016
What's wrong with you?

Richard Stallman has four honorary doctorates, but no real ones.

is LISP still used today? is it worth?
i'm thinking of picking up SICP

no hardware support

Plenty of people use it. Not sure how many of them have jobs

>he's afraid of what he doesn't understand
Floating point I fine. If you know how to use it.

Do you program all day or only a few hours?

describe in greentext your day pls


Rationals are better

> It's Not That Bad™

any good books/resources on server architecture?
bonus if its heavy on the concurrency/threading stuff

I love this

Fuck me, I can't tell who is meme'ing who now. Sup Forums just went post-ironic.

That accurately reflects how software actually works, though. The only thing holding up the idea that a copy of a program is worth money is copyright law that hurts paying customers more than it does pirates. If that's ever to be reformed then the software industry will need a reality check and understand that they deal in services and not goods.

Looking at it again maybe it's not circular logic but it definitely is irrelevant to the topic of software licensing. All that is is a correlation between programmer salary and code quality. There's no reason you can't pay someone to write open source code.

for year in range(1,13):
for day in range(1,367):
if age == year + Fraction(day,365): admitted = False
#leap year test
if age == year + Fraction(day,366): admitted = False

if((admitted == False) and (admitted==False) == True:
admitted =True

> needs fixed point when we already have ints

I will read the sicp. It's expected that I know lisp or there is a tutorial in it? if there is a tutorial, is everything I need to know about lisp? I want to kill two birds with the book.

naughty dogs script all their game in lisp.
emacs lisp is still used plenty.

Lispers are and always have been the Übermenschen of computer science.

you have 5 minutes to re-write this shitty ass code or you're fired

>implying you shouldn't use each when appropriate

> be user
> get up (noon)
> read IRC
> read twitter
> read more IRC
> click some links
> play around with stuff someone else programmed
> drive to hackerspace
> hack all night
> drink stuff
> sleep

was about to post this
i feel sorry for those poor game designers

Stopped reading right there