/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

passingtheheadphones invite me pls Sir good seeder edition

old thread: Not sure what private trackers are all about?

The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

WIKI : wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

/ptg/ Guide (not official) : gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>People may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.

Other urls found in this thread:



Can someone post the alastor bibliotik pm?

Hurry up user... Freeleech is almost over...

First for begging

[email protected]



xnx pls

Am I the only one desperate for a freeleech at APOOLOO so I can smuggle dem FLACs (with logs) over to PTH?

>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards

toppest fucking kek

only one I got


gib link to torrent, or report it, mang


>tfw have to wait 10 more weeks to join PTH

Fucking hell


oh fuck, ptg is done for

[email protected]

invite me to pth please. can trade

>Vijay Prabhu
Does it go deeper than we know?


pick one

>60GB short of 1TB

come on lil seedbox you can do it

>implying I need a vpn to browse private trackers
it's the public cucks who should be worried


Instead of bitching, report stuff and help Apollo out. Curries will get weeded out and time and having all your eggs in one basket is retarded as WCD proved

does anyone have a pth invite to spare?
[email protected]

hi geniearmy

What should I do to most efficiently get snatches on BTN. I'm lazy and have just been downloading whatever I want without worrying about ranking up because I didn't think I needed too... But now without What.cd I think I should worry about getting a higher class. I have everything needed to get all the way to Elte but the 1,000 snatches. Should I use something to just autodl everything to my seedbox? Or is there something I can do that would be faster?

invite a fellow /ptg/ nigga to PTH :^)

[email protected]

start uploading

[email protected]

would love a PTH invite

How do the stats between PTH and xanax compare now?

no gringo cucks allowed

PTH is >25k torrents ahead.



once he joins the PTH staff, the backwards-counting cuck will look at historical data to see who was 60 GB short of 1 TB at this particular point in time

even if you're skewing the figures and you're more like 40 GB short instead, you'll still end up on a list of suspects that will then be narrowed based on anything else you say that sounds like your writing style and personality

Any HDB bros got an invite without meeting the 1 year requirement? It seems like some people in the thread got an invite without the 1 year requirement but I don't want to send a PM to the recruiter and have him cuck me and blacklist me.

only user within 50GB of 940

joke's on you I only speak in First Letter Capitalized For Every Word In The Sentence structure and use Verily Verbose language when speaking to mods ;)

>CSI Sup Forums: Autism Unit

Be my Jesus and throws us an invite:

[email protected]



lookin' good big boy ;)

[email protected]
you know what to do

i am /pure/ but invite me to PTH RIGHT FUCKING NOW

[email protected]

w2c pass the hot curry invites

>invite begging
git /pure/

Should I trust GGn? Is it just a honeypot now?

:^) got it thanks

You paranoid, bro?

Why would it be?

>HDB letting low ratio users donate to increase their ratio

Where were you when HDB became a pleb tier tracker?

never trust artifaxx

t. FBI

If I'm a member of BTN and PTP, where do I go for a PTH invite? I don't see anything about either in the invite sections.

Recommend me a kino to watch tonight, /ptg/


no BTN atm

Sucks, because I've done nothing on PTP but I'm a guru on BTN.

The Wailing


FUARK, we're all gonna make it bros

Buffer Lords, ruling over the curry peasant hordes

Elite forum on BTN had PTH invites for a couple days but they were pulled about 24h ago
Bib and HDB also have PTH recruitment

I only have BTN/PTP/had W.CD, so if none of those warrant an in (don't have the rank for PTP) I'll just wait til the invite post goes up on BTN I guess.

>they were pulled

I wonder why, actually.

On my toilet reading a anime hate forum on my phone

it's not us you have to worry about

yes, we have the autism, but we use it to serve the greater good

312c was created in a genetic experiment because the SJWs wanted to have an autist of their own as well

sadly, they did not understand the more subtle nuances of what we are and they went overboard, so now he's off the charts in both autism and SJWism

only united can we stand up to him



Okay, I'll try this. The last Korean movie I watched wasn't that great but this looks interesting.

I'll save this for next time.

>we we we we we

not your personal army, faggot

PTH has 4.somethingK members out of its 5K user cap, and BTN is literally the easiest site to level up on

Bib is overkill to me? I don't read that much.
I'm on MaM already.

Seems like that Bib users must have an OverDrive account and I don't have it.

Reaching Guru still takes some actual participation, albeit not necessarily the uploading kind.

>BTN is literally the easiest site to level up on

Not as long as AHD exists.

give me the list of kino movies

Korea makes some really shit movies


when the FUCK will pth start recruiting power users on btn/ptp

What happened to that google docs with info about where trackers are recruiting?

>this negative nancy
we familia, family

It got outdated

TPS losers deleted it

not for a while

I know you're proud of uploading 2TBs worth of anime shows nobody cares about but you can actually reach the top user class on GGn within 3 months and maybe even less since there's no time restriction

It got taken down because it was posted here, shocking right?

Anyone has an invite to PTH?
I was on what.cd
[email protected]

he's probably some 312c shill sent by Control the Ratio

fellow AHD brother


Not on pth user ? :^)
Hurry up ! FL is almost over !

please remove this post


watch celine and julie go boating and then read the robin woods essay on it

So what is the general line of steps to get into PTH? I was on what.cd but never managed to be in any other tracker, I pretty much only needed what.cd so what do I do?

much appreciated

outdated as fuck

guys I can't stand this anymore
dubs and I anhero

>using the smiley face with the caret nose
I certify this meme DANK! :O)

If you don't have a friend with an invite, you have 0 chance to join. At least now.

I'll update it just as soon as you provide a better source

is TehC a good backup to ptp?

hdbits is a good backup for ptp

BTN isn't recruiting anywhere
Bib isn't recruiting on PTP
All the WCD shit needs to get changed

why are tracker staff so autistic