How is Ninomiya Rui not Sup Forums's official waifu? He seems like the obvious choice.
How is Ninomiya Rui not Sup Forums's official waifu? He seems like the obvious choice.
Degenerates, this is a maki board.
You dont realy think anyone here cares, do you?
About the gore, I mean.
Shh, just report them and post more cute pictures of Rui-kun.
I'd fuck it.
Goreposting is a Sup Forums tradition for shit threads nobody likes.
look at the filenames, this guy is new as fuck lol
some kid from reddit who found Sup Forums and thinks being edgy is cool
I thought it was a tradition for people to try and get threads they're assmad about because they somehow offend them deleted.
le edgy Sup Forums meme
maki is a cum dumpster
What makes Maki a more appropriate waifu? I fully admit I don't remember much about Love Live, she certainly didn't leave an impression on me.
this is a terrible argument as everyone knows bps is the best representation of Sup Forums already
I'm not a figurine collecting sort of guy, but Rui is the first character I legit would own and display a figure of.
With Shinobu in a distant second place.
how do you feel about your rui figure having a very distinct and noticeable bulge in plain view?
I'm 100% down with that. I have no shame about liking cute guys dressed up as cute gals.
Talking about a trans' genitals is the best way to make huge mistakes and weird situations.
I mean, about this trans' feelings, not about yours obviously.
phake and fag
Please don't project your mental disorder into a fictional character, thanks.
You're right.
I like rui but not in a waifu way. Rui is queen, if I dare say so, /ourgirl/.
Stallman is waifu tho
Why not? That's part of why she was created
Fair enough, good sir.
Thank you for your meaningful contribution.
She is a girl (male)
I've noticed that when there is a thread that someone on Sup Forums or another board doesn't like then some nasty fuckers post a bunch of gore and shit pics just to get the tread banned.
(You) degenerate weebs need to go see a doctor
like a baby throwing a tantrum
Pretty much yeah
First day on Sup Forums? Are you honestly surprised by gore?
The thread would have been deleted eventually, it's completely off topic.
The goreposting is recent tho, and it tells me that it's just one dumbass kid from Sup Forums who's doing it.
literally no one is surprised, what's more surprising is that this guy thinks anyone cares
No just sick of it honestly, been lurking for quite a while
>gore posting Sup Forums fags
How recent? Because I've been doing it on and off since the first daisuki~ threads.
it's just one kid
he already got banned once in this thread earlier, guess it took him a while to evade
So are we still posting rui or what?
Makes since actually, I usually see the same pics each time.
I'm more upset that it's furry desu.
damn i always wanted to know what my balls looked like on the inside
Is he the same kid from the maki thread from earlier?
What anime?
What's amusing is I'm only replying to people at this point, so by goreposting he's actually keeping the thread alive by inspiring people to post instead of letting it fall off the board.
Gatchaman Crowds
Sup Forums is dumb, what else is new
why does he wear the dress?
How come he has a gf and I dont?
>spamming gore in a weeb thread
>doing god's work
Valid point
That's the kinda nice thing about it really, it's just a character trait, they don't go into it or make a deal of it.
>Gatchaman Crowds
Ah good to know. I tried watching that at one point but wasn't able to make it past the first half of the first episode for some reason. Now I know it's because I sensed the creators were mentally ill faggots like you guys ITT.
typical mac user
>Sup Forums - Technology
Neat I might give I watch
is that some new form of x-ray technolo/g/y?
cute! i want it as a pet! it looks prehistoric
This little fag out of gore and shit pics yet?
Well that answers that...
Given the goreposter's persistence I can only assume he is actively working to keep the thread alive, and by extrapolation I can only conclude that he is actually a true fan of Ninomiya Rui.
Here's to you, goreposter user!
Qt trap > gore poster