Is there a way to hide the status bar?
ITT: Rate and hate homescreen
hello here is my homescreen
Mildly autistic
>two clocks
delet ur life
Very nice awesome colors.
Minimal but nice design.
not much work put into it but gets the job done.
Nova launcher, in "Look & Feel", under "Notification Bar".
Replace gallery with leafpic senpai
How can I improve this?
Another one of these? Why not. Wallpaper changes frequently.
Scrap it
hello you're the faggot i copied.
how do you get that player? looks cool.
I never rice
>cave story
mah nigga
no bullying aloud
>2 clocks
>pixel shit
Is it just me or is the exact screenshot posted on every thread?
I get what you want to do with the icons but it ends up looking too cluttered.
you tried
Nice, not a fan of the hueg date text though
Good enough
very minimal and clean. neat
I like your theme
no idea what's going on there but it looks great
two clocks
Spent 3 hours on this so pls rate!
It's alright. Would hurt my eyes after a while though.
Cute. I hope you're not a dude though. You can't be straight and gay at the same time. Or can you?
Feels noisy or low res to me. Not sure. Either way it's tidy but not my thing
No thanks.
I dig it but the icons are too small. I prefer not to sacrifice all of that open space when you're just gonna put shit from top to bottom anyways.
Very clean. Only complaint or change would be to have the icon pack be ever so slightly thicker with the lines.
Better icon pack. Disable labels. Ditch non essential icons to clean it up.
Reduce the spaces between and the icons and you have one of my favorite go to styles.
That's dope.
Certainly unique and calm. Good job.
Background is way too busy.
Clean but just like the other guy I don't like how thin the icon pack looks.
I did mine in about 2 minutes. Bad icon pack, bad background. Also I have to compress the picture and change the resolution. On a OnePlus 3.
>Gmail: -1
im a girl (。>﹏
I'd post a picture of my desktop but I sold it.
Let's be friends. Do you like Sup Forums?
>Do you like Sup Forums
New wallpaper
Double dubs. Can't resist it.
R8 and h8
What icon pack and can you post the background?
Clock should be white to match the rest
3/10 because there's nothing else to measure
This thread is a miracle, this many posts in and the IFag hasn't turned up yet.
Well memed my friend
>Is there a way to hide the status bar?
Yes, enable "Expanded Desktop", it will hide status and nav bar.
Brand new OP3, stopped ricing after I realized how inconvenient it is.
Can barely see those icons
Can barely see those icons
like it but could throw in a couple more colours
I'm simple
Two clocks
8/10 I like it
Something feels weird about this one
I don't like the font
Too messy
Copy from the animefag
As you said, find a better icon pack
Don't know what you say
Pretty similar to mine
Got tired, rate mine
>inb4 the Firefox sjw meme
>9:18 PM
>fix ur widgets
Isn't that an album cover?
>Two clocks
Feels really claustrophobic, make the grid 5x6 height
Yes, Shlohmo dark red
Thought so
Nice homescreen
But how else would you see wifi, data, and battery as intuitively as it is right now?
By rooting and removing the clock through nova :^)
T. Hasn't rooted my phone either
>Rate and hate
Well yours sucks dick.
>inconsistent "pixel" sizes on everything
>anti-aliased wallpaper upscaled with nearest neighbor and riddled with jpeg artifacts
>world's ugliest font
>2 clocks
>systray icons break the theme
>shitty swipe thing on the right breaks the theme too
Rice right or don't rice at all, faggot.
Well, he was bullying quietly
Not at all everything is right there easy to get to, and checked
OP here honestly i'm too lazy to research how to root, i will do it eventually tho.
Just got this monster yesterday, and I'm still weighing the pros and cons of rooting
I have a z5p, which means I'll have to unlock the bootloader and get a custom recovery and SuperSU and do a bunch of shit which will probably void warranty (I can redo everything hopefully). It also means I won't get mobile payments and otas and stuff (systemless root has been patched I heard?).
But fuck man I'm already missing all my favourite root shit, no adaway, no cursor keys to move the fucking cursor when I type, american burger sized DPI (tried adb, broke all the UI), no gravity box, no custom navbar, no two clocks on the status bar, no YouTube in the background, no custom fonts (I dispise roboto, god damn it), no custom kernels, no Xposed, etc.
We wallpaper Bros.
>Old Google logo
What do you think, user? Minimalist, but not so far abstracted from Android that no one could figure it out.
I can't help but dig the 8bit look
>but not so far abstracted from Android that no one could figure it out
To me... making my stuff impossible for other people to use has always been one of my main motivations behind ricing stuff.
That clock font is piss ugly.
Also the background has more artifacts than a old folks home.
Also all your icons look like shit. Like wtf is the second from the bottom left icon supposed to be? It looks like a snake with a cancerous tumor.
shit why was that on 5%
Now this is shit posting
holy shit how
I would unironically use this and enjoy the efficiency of it PLEASE TE;L ME O MY FUK
B a s i c
Factory reset
Me want, how come ?
What is the best launcher on the market?
Anyway here's mine
The white icons don't fit at all. Otherwise pretty good
Get a different icon pack
software buttons on the bottom are gross, change them
I know, i'm too lazy :(
i made it myself in KLWP.
>needs more colours
m8 if i add any more colours it'll look like a unicorn barfed all over a pride parade.
>two clocks
Explain yourself
Jesus i need that illya pic, could you share it senpai?