Do women deserve rape?
Do women deserve rape?
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More like youth in asia, am I right?
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
No, please hang yourself immediately.
I mean I hate women as much as the next guy but what the fuck is this picture even supposed to mean?
Game on faggot.
/r9k/ pls go you fucking brainlet
>too smart to realize women aren't bad and the pussy game strong
But too bad you will never realize and feel this, OP
Stay virgin
I'm already hung.
>mfw Sup Forums brainlets are too stupid to meme correctly
>company hires people based on race, gender, etc
>another company hires based on meritocracy
>second company out competes other company
Thank God for capitalism.
>unironically being an incel
Holy fuck
Sup Forums is a good place
everyone has a good time
>celibate because I can't stand other people of either gender
i just want to make enough money to go live like a hermit in the sticks why must I suffer
the average Sup Forums poster
>first company gets massive subsidies for being so progressive and can basically do nothing and still stay afloat
>second company gets bashed for muh racism and muh misogyny and nothing happens because sjws (hopefully) weren't their market anyway
sex is overrated
This will kill Sup Forums.
Only your woman.
>women declare war on men
>don't expect retaliation
Yeah okay sweetie.
Soon you'll see what a real patriarchy looks like and rue the day you pushed your luck. ;^)
Finally something with some courageā¢