I have nothing to hide

>I have nothing to hide

Other urls found in this thread:


I am not a racist bigot or nazi.


Jesus Christ what is she even doing?

>only source is some shopped image

she's 88, what the fuck else

>tfw you shitpost yourself into prison


I don't use either of those. Try harder, pedo.

So someone getting jailed for literally for lied on internet?

>for literally for lied on internet?
you had ONE job

Underage pussy detected!

...and I'm successfully failed it.


>denying the death of 6^(Graham's Number) Jews
Fucking Nazi deserves to be executed

It's discriminating to assume that all racists are bigots, see you behind bars.

>Check the arrests article
>It was some scottish guy shitposting about syrian refugees

>all anti-American countries

Here's you're sign.

Please reply to me!

Are you stupid? Plenty of people in the US Govt. are talking about cracking down on "fake news". You think it's gonna stop there?
You fall for the MAGA meme?

Poland ok, but Britbongs and Sweden ?
Not really.

>Poland plans prison terms of up to three years for calling Auschwitz a 'Polish death camp'
Which is extremely fair, as it only really applies to press and media.
The point being they're german death camps, not polish.

But I guess we are on Sup Forums and you really only care about (You)'s, so here's one, you fucking faggot

>Britbongs and Sweden ?
>Not really.

They're Muslim countries


>A camp in Poland executing people on the orders of an Austrian dictator was German
Off to prison you go!

>What is occupation
>What is world war 2
>What is literally no education
Hell, I'm surprised you can even type and use the internet.

buttblasted kurwa detected

>all the things to do on the internet
>all the things to do IRL
>and you choose to ooga-booga about the hollow hoax

cannot feel even a bit sorry for these people. They are giving the merchant free (You)s no matter if they support or deny the holocause.

>you can't be critical of minorities coming from societies and cultures who hate LGBT piss and have superior birth rates compared to your country's native decline (meaning those immigrants are sooner or later going to replace you by simple math)
>you can't be critical of the LGBT who are hated by the immigrants and will be suppressed sooner or later when immigrants from cultures and societies gain enough numbers that they feel they don't need to "do in Rome as the Romans do" anymore

Choose one, and only one Sweden. You can't have both, because you don't have the birth rate leverage to support such a choice.

>Swede says that Hillary acid-washed her servers
>Swede gets arrested for hate speech, disinformation, propagating fake news and defamation
>In court the Swede is corrected that Hillary did not acid wash her servers, in fact no corrosive chemicals came near the server, she used bleachbit

So use a VPN/VPS/proxy at all times then. Solved.

Or is this a thinly-veiled jab at Windows?

>I have something to say

Enjoy getting hacked, criminal scum

>lol i'll use a VPN now I'm safe
>uses x68 processor with ME
>and his computer always on/plugged in to mains
>and windows
>But he's safe because he uses a VPN

The only way to be safe it to simply not connect at all.

These people deserve it for being xenophobic, anti-semitic, and god knows what else they are. If only they conformed; if only they believed in common sense and didn't believe in hogwash, they could've been my friends.

>not wanting Mr. President to be able to track down and deport shitskins

I say we give the finger to the elitist "muh privacy" fags


>Poland plans prison terms of up to three years for calling Auswitch a "Polish death camp"

Isn't that literally what Auswitch was though? Are there some alt-right retards in Polish government trying to rewrite history?

That's it!! You're going to jail kurwa boy!!

She is a popular figure in the german naziscene. Not really an innocent old lady.

>german naziscene
Is there any german naziscene? I mean, the last thing I heard was some trio consisting of a girl and two cuck ex boyfriends who removed a bunch of kebabs and then the two cucks killed themselves because they couldn't handle it anymore.

>What is the country you need to go to to visit the camp now
>Which camp were victims from Poland taken to
>Which government is concerning itself most with putting the right PR spin on them now
Nobody thinks poles committed the holocaust. The government is criminalizing making unflattering associations.

Can someone enlighten me? What's wrong with calling Auswitch a Polish death camp, unless you're some David Icke fanboy?

The goverment is criminalizing using sentences that make it look like poles commited the holocaust.
Changing a word or two makes a difference, you know.

A Polish death camp would be run by poles, wouldn't you agree?
I mean, sure, you know it's not that. Okay.

Now what if you didn't, and I used the phrase "Auswitch, a Polish death camp".
Who owns and runs the place?

What about: "Auswitch, the german death camp in Poland".
See the difference in the feel it gives off?
That's literally all this is about.

The only real reason why the goverment is doing it is not a publicity stunt, it's because the germans are literally trying to change pieces of history and pass off poles as the bad guys.

the perfect anti-Sup Forums meme

Sup Forums fuckers want to embrace right wing hardline governmental spying/tracking laws while simultaneously wanting absolute free speech so they can paste their edgy pro-hitler opinions

completely hysterical

>The only real reason why the goverment is doing it is not a publicity stunt, it's because the germans are literally trying to change pieces of history and pass off poles as the bad guys.
but auschwitz was a good thing

if was run in germany instead of poland maybe it would have killed more

I bet you cut everyone you pass on the sidewalk with all that edge

joke's on you, I never leave my mom's basement

>A Polish death camp would be run by poles, wouldn't you agree?
A polish death camp would be in Poland.

Also, you seem very hung up on it. You do know that half the reason Hitler legitimised invading Poland was Lebensraum right? The part of Poland where Auswitch is was practically part of Germany already because it was basically just the remnants of Prussia. They spoke German, were of German heritage and had German culture. I'm also pretty sure that the neighbouring villages knew what the fuck was going on and did nothing about it. Hell, many of them probably worked at the camps too.

If Polacks need to jail people for pointing out Auswitch was in Poland, they're fucking overly sensitive about their past.

History revisionists need to be jailed, not those that are technically correct (which is the best kind of correct).

You are buttblasted
Germcunts always lie, USA nuked wrong country.

>Also, you seem very hung up on it.
Yeh, a little. It's a touchy subject for anyone who lives here, hence why that thing even exists.

Well that's not entirely true. He attacked Poland mostly to gain territory, and since Poland is in a strategic location it was bound to happen.
The war only happened because the allied countries didn't give a fuck tho.
Also because no one actually enforced the army limits on germany.

Silesia, a part of Poland is the most germanized area. Lots of people there are german.
They even tried to separate that part of Poland into a country/connect to germany, but were denied by the highest court.

Again, the only reason why we want to jail people is because they spread misinformation that causes us problems.

Technically correct is not correct enough when it comes to history.

>Axis of Germany, Italy, Japan and Finland
>Vittu! Finland did nothing wrong, only defended against commies. Saying it was axis makes people think they invaded neighbours and genocided people. Go to jail!
>Mama mia! Italy actually switched sides in the war, so it wasn't always axis. What an affront to Italians who died fighting the Germans! Jail for you!
>Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>Both Japanese cities, makes it sound like the Japanese committed this indiscriminate targeting of civilians (a war crime). Prison for you, whittu piggu!

You're right, the US should've nuked themselves

It's next-level shitposting!

>Isn't that literally what Auswitch was though?
No. Auschwitz was a rubber factory.

>pol/ fuckers want to embrace right wing hardline governmental spying/tracking laws
No, we don't. We just want kebabs out.

If I break into your house and take a fat steaming turd on your carpet, whose shit will it be? Yours or mine?

A better analogy would be like visiting your house and bringing food with me

You eat the food I brought and shit it out on your carpet. Who does the shit belong to?

It wouldn't be a better analogy.

It's as if your sister download game_of_thrones.avi.exe, installed shitton of malware on your pc, but months after she started claiming it was you who did this all along, trying to make you look like a faggot that downloaded malware.

To me, it will be your turd.
To someone who comes over after or is looking in through the window, it will be mine.
And yes, I would want to correct people who refer to it as my turd, but I wouldn't lock them in my basement for doing it.

Remember the 6 Million. In just 5 years the reckless Germans brutally murdered 6 Billion of our fellow Hebrews.


We need to endow our God Emperor with certain powers so he can remove kebab for good.

And a VPN is safer than your home connection how?

Polish refers to Poland, not the people. So it would be the house's shit.

I'm sorry man, did you see the news lately?

The only reason you're still "allowed" to think those things is because they can't read and control your thoughts yet. But the thought police will come one day. Hopefully not in my lifetime, but I'm certain it will happen. And I weep for future generations.

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are already dead.

We're witnessing the decline of the modern Western society and culture.





>A polish death camp would be in Poland.
Yes, and American embassy would be in US.

Auschwitz was in Germany

Europe is so fucking cucked.

What country cares about my freedom the most?

Technically, embassies are considered enclaves of the country they represent.

Auschwitz is in Poland. You have to go to Poland to visit it.

>Auschwitz is in Poland. You have to go to Poland to visit it.
It's in modern-day Poland, yes, but it was in Germany at the time of its operation. Big difference.

It's like saying Constantinople was the capitol of Turkey. No, it was the capitol of the Ottoman Empire. The modern-day city is known as Istanbul. Same place physically; but a different era, name, function and country historically.

I find it quite far-fetched to call occupied territory part of the occupants country. I don't think many historians will agree with you if you say that Nazi-Occupied Poland was in fact Germany.

Occupied territory only becomes part of the occupant when it's no longer contested, aka the war is over (and won).

It's goddamn 1928
She was probably a member of Hitler young girls.

>It's like saying Constantinople was the capitol of Turkey. No, it was the capitol of the Ottoman Empire
The capital of the Ottomans was Istanbul, it was just dumb Europeans hoping to restore Byzantine Empire.

>thought crime
This is why leftists need to die.

>it's only thought crime when it supports my views

The left and right have both supported these kinds of measures

funny considering total surveillance and thought control are hard right dream world

>x68 processor with ME

They clearly had something to hide.

it would be known as "the shit in anons house"
i.e. the camp in poland
i.e. the polish camp

>hurr muh Sup Forums boogeyman durr
I don't any right-wingers crying for censorship and safe space you pathetic retards.

> tfw you realize the US was created to be the shitposting center of the world
My country tiz of the,
Sweet land of liberty....

>I don't any right-wingers crying for censorship and safe space you pathetic retards.
data privacy != freedom of speech. Censorship and privacy are not in conflict.

Right-leaning political parties are virtually always surveillance-oriented, often using “crime/terrorism prevention” as the boogeyman of choice to give their governments more authoritative power over the masses

I'm on America so I can say all the offensive shit I want but BUT it doesn't mean I do so

Its growing due to alt-rights

>he fell for the left-right meme

Literally "I voted for Kodos!" tier.


Surveillance to counter terrorism is good, threats need to be monitored.
Censoring free speech like in OPs pic is dictatorship. This must be prevented at all costs.
The best part is that those retard leftists cry for muh rights, use them to push their agenda but want to change those laws to silence the opposition.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
This is why leftism is a mental illness.

hate speech is not free speech

>Surveillance to counter terrorism is good, threats need to be monitored.
Funny considering it's in direct opposition to free speech

ITT cucks who thinks anyone should be jailed for opinions. Hope you all will like it when they'll jail you one day for posting on Sup Forums :^)

>shitposting on internet becomes and actually enforceable offense


Lel libtards giving free way to fascism cuz muh equality.

You people are truly stuck in the '90s.

You dont get to arbitrarially decide some speech is 'too dangerous.'
You dont get to decide which opinions are acceptable.
When you are out of power, it will be yours that 'isn't real free speech' and is 'too dangerous' and you'll be crying for freedom of speech.
eat shit.

You're the fascism you despise :^) kys

It is and things that hurt your worthless feelings are not hate speech.

No it doesn't. Surveillance is meant to target towelheads who talk about demonstrating their """""" religion of peace""""" with TNT.

>quotion shit tier sources

Trump is a lezza

Yeah, the whole PODAGRA scene and all, right?

>No it doesn't. Surveillance is meant to target towelheads who talk about demonstrating their """""" religion of peace""""" with TNT.

No, surveillance is about making sure the government can trivially find dirt on anybody whose political activities they “disagree” with

>not having the 1st Amendment
America is the only 1st world country

>I have nothing to hide
You better