This is exactly why BSD sucks. All the fun goes past me like my youth
This is exactly why BSD sucks. All the fun goes past me like my youth
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top kek
holy shit it's real
Pajeets are so fucking pathetic
We should cut all ties with India and euthanize all of the ones in America
>mfw it's real
Ok, which one of you did this?
Someone call that number
There are more tech scamsters in EU or US or UK than India could have in the next 50 years desu
t. pajeet
Nice try Pajeet!
Nope. India has very few tech scamster level computer users if at all.
US or UK or EU has way more such kind of people
t. pajeet
I guess you're a red dot-indian
You're a no facts spew BS cunt if you think otherwise.
Funny how stupid people still are with computers and the internet. "LET ME CLICK THIS im the 1,000,000th visitor"
t. John Smith from Microsoft Tech Support
Keep spewing BS. If you said that 99% India programmers are pajeets then I would believe you.
>you will files
fuck you motherfuck dog momma bitch
t. BS spewing cunt
at least I spew my shit into a fucking toilet and not on
The street shitting defense team is on full damage control tonight!
A Pajeet working for Norton tech support once did that to my dad's computer. I remember that being the exact moment I realized that poos were the cancer of tech.
Norton? AV company guy did ransom shit? Sure u aint joking?
The British Empire was a mistake.
I also shit on a pot and shitpost on reddit/Sup Forums during that time
He called Norton and the Pajeet worker asked for remote access, then proceeded to encrypt all his shit and ask for $500
Fuck him. My friend once got scammed by a Britbong asshole. Wasn't as professional cheat as this PJ tho
> Such kind of people
Try harder Pahjeet
Try harder and shove taht americuck missile in ur ass, Mr white brain-dead Joe
Wow I didn't know Pajeets typed with an accent.
Remember guys important files on external drives that are only plugged in when moving files and never while connected to the internet
Why doesn't pajeet just poo in the loo already!
Fuck you name fag
Fuck you white cuck.
Can't digest the fact that tech scamsters exist globally and not just in India
Cuz his face is in his ass. Busted!
Oh wow, Malwarebytes' PR game is wicked good.
It really was.