>using an OS with a GUI
explain yourselves, Sup Forums
>using an OS with a GUI
explain yourselves, Sup Forums
What the fuck do you call that then? Dumbass
a TUI.
Transsexual User Interface?
there are certain operations that can be done faster in terminal than in gui, but neither of them are obsolete.
For example, use of wildcards for modifying files with terminal is very powerful, but gui just werks without learning any commands
I'm not a retard that thinks because he's better than everyone else because he doesn't use a GUI
Enjoy multitasking on your 200*50 character array faggot
Oh look, character based GUI!
>Enjoy multitasking on your 200*50 character array faggot
that's 80x25, fucking idiot
>it's just a GUI, but looks shittier
Reminds me of Skeuomorphic vs flat.
And it's just proving my point further
Do you even have a point?
You loose resolution and multitasking abilities for the sole reason of "Normies use GUIs"
I have a life
I love FreeDOS too user but you went too far
How do you browse Sup Forums then?
That's still a GUI, you god damn mongoloid.
Iz cool
>I am trying my hardest to be edgy and unique: the OS
Please, fuck off to some hipster general or at least a TwinkPad general.
Nice GUI calendar you Sup Forumstard. Do you use it to keep track of the latest non-free video games coming out?
It's still graphic since you see it. Who here uses a pc with screenreader only like god intended us to?
If it's used by a mouse, it's a GUI
If it requires a monitor it's a GUI
You could use mouse in text mode DOS. The pointer was drawn as an inverted-color block.
You think DOS is/was a GUI? Think again.
You can also show images and video on the Linux framebuffer, but no one would call that a GUI.