I'm scared Sup Forums...

I'm scared Sup Forums. I want to build a new computer but Windows 7 seems like the best OS and it's old as shit and I'm afraid I'll have only a short time to enjoy my games. I REFUSE to use anything later. No, I'm not using linux.

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just get 10, quit falling for retarded Sup Forums memes

>just get 10
Kill yourself.

Kill your fucking self.



how's high school coming along kiddo?


How's working for microsoft? What indian holiday is next? Will you observe? Do you poo in loo?

So? What's wrong with Windows 7? Just install Common Sense 2017 and you're set for life.

Nothing. I'm just scared it's going to become obsolete too soon. Well, I mean, I say "nothing", but let's be honest. Every iteration past XP has gotten worse in one way or another, though 7 does have SOME improved features. Honestly, that's not as important as that it just fucking does its job without going full retard like 8/10.

u has link 4 "common sense '17"??
can only find '13

if your games aren't using dx12 then you're fine.
else you're fucced.

Nearly every single Twitch streamer uses Win10.

If you don't want to do that, build a Hackintosh.

(You) (OP)

there is nothing that win10 can do that win7 cant

except spy on you more efficiently

>build a Hackintosh
i second this


awkward nerd freshman comeback!

>no effect

No seriously though. There isn't a way in hell someone can come onto the fucking internet and praise windows 8 without working for microdump. PERIOD.


8.1 is literally good
it's 7 but faster and better looking, and if you install something like start8 or classic shell then you never even see any metro stuff

Also, NEVER. I will NEVER EVER fucking buy an apple product. NEVER.

you're a fucking underage retard, please go back to Sup Forums
>build gaming pc years ago
>decide to try hackintosh recently
>everything works perfectly
i got lucky

its called a fucking HACKintosh for a reason you low-functioning retard.
and if you aren't a complete retard you can get macos for free.
apple has to use this stuff called computer hardware like processors, RAM, motherboards, ssds, and more!
I did the same, after i built a shitty windows pc i went and built a much better computer with macos compatible hardware

no i meant i didn't purpose build this pc as a hackintosh, i just tried installing macOS on my ~2011 gaming pc and everything happened to work perfectly


thats pretty crazy, i made sure to buy compatible hardware because i knew what i wanted. best part is they're upgradable like any other pc

Windows 7 is probably your best option, use windows 10 if you really want to, its not as bad as Sup Forums says