Why is windows so fucking slow? There's really no excuse

Why is windows so fucking slow? There's really no excuse.

With only a browser and a few other programs installed it's still atrociously slow.

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its time to join the elite club

What's your system specs?

I'm on a mac, I have to bootcamp windows for a few applications for work.

see pic

because you never bought an ssd
nor you will ever buy an ssd

1/2 your processor use goes to sending your every click to Microsoft.

Then slim it down and stop bitching.

I have 10 running pretty fast on my harddrive. Just had to do a lot of tweaking.


It takes clock cycles to send all your data to the nsa and be part of the botnet.

>y-your hardware is too slow
but it runs fine with linux

Check your services. Windows 7 boots in ~5 seconds and Chrome takes less than one on my machine. Also get an SSD.

I have 10 on a SSD and can no longer make the comfy walk to the fridge to grab a drink while I wait for boot

Feels good

that being said, windows 10 on a regular hard drive is basically hell, they cocked up HDD support something terrible

>not having pixel perfect 1440x900 scaling

user, why?

its not user is kevin
the only solus use

So do I, but I could walk to mongolia and back by the time 10 is finished fucking around.

Whereas Xubuntu just blinks on and it's good to go.

This. Get on my level, plebs. SSD boots Win10 in less than 8 seconds. My monitor barely has time to detect the signal before its already done.

Linux is optimised to be fast and does not send telemetry to make the OS better. Which is why it is stuck in the past and hardly uses any resources. Windows searches your computer and send packets to Microsoft servers. You just need to buy better hardware to keep up with modern technology

Clean up your hard drive
Mine got real sluggish too until I installed a fresh HDD and copy of windows
Shit's like lightning now

Exactly, part if being a windows user is buying a new $2000 tower every year just so your system can handle running the extra botnet. *slow claps*


redmond has a representation of your screen

What GTK theme and icon theme are you using?
Screenfetch usually shows that.


1- defrag.
2- fix your registry.
3- hibernate don't shutdown.
Start time below 10 seconds guaranteed, you mongoloid.

>2- fix your registry.

Nice '90s advice. I bet you run CCleaner too.

Works on my machine.

Hold on, how am I supposed to look at these? Because I haven't used edge other than downloading browser and I've disabled it from privacy settings so it should be closed right now.

ctrl+shift+esc -> More Details

It says it in the image. Wm theme: Arc-Darker.

Upgrade to the DX2 processor buddy, can get 66 MHz with the same mb


>Why is windows so fucking slow?

Linux/Buntu is fucking fast even without SSD.
Conclusion, Linux's memory management > Windows bloated shit


>tfw your xp VM boots in under a second.
I miss the old days.
The new update system also sucks ass, xp did it better I feel.

>fucking around
what? it takes 5 seconds from powered off state to idle standby 0% cpu usage state for my win10 enterprise notebook

are highlighted things supposed to be important? because they are just as irrelevant as the rest of that wall of text of some literally who

My 6 years old Windows 7 boots within 15 seconds on HDD. Needs around minute or two to load everything after logging.

Funny enough, on old (~9 years old) HDD, it needed around 15 minutes to load everything.

But I also transfered it from older PC to new one via sysprep command, forcing it to detect and adjust for new hardware. It also freed around 20 gb of space, so I guess it did some cleaning as well.

So yeah, like suggested, either get better HDD or clean it up.

Well... If you have Linux then all that RAM and CPU goes to waste and is not used for anything useful because Linux don't need all that to function.

Windows 7 was made before ssd meme. And it doesn't have good filesystem for it.

I have to work with both a windows pc and a mac mini from 2015 with an upgraded ssd. Holy fuck is the Mac slow.

Because NT is a server OS you're trying to run on a home computer.

funnily enough win7 starts much faster on my pc with a ssd than win10

almost like instantly, it's insane

Of course XP did it better.

But the reason the newer Windows don't do it better is a practical decision for them: it makes infecting more computers with the Win10 botnet easier.

They've pushed their OS worse than most malware authors have done. Worse than some worm authors have. (including the one done by spooks to fuck Irans nuclear system up)

I miss the only slightly serious, business-dick Microsoft. This new super serious pajeet-tier authoritarian Microsoft is no fun.

Google on how to optimize for W7. You can even do this on XP if you wanted to.
Anything done in software has already been backported to previous OSes in almost all cases. (besides DirectX 12 because lolnogames)

I'm sick of you solus shills.

With all the telemetry Windows updates should be BLAZING fast. But they still take shitload of time and update design is probably so fucked no one inside M$ dares to touch it with a stick.
If one of the core components is so fucked I wonder how shitty kernel must be.

More at superuser.com/questions/890038/why-is-checking-windows-update-so-slow