How the unholy fuck do I access the file browser on Chrome OS?
I bought a chromebook for schooling, but I cant seem to figure out shit with the new OS. Google tells me I need to use the app launcher on the shelf but I've only got chrome, gmail, docs and youtube on my shelf.
Pls help Sup Forums
How the unholy fuck do I access the file browser on Chrome OS?
Install GNU/Linux via crouton.
Press the search button above Left Shift and search "Files"
Your mistake was buying a Chromebook.
Install Windows10
Install Solus
>cant find the button labled "files"
Holy shit user, its "NormieOS", it isnt hard
If you want it to be hard, dev mode that shit, and browse via terminal
open the crosh and navigate your directories from there
Literally the only helpful comment.
Thanks, user
This. Some chrome books are decent computers, but chromeOS sucks. Linux that shit and make it useful.
what distro will fit seamlessly in a chromebook?
No joke, Solus
chromeOS is literally—LITERALLY—gentoo. sorry it doesnt hold your hand enough i guess
suppose I was familiar with mint?
>he bought a chromebook
What's wrong with that?
>superior 3:2 aspect ratio screens - great for document editing or programming
>weak specs, but nice battery life, just ssh into your home computer/server to get more involved work done with better processors
dat battery life tho
I can watch hd videos for about 8 or so hours non stop on a single charge my nigga
>he bought any chromebook other than the CR-48
There's nothing inherently great about a gentoo installation unless you install gentoo yourself. Chrome OS bases itself on it because it was extremely configurable.
running crouton on these devices (in my experience) is pretty lousy as virtualization instructions are disabled in the default bios for whatever reason.
Install gentoo
>Chrome OS sucks
B-but Chrome OS is the only reason for buying this garbage, don't you find?
Forget everything you know about GNU+Linux and start to use Solus.
you can't use solus via crouton
Just bought a Lenovo N22 4GB model. How well did I do?
Don't fuck with me.
ok, give us the short version. why is Solus so great. no muh interface either