Does anyone here regularly use an older Windows OS (2000 or older) for simple everyday tasks or servers?
>Pic mostly unrelated
Does anyone here regularly use an older Windows OS (2000 or older) for simple everyday tasks or servers?
>Pic mostly unrelated
i use macOS OP
who are you quoting btw
Win2k is in service at my uncle's house on a garage PC.
>He doesn't know what greentexting is
wtf is greentexting
Fuck off, fucking newfags
how ironic
>Typing only in lowercase letters
bunch of people here use debian and ubuntu
I have a Windows 98 system with a ton of unread usenet posts I downloaded when I still ran that computer (about ten years ago). This was the type of discussion that doesn't really age. I suppose I could've moved that stuff over to another computer, but I never did and don't use Forté on any other computer so...
But this doesn't really qualify because I don't use it regularly for everyday stuff, just thought I'd give you a bun p.
Ive got an R30 with 2000 and a 380ED with 98 that i use regularly.
The R30 mainly for shitposting, and the 380ED for DESI-III cad and sometimes shitposting too
Rest are xp era machines
been trolling hard for hours.
also made 29 threads.
Do you connect it to your ethernet cable or connect it to WiFi in some sketchy way?
I use WES09. FBWF will wipe out most malware after a reboot. Depend on Adblock to remove the rest.
I use WFW 3.11 on my libretto weekly for word processing, if that counts.
>not installing Windows 98SE on all computers
>windows 2000 or older
>for servers
I wonder if sparky4 still insists on using ME for his servers.
Who is sparky4?
Some tripfag from Sup Forums from probably 5 or so years back. All his servers were ME or nothing.