Mfw Linux Mint is the only major distro with the word "Linux" in it

mfw Linux Mint is the only major distro with the word "Linux" in it

Arch Linux

Gentoo Linux

Solus, A gnu/Linux distro built by the desktop, for the desktop.

Ubuntu Linux

Linux Linux

Scientific Linux

red hat linux

Guhnoo Slash Linux

Hannah Montana Linux.

Microsoft Linux

Cum Guzzling Linux

>mfw i find out someone uses mint

nope nope nope not even Linux

Mystery Linux

Does that exist? A stock version of Linux?

Let me interject for a moment. What you are referring to as GNU/Linux is, in fact, wayland/arch/systemd/GNU/Linux. Or, as I like to call it, systemd Plus Linux Plus Some Other Shit.

No. Just no. Shit distro.

it is the best
>comfy out of the box

it doesn't even have Linux in the name, Kevin

this is a Linux thread for Linux distros like
>Linux Mint
>Red Hat Linux

Sabayon Linux

What do you mean?

Can anyone explain this stupid post? Please?


protip: if there isn't an "L" in the ascii art, with the exception of Red Hat Linux, it doesn't have "Linux" in the name

Arch is Arch, Gentoo is Gentoo

follow the fucking rules

Whats wrong with mint its quite /comfy/

Linux for Niggers

>Linux is for for Niggers

Clement Lefebvre is the hell of the guy: modest and intelligent. I admire him a lot. Mint was my first distro. I think the word "Linux" in the name of the distribution stresses the developers don't take credit for the work of others. On the other hand Ubuntu rarely states it's based on Linux. Sad.

LINUX from scratch.

Olpc was a good idea. Too bad it was too expensive for Africa and mostly got bought by poor schools in Europe, NA and SA.

Puppy linux.

>'stock' linux
linux is a kernel my man

though i suppose the closest thing you could get to a totally barebones linux is doing Linux from Scratch and compiling everything yourself