What's your $PS1?

What's your $PS1?

Other urls found in this thread:


my what?

>not owning a glorious first generation PlayStation

[\u@\h \W]\$

I'm lazy.


I think its one of the oh my zsh default ones, but i dont remember or really care.

export PROMPT_COMMAND=__prompt_command
function __prompt_command() {
local sep=$'\xC2\xBB' # UTF-8 U+00BB
local red=$(tput setaf 1)
local green=$(tput setaf 2)
local yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
local blue=$(tput setaf 4)
local cyan=$(tput setaf 5)
local bold=$(tput bold)
local reset=$(tput sgr0)

[[ $EUID -eq 0 ]] && user=$red || user=$green

PS1="\[$user\]\u@\h\[$reset\] \[$blue$bold\]$sep\[$reset\] \[$yellow\]\W\[$reset\] \[$blue$bold\]$sep\[$reset\] \[$user\]\$\[$reset\] "
It's a function because I was originally going to do some more fancy shit with my $PS1, but I never got around to doing it.
Also, root's bashrc just symlinks to mine.

PS1="8==>~ "


hello here is my ps1


Fixed that for you

top tier

bash fo lyf

function global:prompt {
# Print current time
Write-Host ("[") -N -F DarkGray
Write-Host ($(Get-Date -F T)) -N -F Yellow
Write-Host ("]") -N -F DarkGray

# Print current dir
Write-Host ("[") -N -F DarkGray
Write-Host ($PWD) -N -F Yellow
Write-Host ("]") -N -F DarkGray

# Print prompt symbol:
Write-Host ("`n>>") -N -F Green
return " ";

theirs no rule against posting my desktop


she's cute

you are mentally ill, go seek help.

user that images are not for the people of good mental health pls get help !!

this is cute, but this
is pedo

Post photo to the right thanks

Thanks for the 3840x2160 3.3mb PS1 image. Worth the wait for the pedophilia.

U fucking piece of shit, this is the first time I'm actually replying to your shit "Is this the new desktop thread?" question. I've always held myself back but now I just can't handle it anymore. You're a fucking piece of shit and should seriously kill yourself because NO, this isn't the new desktop thread and NO, THE DESKTOP THREADS ARE OFF Sup Forums BY NOW YOU FUCKING AUTISTIC SHIT. You're even pretending to be fucking female even tho you probably have a dick, please kill yourself already, you have a serious mental disorder, nobody can help you and your pedophilia anime fetish. SO FUCK OFF, YOU'RE PISSING OFF EVERYONE HERE AT Sup Forums. I WISH THE MODS BANNED YOU OR THAT YOUR FUCKING TRASH PC FILLED WITH ANIME PEDOPHILIA DIES ALREADY. Please don't every try to reproduce either with a male or female you fucking imbecile. You seriously make me so mad every time you post over here you fucking mentally challenged neckbeard. I hope you're aware of how everybody hates you over here and how much of a moron you are, you fuckong cuntbag. You probably still live in your mother's basement and I hope you fucking know how much of a dissapointment you are to your parents and how much you should be ashamed of yourself and your stupid question and riced weeaboo desktop. So fuck off and never come back cause I will find you and when I do, I will wipe your stupid hard drive and all shit that's on it and I will put you in a mental hospital where you belong or make you kill yourself so you'll finally end this stupid bullshit. FUCK OFF ALREADY. KILL YOURSELF. DO SOMETHING, JUST DONT EVER POST HERE AGAIN OR I'LL FUCKING SLICE YOUR THROAT YOU FUCKING UGLY ASS PEDOPHILE! THIS ISNT THE NEW FUCKING DESKTOP THREAD FUCK OFF THERE ARENT ANY DESKTOP THREADS, STOP POSTING ALREADY. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS AND FUCK EVERYONE AROUND YOU FOR RAISING YOU LIKE THAT. FUCK OFF!!!

it's not your first time, copy paste

>american detected

Here's my ps1: github.com/nilesr/dotfiles/blob/master/.shell_prompt.sh

I can't post the whole prompt because it's huge and modular.

It's the borra prompt in zoppo.

I literally got linux today. How do you do this shit.

There's a dotfile (hidden file) in your home directory called .bashrc

Play with this:

Copy and paste the resulting export statement into your .bashrc

Thanks man I appreciate it. Been eyeballing Linux from a distance for a while and ended up buying a SSD last weekend when there were deals everywhere.

Decided it was the perfect time. Currently I'm dual booting cause I dunno how to use all my shit on linux but maybe someday I'll do the full switch.

i like this post


lol at the tryhards
default is fine

>I literally got linux today. How do you do this shit.

Linux cannot do this by itself, you need to get yourself GNU/Linux.

I didn't say I got only Linux, just that I got Linux. Nice reading comprehension.

>insulting others' reading skills when you clearly haven't even tried to RTFM


my current folder

what other information would you possibly need?

username is relevant if you use multiple rigs

%{$fg[blue]%}%~ [%n@%m] [%*]%{$reset_color%}
%{$fg_bold[black]%}>%{$reset_color%} '

PROMPT2="%{$fg_blod[black]%}%_> %{$reset_color%}"

function preexec() {

function precmd() {
if [ $timer ]; then
timer_show=$(($SECONDS - $timer))
export RPROMPT="%F{blue}${timer_show}s%{$reset_color%}"
unset timer

You literally can't beat this.

Is that FreeBSD?

Yes, the 11th release.

In shell, type


"[\h:\w] \u% "

I only read what you wrote:
>I literally got linux today.

What you should have said was:
>I literally got GNU/Linux today.

>hero ouf current times
is this a meme ?

Shouldn't have assumed desu

what if... he got BSD/Linux?

Then he also got a bad case of retardation.

How come is reading Russian classical literature a meme? (And not like I enjoy it - I'm just required to read it.)


> root's $FOO symlinks to $USERDIR



hi bdelloid

I like to keep it simple and sleek.