Stallman's here

Stallman's here

>Sup Forums still shills for a fucking kike who wants more government to protect him from government vigilance

I'd just like to interject. What you're referring to as "Stallman" is in fact "GNU/Stallman." Or as I have taken to calling it: GNU plus Stallman.

tell him that I told you to tell him that I enjoy free software and proprietary software, and that basic economics dictate what paid software is worth and that the voluntary exchange of money for goods and services is a good thing and that he's fucking crazy. Also, there is probably "closed source" software controlling his microwave and that he's stupid and fat and nobody calls it GNU/Linux and to take a bath and to cut his ugly fucking hair off because he looks like a homeless idiot

Scream MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and then burn a commie flag

Now he's shilling fsf merchandising

ask him if the machines that made the stickers use free software


The awesome free GNU/Coffee

Ask him this

¿Podría comenzar su discurso de nuevo en español?

Ask him about Solus and tell the state of Sup Forums

Ask him what that thing he picked off his foot and ate was.

+1 internet for you

He's already talking in Spanish

Pretend you think he is Gabe Newell and ask him about non free videogames

Lads, his Spanish is weird, I wanna go to my home

Ask him about anime

Is he a mage

Do his children use Linux ir they use like a REAL OS?

Tell him his ideas in "Misinterpreting Copyright" regarding what intellectual property is are very good and that he should be doing more to build a movement promoting them and embedding the Free Software idea only as a subtopic for the specific case of software in this broader context of what Copyright should be and do.

Ask him about Maki

tell him to hit the gym

>having children
I hope you aren't serious

Ask him about his views on systemd.

Ask him why should I install the Linux operating system over Windows or Mac

Excuse me?

You know that he explicitly said that free doesn't need to mean gratis, right?

There he goes


a few days ago I saw him in Seville, and I swear he's wearing the same clothes.

hey that's a slide from his ted talk, lazy fuck


Does he give the same talk every time? I didn't go to any of his presentations, but from that image it seems like it's no different from the one I once watched on YouTube.

Wait for it to be over and ask him what arguments he has against allowing Tivoization.

Yes, and he also wears the same clothes every day

¿Él habla español?

Free software might cost money. You don't seem to understand what free means in this case

if it's free as in freedom it's also free as in beer.
True freedom is choosing the license model you want and not having some communist tell you how you should be creating or using software.
When was the last time he programmed anything?

Free software means software that respects the user's freedom.

There are four essential freedoms that the user of software should always have:

Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program however you wish.
Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change it to make the program do as you wish.
Freedom 2 is the freedom to distribute copies of the program to others when you wish. This includes republication of the program.
Freedom 3 is the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others when you wish. This includes republication.

If you have all four of these essential freedoms, then the program is free software, which means that the social system of the distribution of the program is an ethical system that respects the freedom and community of the users.

If one of these freedoms is missing, then the program is proprietary software, meaning that it keeps the users divided and helpless, and gives the developer power over the users. This is an injustice. Proprietary software should not exist and should not be used.

If you want to have freedom, the only way you can have it while using computers is by rejecting proprietary software.

What I never understood: If a piece of software is really free and everyone has the right to change and redistribute/sell the source code - why would anyone bother to buy it? The source code is right there, go build it and you're done. If there is no more money to make with software because it is free then the whole industry will eventually die.

That's just understanding/opinion. What do you think? Did I miss something important?

Heil St.Ignucius

Who is this fat fuck?

He' begging for money, it's ridiculous m8s

>true freedom means being allowed to enslave others

Sorry dude


pathetic linux cucks


I assume he only drinks fair trade coffee.

Where are the mejor mamacitas in South America? No huehue pls.

How can you make money off of software that is free to be redistributed by anyone to anyone without charge?

>free software grown on the trees.
It's not like FSF is efficient with money, but still better than kony 2012 and similar shit. :^)
>my sides

yo guise, i dont know shit about linux and just saw this guys face so many times, so I gotta ironically waste his time with a shitty Sup Forums antiquestion. liek omigawd, his voice is so bad, ive never even seen a video with him in it, im new here lol, what is linux?

Wait a minute, that's a girls spandex! Why are you with a girl user and not working on your xorg.config?

turn ur brightness up


The only GNU/Stallman approve coffee.

Sell support, that's basically what RHEL does.

Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.
Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.

Hoarders can get piles of money,
That is true, hackers, that is true.
But they cannot help their neighbors;
That's not good, hackers, that's not good.

When we have enough free software
At our call, hackers, at our call,
We'll kick out those dirty licenses
Ever more, hackers, ever more.

Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.
Join us now and share the software;
You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.


just call him a fat toad and throw some spitballs at him.

Those are jeans, nigga. Are you blind?

On the right, bud

>Sell support
Stallman said that he encourages the sale of free software, not support, which is impossible my friend

Did you tell him how much we love him?


This whole philosophy is fucking stupid. I know kids are super into liking something ironically but this Stallman crap has gotten old.

nigga those r jeans