Why does it still look like it's from 1999?

Why does it still look like it's from 1999?
Why don't they update it?

To look like what? More metro garbage?

Dont fix what aint broke

Because it is closed source software (botnet) use OBS.

Go ahead and post your mockup and list why it would be better.

It's like those pubs with the same interior decor as they had in the 1700s. Just shopws how long they have been around

>muh solid colors interface

please no

why fix it if it aint broke?

FRAPS was good up until around 2011. There's no longer any legitimate reasons to use it considering the vast amount of free alternatives including OBS, Plays.tv/Raptr/GVR and Shadowplay.

Unlike OBS and other freetard shit, Fraps records uncompressed video.

For recording they are shit but for counting FPS they are great.

I use it only for games and shit that aren't on Steam, or I pirated.

Because there are so many better alternatives.

Just use rivatuner + shadowplay/plays.tv

OBS allows for lossless/uncompressed as well as alternative containers, presets and settings.

pic related and this is on "simple" mode

>he fell for .avi meme

I use FRAPs solely for the FPS meter. Nothing beats the bold yellow numbers.


In the 1 case you would actually require that OBS Studio can do that too, you're wrong.

Anyway enjoy your botnet and pointless performance hog.

Because who uses fraps nowadays?

Gfx cards come with better software

It's not like you can't do uncompressed recordings with OBS, or even lossless compression to whatever degree your cpu can handle.

>look like it's from 1999

It says 2011 in the corner m8

ur mum lol xddd

Is this what FRAPS looks like now? Because holy shit, it looks worse than when I last used it, around 05-06.

>indistinguishable quality
why the fuck you lyin
why you always lyin