>tfw certain combinations of 1's and 0's are illegal
Tfw certain combinations of 1's and 0's are illegal
>tfw no pizza
i miss this meme
>certain interactions of physical forces are illegal
how can that be
if we publish 0 and 1 under a free as in freedom license, would the world become free?
>tfw certain combinations of chromosomes are retarded shitposters
>tfw certain combinations of chemical reactions are illegal
this is how you sound right now
>tfw certain combinations of penis and vagina are illegal
>There are certain arrangements of atoms that are illegal to eat.
when those combinations make up porn for pedophile freaks then yes they should be illegal and yes you SHOULD be put to death for it
>this is the only thing he can come up with
how lame
>making a *chan-type board for fun
>implement posting images
>realise now I potentially have to constantly monitor it because images can be illegal
>remove image posting function
Is this paranoia?
no, it's our pathetic reality
there is nothing to "come up with" i am only stating fact child rapists (yes that means all pedophiles are child rapists) need to die
I mean the only illegal digital data you could come up with is CP. so predictable and lame.
>>tfw certain combinations of 1's and 0's are illegal
>tfw this is how pedophiles justify their cp
fuck off child rapist
I was more thinking about software, blueprints, media, etc.
can Sup Forums really not discuss anything without bringing up CP?
Pedophile =/= child rapist.
If rape isn't real than how do you know your eyes are?
Barely anyone can talk about anything without bringing their fake girlfriend from their malaysian cartoons up
that is only illigal when you rip it off so its not the combination of 1s and 0s its the fact you are not supposed to have those combinations
not really. modification to existing data is in most countries illegal.
>you are not supposed to have those combinations
why can't I have the blueprint for the laptop I bought so that I can repair it?
What were you thinking about ?? DarkNetMarkets?
That's even more predictable from a fucking loser who loves alcohol and thinks the government is on your side.
because its a proprietary design and not legal to have no saying i think you shouldnt have it just pointing out its not legal
>just pointing out its not legal
that's my fucking point
like i said because the design is copyrighted
that's just something to stifle innovation and progress
No, it prevents someone from creating a good idea and then the market becoming saturated with a bunch of shitty knock-offs.
tell that to the government
>being this delusional
it prevents people from improving on a flawed idea to make it better and come with superior alternatives.
As long as you leave my loli alone ;_;
nope fuck you too you fucking sicko the only people worse than pedophiles are foot fetishers
>tfw certain position of atoms are illegal
>like my knife in your face
It's not pedo faggot it's some ink drawings on paper
fucking peado go die i refuse to have a civilized conversation with you
People like you should be hanged, retard.
Fuck off mom or I'll put you in a retirement house
people who refuse to have conversations with the openly disgusting should be put to death?
You're disgusting, you can't even write a sentence correctly faggot. KYS.
Oh, go fuck yourself. Have you ever heard of being lazy?
Didn't you read the note? Even if those guys are indeed pedophiles (hint: they're not) pedophiles are no longer the scapegoat. Look up an article called "I'm a pedophile, not a monster" or something like that.
Thank god I voted left all those years, shit's finally paying out.
all peados are monsters and need to be exterminated like cock roaches
>"I'm a pedophile, not a monster"
Wasn't that written by the same bitch who got fired from Nintendo from going on about how much she wanted to fondle little boys at E3?
How does that seem "fine" to you?
>If I keep calling people who disagree with me, delusional, then I can seem rational!
You're just as bad as Communism/Socialist retards.
Various bubbles in the 70s/80s due to markets being over saturated with shit derivatives of an original idea would happily disagree with your idea that Copyrights are ebul.
>Wasn't that written by the same bitch who got fired from Nintendo from going on about how much she wanted to fondle little boys at E3?
That sounds like the plot of an amazing /ss/ doujin.
It actually doesn't, but people are very forgiving nowadays. Slippery slope is NOT a fallacy, people will definitely be banging 9 year olds decades into the future, and it would be normal.
ill be honest i have seen the girl who wrote that and she isnt bad looking if she has no problem fondling little boys i wonder how she would feel about getting fondled by someone 10 years older than her
how does this thread always get replies?
The other threads are filled with subhuman nonwhites
you can work around this problem if you convert the illegal combination into some other, using an algorithm only you can reverse.
>it's still ok to oppress people for their sexual orientation
peadophile is not a sexual orientation its a perversion that needs to be snuffed out
It's not pedophilia it's 2D
People were saying that about Trans* people too. Look at what's happening today - people are gladly friends with them!
Cooking books should be banned then.
Moralfaggotry isn't opinion it's crime against logic that needs to be killed with fire.
its 2D of underage its pedophilia
>wanting to stop the raping of children is not logical
Trans people don't harm children. Pedophiles do. I think there needs to be more options for pedophiles who don't act to get mental help instead of threatening to lock them up making their illness worse, but it is definitely wrong.
Yes. They mostly harm themselves. But that's okay, right?
>No, it prevents someone from creating a good idea and then the market becoming saturated with a bunch of shitty knock-offs.
Apple says hi
Sexual preference is it rape?
I see no logic here.
>wanting to stop the raping of children
On technology subboard of imageboard dedicated to Japanese culture.
Fight with not exist thing is too out of logic for me.
Pedophilia is not love. You can love a child and not want to rape them.