

Pick two for your ideal computing environment.

define "beautiful".

I heard it was a pain to develop for.

>oops, i breathed on it wrong

>t. mactoddler

at this point it was made to make the macfags finally switch to the mac os x

>oops, i breathed on it wrong

OS X at release was pretty horrible too.

Simply fast.

eh. at this point it was okay.
does this really happen?


The filesystem is such a gigantic piece of garbage the OS has to piss away 2gb of RAM on caches when it boots and even then the interface is juddery as fuck.

>at release

APFS when

It's absolutely great now in relation to the horror that was OS9 aka the only thing even worse than Windows ME.

>i want a filesystem made by the same clueless fucking morons that made the worst filesystem in the history of computing

>It's absolutely great now

iCucks everyone.

HFS was god tier in 1985

Fast and powerful

>this is what mactoddlers actually believe

There's a big difference between "it's a truly great os" and "it's much better than the worst of piece of shit ever"

Why not all three?

>a fruity toddler toy OS that regularly deletes user's files is "a truly great os"

iCucks everyone.

looks like a very old linux distro

I would love an Amiga UI on modern Linux.

Do people unironically use os9?

>restricted to PPC

I admit that Amiga OS 4 is a fantastic piece of work, as is MorphOS, but they really don't have much of an image going for them.

I do like that OS 4 runs entirely from memory, so everything is lightning fast.

There's AmiWM, but no one has ever really done anything with it, and it doesn't behave like an Amiga in the ways that actually count.

amiwb is available as an Amiga OS 3.0 era WM for Linux.


I know, I gave it a shot a few months ago and was rather disappointed.

Why not all three?

>Dat calculator program
Did it not get updated since System 1?

Hopefully with iOS 11 and macOS 13


I experimented with getting Amiga looks (3.1 with MagicWB style) on Linux a while back but got bored with it.

Fantastic effort, though.

>Textures everywhere.
Just why?


You are just plain wrong

I remember OS 8.6 was noticeably faster and more stable than OS 9 in any form. Stuck with that shit until Christmas of 2005, was alright even running off a Beige G3.


Sure thing buddy.

It was at first, but by the early 90's language vendors were wrapping Toolbox in OOP frameworks and shit was pretty easy.

But that's wrong. Mac OS classic lasted less then two decades, and was on two platforms (68K and PPC). And the hardware had nothing to do with it. Without memory protection when a program goes down it can take everything with it. Same for Windows until NT, and for the public at large Win2k.

128K of RAM in the first Mac was one of Apple's great mistakes. The team ditched protected memory and preemptive multitasking because they didn't have enough RAM. It worked out though because Steve made a god tier OS at NeXT and that's what powers everything Apple today.

>does this really happen?
No, not system wide. At least not if you avoid .0 system releases. Apple has been hiring Pajeets so now it takes them a while to debug their major releases.

HFS WAS god tier in 1985. And it's not nearly as bad by today's standards as autists pretend it is.

>toddler OS
Pick one.

Probably only because they want to use restored machines and/or fuck around with old software.

Obscure OS aesthetics thread?

Photon window system for QNX looked mint.
Too bad it's discontinued. I've heard that it's community was great.

Looks good.

But I suppose the big issue with this, like with a lot of things surrounding Amiga these days, is that the effort shouldn't be required.

The people keeping the Amiga alive (Amiga OS 4 (Final edition sounds ominous), Morph OS, AROS, etc. really need to do something fast though.

The sad thing is I'd probably pay more than what it is worth to have an Amiga workstation.

Not to be one of those magic pundits who sing the praises of ARM, but some sort of ARMiga device that retails cheap would probably get a large following if they can execute it right and make it competitive, even if only as a hobbyists machine.


People liked 3.x, nobody really liked 4.x


So windows 10.

>No option to do the same for all of the exemptions

4.x was tied to PPC, whether they liked it or not didn't really matter.

where have you been my entire life

Hello Pajeet! Throw your OS in the street.

Give me the fast and powerful, fuck beauty.

I agree as long as there is a functional gui that's not painful to look at. Command line is great at times, but shit otherwise.

>I agree but I don't agree.
Stop posting buddy


>asking for a minimal gui = "beautiful"
I hope you wear your helmet when posting.

Didn't OS 4 have some awful blunder like how their website didn't work with the supplied browser? I remember hearing something like that once.

The shipped spreadsheet and word processor is GNUmeric and AbiWord. Not even Open/Libre Office

only a faggot that never used that would want it back.
It had the most annoying bugs ever, shit would hang out of nowhere, programs would shut down for no reason.
No thanks.
DE looked nice and some programs were cool though.


everything else is irrelevant so long as my computer isn't upwards of 3k USD

Windows 2000 is the perfect desktop

Who are the Microsoft shills that peruse through threads looking for Mac users to shit on with the same 3 lines and images?

Have any Sup Forumsentoomen learned HolyC yet?

This is my ideal computing environment

>Stable enough
>Shit looking good on the eyes but not distracting
>Takes advantage of my hardware
>Doesn't need tricky shit for everything or any system file tampering
>Good software compatibility

once you have basically no functionality at all, you'll get something fast like templeOS.

coming right through

Well, what "idle" functionality do you really need?

I mean, look at Amiga's workbench. Run that on something like a 4000 (or a faster CPU in UAE) and you'll find that it does nothing until you do something.

>having to own an SSD just so the start menu wont lag a few seconds the first time you start it
at this point i would prefer windows 8.1.

Are you surprised? Look at all the shit that's on the W10 start menu.

Am I the only one who has found something elegant in the simplicity of this stage of GUI?

I mean, it's not pretty by any stretch, but it's functionality has a degree of pleasure to it.

Sort of like one of those x-ray typewriters.

Anyone have a link to a torrent of OS X 10.4.8 - 10.4.11? I want Tiger on my Intel Mac but it only supports a few versions of it. There are no torrents I can find for any Tiger version above 10.4.6. I need a stock DMG.

I'm using OS X 10.7 Lion right now. It's a little of all three. I'll never use anything past Mavericks.

Don't cut yourself on that edge.


>Candy Crush, Twitter, Minecraft, and Minions all preinstalled
Enjoy your "professional" OS. Toppest of keks.

>I'm using OS X 10.7

How long before you stop getting new software for it?

>facebook toddlerOS

If Windows 10 was a "professional" OS it wouldn't need 30GB to install, and 8GB of memory, all speaking to an i* processor.

Remember when the point of an operating system was to be as nonintrusive as possible?

I've never understood the people who want the OS to be part of the "experience."

in fact i am, since windows 8.1 had around the same amount of shit and didn't lag like that. Also i would consider my win10 start menu to be "minimal" compared to win 8.1.

Probably never. I use OS X for Firefox, Sublime, Pinta, Deluge, and sometimes SSH. Disk Utility and an old version of XCode are useful for fucking around with old iPods. They all work fine. If I need anything else, I can boot into a Kubuntu live USB using the rEFInd bootloader I have installed.

What? Windows 10 literally has NSAbook preinstalled. That's the facebook toddler OS, not Lion.

That's the reason I'm staying on older operating systems. I like being able to choose which tools and programs I want installed. When this laptop breaks, I'll go full Debian.

>That's the reason I'm staying on older operating systems.
>t. mactoddler

Apple is part of PRISM, so of course they left it open.

We're in the age where you want your system to be secure, but not too secure.

Actually, win10 can be pretty non intrusive if you do a lot of shit to fight it. You have to turn off a lot of services, like antimalware, defender, update, Cortana, delete most if not all the win10 apps, etc.

>Apple is part of PRISM, so of course they left it open.

The only reason they even patched it was because they found a new one to leave open.

>Write Filter

It's a good thing I don't have iTunes installed then.

But that's going against design. You shouldn't have to do all that.

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB doesn't have this problem.

I always liked how clear the fonts were.

I guess that is the huge advantage to this brand of OS interface: total control over font placement and rendering.

I suppose you could do the same thing with a fixed psuedo-resolution like FreeDOS does.

Live fast, die young.

My ex gf said that. Are you my ex gf?

>Are you my ex gf?
Anime characters don't post on Sup Forums

Why do you go to this effort? Christ you are pathetic.

Call me when Windows isn't god-awful.