Why aren't you facebook's youngest engineer, Sup Forums?

why aren't you facebook's youngest engineer, Sup Forums?


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Because I'm not.

Because someone else is.

z u c c ersperg looks like an actual reptile.

Yeah but he's a rich and famous reptile while you're a lazy and poor NEET.

Cuckerberg robbed myspace

yeah among autists, but he's still an awkward sperg loser to 99% of the world and an asshole who looks like he's wearing someone else's skin to the other 1%

Did I mention he's also rich?

lmao did Zuckerberg put on weight?

Because I am older than zucker.

any applecucks here that can download his app and report back with thoughts?

Did I mention he's an actual reptile in human skin?

>Zucc's eyes
There is no soul left, lads

who cares

Because I dream in code and make a lot of money selling iOS apps.

Because I'm not underage and I am a real engineer.

>code monkey

You cared enough to shitpost.

Because I'm not going to sell my soul to the devil

>real engineer
how's your manufacturing job designing screws and sockets 18 hours a day?

He can leave in a year and he'll be able to get any job he wants with facebook on his resume.

> Makes iOS apps
> Engineer

Kid, I learned to "code" when I was 14.
It was a lot of experimentation, hacking, designing shit, throwing it at the wall, and seeing which bits stuck.

Just because you make iOS apps does not mean you are an engineer, or even someone I would call a hacker.

Made me think.

Kid, if you really want to be a computer scientist, a hacker who lives up to the original definition of the word :

> experiment
> explore
> examine
> exploit

... the field.

It's the 4 x's of CS.
> Really sums it up now that I think about it.


>Taking offense to a job title bestowed to an employee at a multibillion dollar company

Whenever I see Zuckerberg he reminds me this guy in red.

god that kid acts so gay

also fuck him, im jealous. he gets an internship for dindu nuffin

you sound like the type of faggot that would suck a dick if someone offered you $20.


too real m8


was there any to begin with?


i hate facebook, i even blocked the entire facebook domain with my hosts file, (like this)

# Block Facebook IPv4 www.facebook.com facebook.com login.facebook.com www.login.facebook.com fbcdn.net www.fbcdn.net fbcdn.com www.fbcdn.com static.ak.fbcdn.net static.ak.connect.facebook.com connect.facebook.net www.connect.facebook.net apps.facebook.com

what app, user?

The same company that hires pajeet code monkey on minimum wage?

Don't sign me up, thanks.

he's shitposting, doesn't make shit

It's called "Grindr"

Pro Calculator 2016
Extreme Tip Helper
Ultimate Pong

You forgot fb.me

This is literal proof of affirmative action.

>gets internship and full time offer without having background in cs fundamentals

you're too cynical. he probably did something cool and noteworthy, like inventing a clock.

>invents a shitty photo sharing word guessing game

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