Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,

I'm currently using VLC to play videos and webms. Is there a better alternative? I don't need a ton of streaming or capture capability, I just want something to play videos and webm.

I checked the catalog and google is full of bad opinions from sites I don't trust and little facts.

I'm running Windows Botnet 10.


mpv, mpc-hc+madvr, mpdn+madvr are all better alternatives



Its really no better than vlc without madvr

Thanks for the quick response.

Why do you recommend madvr? Seems kind of superfluous with a very topical glance.

Would anyone mind sharing personal experience with mpv vs. mpc?

>I just want something to play videos and webm.
>Is there a better alternative?

All the best video players play videos and webms, so no, they are all the same.

If you need to switch, it'll be because of the interface or features. But we can't know what you like or what you need. Try MPC-HC and potplayer and judge for yourself.

mpv and youtube-dl. Try out Chocolatey and OneGet for easy updates.

>Why do you recommend madvr? Seems kind of superfluous with a very topical glance.

If you want to rape your CPU or GPU to make chinese cartoons look better, madvr is what you need. Otherwise disregard it.

madvr isn't that good as you might think

madvr honestly didn't feel any special. Try it out for yourself, might seem cool to you. Rapes CPU like mad.

mpv is good if you dont need a gui and prefer cli. Its also very light weight and portable.

mpc-hc+madvr if you need a gui. mad-vr makes the picture a lot better if properly configured. mpv has everything built in but you need to add a couple of things in the conf file to fully utilize it.

Best alternative to VLC for macOS?
This shit keeps artifacting playing some files when quicktime doesn't.

Gretech GOM Player

mpv and youtube-dl with the open-with addon is god tier


mpv is the best media player for mac and linux distros. On windows its a matter of preference between mpv and mpc-hc+madvr

Does it rape all hardware because it's coded inefficiently or is it just a resource hog?

I suppose what I meant by "I just want to play video/webm" is that I have no need for very robust streaming or recording purposes, or for music since I have other solutions for that. UI is unimportant, as I play everything full-screen. I guess what I want is as little bullshit between me and the media as possible.

What needs to be added, specifically?

Thanks again to everyone responding quickly.

>WMP has some of the best audio/video available
What a shock. You don't use it because it's like paying for a $40,000 hooker--the experience is nigh incomparable, but the barriers for getting there aren't really worth it.

still no point in touching madvr

That's probably true, but I also don't have $40,000 for a hooker. In your opinion, then, mpv would be a preferable alternative to mpc-hc+madvr?

>What needs to be added, specifically?
for mpv? it really depends on your hardware but main things are
There are a bunch of other options to customize it's behaviour aswell that you can find in the manual

no. just use mpc with something that won't make much difference with the video but won't eat shitload of resources

Cool, I also found some stuff in the archive that looks good.

Okay, I'll check stuff out.

I really appreciate all the help and opinions with this. I'll go check this stuff out and do some hands on. You da real mvp Sup Forums, etc

This. On Windows, nothing is better than GOM.

>mpv has everything built in

Why are you lying, user?

>can't add subtitles out of the box
What the fuck man

Besides youtube-dl and meme shaders, yes.

You dont know how to add srt files?

Renaming the file works? Sometimes I'm too lazy to do that and just add them on VLC.

Yes, it has to be the same name as the video file.
There are also scripts that automate downloading subs. Look up mpv user scripts on github. Some of them only work on linux distros though.

The rendering quality actually looks pretty good compared to VLC. Dunno if it's placebo.
It's a shame it's a standalone application, tho.

There are also a few frontends if you want a gui

It's not very intuitive or well documented. I like customization, but I don't see the point of not having a gui and not having any features without spending hours tweaking config parameters. If I want to spend time writing config files I would have riced i3wm on arch

Honestly you should just keep using VLC because it's the best media player and it plays everything.

But yea its not for everyone, especially tech illiterates. But you cant deny how well it performs. And there are guis if you want one.