How many people carry a USB/Thumb drive every day? If so what do you put on it? Linux distros, Utilities,Documents etc.
EDC USB/Thumb drive?
I carry one, its only 8gb and it has Porteus in it. I will use it on any computer that is available that isn't mine if I ever needed to use it.
I'd like to have it set up with more options, i need to work on that. Actually now is a good time, I'll do that right fucking now.
You should post what you end up with.
1. 64gb PNY drive, LUKS encrypted. File transfer/storage.
2. 32gb SanDisk Cruzer. Two 16gb partitions: One for Katana, multiboot security tool with konboot and Kali, the other for Kali's persistent data.
I have one on my keyring. It has absolutely nothing on it because >muh cloud has replaced it, but I have it just in case.
I have a password reset key for all the normieOS
2 on my keys.
16GB Kingstom Datatraveler.
Metal case and tiny.
Gift from my gf after my old plastic one broke.
Stores any personal files that I may need.
16GB i dont even know.
Metal case, slightly large.
Gift from my old boss prior to solvency.
I use it at my new job for all work related items, clients files, utilities, etc.
I will never put a plastic USB on my keys again, but I really want to upgrade my personal drive to 64.
Are there any decent physically mid-sized ones? Seems they're all either stubby with not enough metal to prevent overheating, or friggin' pry bars.
Eclipse workspace for school
I keep a 32GB one on my keyring. It has the regulations for my trade, and a text file with contact information should I lose my keys
I have puppy linux on an old 512MB flash memory diskette. I put school files on it.
I don't keep it with my keys for the same reason that I don't carry my house keys with my car keys. If you lose one, you lose them both. Or have them both stolen and the thief can then drive to your house and take your stuff.
>Or have them both stolen and the thief can then drive to your house and take your stuff.
How would a random nigger know where you live, retard?
I know where he lives.
FBI? Is tht u?
I have 64 GB flash drive, in a container that say 32 GB.
I've partitioned it in this way.
First partition is 32GB FAT32 for storage.
The second partition is encrypted Puppy linux with XFCE + Qemu And MicroWinXP
When plugged into a running windows machine only the first partition would show up.
You don't carry "a USB" with you. It's a data bus which as a part of a motherboard.
>Gift from my old boss prior to solvency.
>I use it at my new job for all work related items, clients files, utilities, etc.
Good job botnetting your new job on behalf of the old boss.
Because Windows (for reasons whatever) only ever makes the first partition of an MBR removable disk accessible. If there's others on it and one is set up to be bootable, it'll work as you described. The downside is that you won't be able to directly access the filesystems on partitions other than the first from within Windows.
If you have access to someones car, you can know where home is from GPS/Registration/etc.
Yes, that's why I swapped the plastic housing/case/container.
Pretty neat thing if I say so myself.
I'm thinking getting katana though.
What does partitioning of a flash drive (and any implications thereof) have to do with swapping the plastic housing?
If someone else grabbed the USB and plugged it into a computer, they'd only expect the first partition to show up, leaving the second one undiscovered
It dual boots 2 live OS's filled with utilities and a partition deticated to nice utilities
What's a decent portable OS to put on a USB?
I carry a 1GB stick for puppy Linux. Everything else is on my laptop or in the cloud.
i have kali linux on my zip disquette for hacking into wifis
knoppix linux
All of my files that hasn't been offsite-backuped yet.
I backup daily at home but my offsite backups are replaced less frequently, so I copy all those files which hasn't made it to my offsite backup on my EDC flash drive incase my house burns down or a burglar raids it while I'm outside (since I always bring my keys with me).
It's a Samsung Bar 128GB, bought it for $35 but they raised the price to like $50 after a while.
i installed some iso's using yumi multiboot, but when I click linux or windows it throws errors
People actually using this?
it was my first introduction to linux :)
I do. I have a dual boot boot-repair-disk and lubuntu on it just in case my laptop fails, and when I need to make transactions in a public place.
I carry a couple of my micro SD cards with me at all times
You know... in case I need to swallow them
I always carry a 16gb USB with Kali and a 8gb with Tails
i have this one.
has a bunch of diagnostics tools, file recovery and installers for my favourite programs.
i also use it to grab music/movies from friends
Are there any good key-looking USBs without abysmal read/write speeds? 6MB/s write and 10MB/s read at best is fucking horrendous.
Fucking chink bullshit.
Are there any good drives for key organizers?
USB 3.0.
Why you need something that fast?
I used to but my phone practically functions as one. A 128gb flash drive is similar in price to a 128gb ssd and I'm a cheap Fuck. I still have a few that I use for operating system installations
It can be discovered easily upon closer examination (disk management MMC snapin, diskpart, etc.). It's just that Windows won't mount any filesystems except those on the first partition (provided that filesystem is supported by Windows, of course).
You do realize that "the cloud" can deny you access to anything you stored there at anytime?
When was the last time you've run those on flash drive that have 32GB with case that says 32GB?
I have a 32 GB 3.0 Kingston DataTraveller, but I only have Solus on it.
This one:
Does ~60 read and ~24 write, small as fuck and great for key chains.
Am I the only one who uses these?
I have three. One for all my showfiles, one for software that I use (magicq&ma onpc etc), in case I need a reinstall and the third one is for various tool software that I might need.
I have a key style one like in your pic. I use it as a key to get into my PC. Won't unlock without it.
I have one on my motorcycle.
few insurance docs and a DNR if im dead.
Why? also thank you for making us work less.
I carry an old 4gb very small pendrive with some playlists I have to move.
I'd like to switch to one like the one in OP's pic.
how often do you use katana or kali when you're out? And for doing what?
You read correctly. It's a software you download and install on your PC and you set it up how you want it in the settings and such, and after that, it creates a file that goes onto the usb key and the computer is locked. Insert the USB and PC reads it, sees its a match and then it unlocks. Unplug the USB and the computer locks again
I use this.
I have slax on it in case I want to boot linux.
And portable virtualbox to run ISOs.
And for stealing data from phones.
What is the best way to carry keys?
I don't like rings.
Get one of those beaded chains.
Me too. I have one like the one in pic.
Unless those are on elastic extensions that's terrible. I also wouldn't want to use that as a wallet.
I don't think that's much different than a standard keyring.
I used to until I got a smartphone, all I had there was music, anime and personal stuff because if I tried to take my laptop to job I'd get robbed and no way I'm leaving all my shit in the company's where everyone could see I masturbate to 2d little girls.
It used to be a 32 GB Kingston, now it's a single 128 GB Sandisk sd card and I shitpost, watch anime and fap on the phone, which is a $110 Motorola because tyrone fancies iphone and samsung.
Different in the way that it's not stiff like a ring. The only other thing I can think of is you get a lanyard for your keys
>I tried to take my laptop to job I'd get robbed
You had it coming.
All my belongs have those.
I have a 64gb one set up with Easy2Boot for OS installs. It's a slow as shit Lexar, but it was cheap enough.
I have a few I always keep on hand. But 2 of them are specifically for Linux. Mint Mate on one, Ubuntu Mate on the other, in case of compatibility issues. I know I could put multiple distros on one drive, but you never know when you might need to boot up two computers.
I've got one of these bad boys. Has both full size and OTG micro usb ports so I can use it with both my computer and phone.
It's only about 4cm long and 2cm wide. Writes at about 50MB/s and reads around 140MB/s, so I'm pretty content. Haven't noticed any overheating problems, but I've only written maybe 8GB at a time to it.
I mostly use it for file transfers, but I keep a few important documents on there for the off-chance I have no internet access.
Here's a link if you want one (or two, I suppose)
Soon you all will be getting this
yeah also have keep some emergency contacts on it.
I'm worth more dead than alive. Shame my siblings aren't smart enough to have kin or to build a legacy, cause its going into a revocable trust ran under my parents ran by my partner (investor). Literally if I don't have children its the end of my family line.
>drive is destroyed in the crash
>EMTs don't see the drive
>EMTs don't realize it has important medical paperwork on it
>hospital has non-shit security and doesn't allow USB drives
Hope you have a backup plan.
Fuck yeah! For many years. Klaus Knopper made a hella portable distro. I also boot it on a couple of shop Thinkpads I can't be arsed to put hard drives in. Fast, light, works very well. Perfect internet appliance distro.
How well does portable virtualbox work for you?
I said if, the only thing jamal has stolen from me is an mp3 player, some panasonic earbuds and my wallet with a whole 8 dollars on it.
I have a 128GB one I carry with me all the time
I bought it thinking it'd be cool to carry all these programs and stuff on it and have anything I'd need with me at all times
But in the end I've only used like 8gb of it
Good enough
I usually run MicroXP to play games, can't bother with WINE.
Titanium USB and a label of some kind solves all of that.
They're not the cheapest, but if it's got that kind of important shit I think you can afford it.
2 Flash drives. One with Tails on it and the other a regular flash drive for work stuff and a Truecrypt container with passwords and .onion URLs
No one here 16gb usb/bottle opener master race here?
forgot pic
I use Katana's tools for file recovery and Kali for diagnosing network problems since it has a significant network toolset. I don't use Kali liveboot for pentesting since I have a dedicated Kali install elsewhere but it's nice to have for convenience's sake.
Keep a discreet USB on my keychain with TAILS and school files. I also use it as a bottle opener sometimes. If you don't carry one with you look at the calendar and come to terms with what year it is.
I carry two data travelers, one has hires and one has my KeePass database and a portable apps install.