When they see you visit here and the Chink sites, they raise the prices when they see our traffic. Asked a service rep why the memory card prices went up and he said this was the reason, because they saw aII of our traffic and he said they expected purchases wouId be made in the near future thanks to YOUR FUCKlNG BROWSlNG!
CIear your cookies and use a seperate browser otherwise you're aII fucking the prices up for everyone, making Chinking Chinks much Iess beneficiaI!
>SEPARATE BROWSERS >NO JAVA, NO COOKlES (untiI you reaIIy need it for purchasing if you seriousIy don't know how to make a purchase without them)
Check out the first Iink and Iook at his videos. He's got dozens on how these peopIe act.
>They exist onIy to make the Mi Mix and other knock offs that are too dangerous to make in a civiIized country
Remember: they aren't peopIe, they are IiteraIIy meme machines.
Henry Sullivan
I wonder what causes someone to have such unprovoked outburst of hatred for a group of people. You can tell this guy really hates the Chinese.
William Rogers
News is for pussies.
Easton Torres
lt was part of the discussion from the Iast thread at nearIy a quarter of the posts there.
William Bennett
>when they see our traffic How much traffic do we give out anyways?
Nathan Butler
>In China, People Turn a Blind Eye to a Hit-and-Run Victim in the Middle of the Road That's really fucked up.
Thomas Cox
Where? I can't find it on Sup Forums. All I see are BLACKED threads.
John Myers
What are some good alternative to Monk style earphones? I'm also curious about the ones that cost over $90.
Julian Mitchell
got my cock
Adam Hernandez
Chase Lewis
Isn't opening links in new incognito window enough? >Java=JavaScript
Adam Lee
You'll have to wait for that one audiophile user to show up in the thread, the one with the creepy/guro manga covering his desk.
He must've spent several thousand $ on earphones by now.
Nathan Morgan
Sender PT15
Kevin Cook
It's a culture formed by the shitty laws there, if you try to help someone after an incident like that you're now personally responsible for them, they can sue you for damages in court (and win) for being a decent person.
Carson Morgan
Meanwhile in the rest of the world you will be punished if you don't help.
Lucas Gutierrez
Which one?
Robert Perry
He is a Sup Forumsturd who views Chinks as subhuman robots.
He doesn't know the links he gaveare common 2nd/3rd World Problems
Kevin White
get the 32gb one. applications are getting bigger and bigger and even though the redmi note 3 has an sd card slot, the read speed can't compare to that of the internal memory.
Cameron Wood
Meanwhile, in the land of Oz, nobody gives a toss if you ran over an abo.
They're known to sell refurbished units as brand new.
Brandon Diaz
What's the best power bank that supports fast charging?
Anthony Martinez
take a look these sealed boxes..
Joshua Harris
KZ ATE S Bass Very Clear not as heavy as most reviews led me to believe Mids are strong and not overpowering Treble does not get lost but is distinctly lesser in the balance
Sound stage is big overall a new daily driver/10 (8.93452/10)
ED12 Very good sounding mids
as soon as any treble comes on EVERYTHING DISTORTS bass is completely lost to the mids most of the time, treble is just a faint noise a million miles away from you
I wanted to give it more of a chance but I literally could not stand listening to it on ANYTHING with vocals overall dumpsterfire/10 so bad that im wondering if I need a Tunable DAC to get actual sound out of these, so could just be my equipment.
Side note, the stock eartips are so huge that I literally feel like I was raped in the ear. Larger than an asian penis for sure.
ED10 Most traditional earphones Overall very good quality, metal housing feels very nice
Bass is powerful but not very clean Mids are nearly as strong most of the time but more clear treble is not as strong but when alone is fantastic, tends to get lost in heavier tracks
Soundstage is not great, things tend to get lost in more intricate peices with lots of simultaneous tracks
I don't want to use buzzwords but the best way I can describe the sound of these is as powerful. which works well for some music but not very well for others. )
overall like a gift for your little sister/10 (7.83616/10)
Best monk stype is VE Zen there is some head-fi thread where some nerd rates all monk style earbuds Zens are pretty high, and i believe it. My other chinkshit obsessed mate has em and they're pretty nice from the short while i listened to em.
idk but some chink thought he could sell 17776 of them
Benjamin Roberts
Equity will not assist a volunteer, bitch. There's no obligation in proper law countries to help someone out after an incident you didn't cause. I think it is required in Napoleonic meme law countries though.
Gavin Cruz
Rate my socks and feet :3
Blake Adams
Are we Sup Forums yet?
Tyler Mitchell
Oh my fucking god.
Logan Diaz
>CIear your cookies and use a seperate browser Why? They can't read any Sup Forums issued cookies. They can only see the referer.
Elijah Long
Is this normal?
Hudson Reed
Yes, use TWRP
Isaac Edwards
Is it worth it to buy that instead of just emulating it? I know this is chink shit and all, but I think I'd rather spend my hard earned money in other chinkshit that can't be emulated.
Jason Evans
Who are they?
Lincoln Gomez
Well, I've only had it for a day so far and so far so good. It's not worth owning if all you want to do is play it. I plan on giving this away as a gag gift.
I find the cart itself more entertaining than the actual ROM
Gabriel Nguyen
What do you mean? Get to that unknown error and then flash TWRP?
Mason Thomas
>CIear your cookies and use a seperate browser otherwise you're aII fucking the prices up for everyone
I am going saet up a glorious botnet to fuck up all your prices.
I hate chinks and you all should punished for supporting them.
Camden Myers
Ehm. I just tried again and it got fully unlocked. Nice.
Owen Cruz
No, drop that Mi flash shit and flash TWRP via updater on your xiameme
Justin Watson
It's a Mi 5S. Not a Redmi Note 2. But thanks.
David Green
>replacing a perfectly good OP with complete garbage and lies designed to split the general
Do you really think /csg/ is that big or influential that we cause price changes alone? Jesus Christ, leave this site once in a while and look around on the rest of the internet. Or better yet go outside once in a while. Fucking idiot.
Mason Barnes
It still works on your phone.
Brayden Robinson
OK. Good to know for future phones.
Adam Peterson
looks like it would have shit battery life
Jack Taylor
I have a new favourite insult.
Robert Jones
Zuk has shills here too
Xavier Wilson
The pic triggered me Old chinks on the N train in the morning is a special kind of hell I'm so fucking glad I don't have to go into jew york everyday anymore
Parker Powell
Story time?
Chase Diaz
That's because the zuk 2 and zuk z2 are both great for the price you pay.
That's a fucking SD808 phone here. An already dated SoC using the same housefire cores as the 810.
Rmn3p with SD650 = good Zuk z2 with SD820 = good Qikshit with SD808 = sad
Kevin Richardson
>They're constantly picking their nose and touching shit >they don't understand that if you put a fucking FULL cup of coffee on the ground it WILL spill so I'm forced not only to stand for 30 minutes in a crowded as fuck train at 6am, but I need to dodge the streams of coffee to avoid ruining my shoes >They fucking stink >ALWAYS have some kind of smelly groceries with them, I've seen a fish fall out of a bag once >Loud as all fuck when they're talking, I don't want to hear an old chink yelling at 6am It's just fucking miserable. You can never get a seat too. It's literally impossible What the fuck are all these old chinks doing in canal street anyway?
John Young
>order a thing on amazon after months of chink shit >4 days later they STILL haven't shipped it
Nathaniel Young
>Implying not everything is better in China, the land of the free.
That sounds like something that will annoy you so quickly, yes. Thanks for sharing!
Bentley Butler
Don't forget spitting. They don't even care where they are half the time.
Ryder Sanders
Hi what are the best chink earbuds for listening to my 1337 priv8 tracker flacs on the go?
I feel like an audist with big headphones
Nolan Brown
we Sup Forums now
Camden Peterson
I have those Xiaomi pills. Mi Piston Air. They never get mentioned here, but I really like them.
Nathan Parker
Christopher Allen
Give us a style of music or just go read the wiki fagbutt.
Wyatt Wilson
because they suck.
Very comfy but sound like ass.
Liam Kelly
>reading when I can be spoonfed I like all music yee
Josiah Wright
Grayson Scott
Vivo XE-800s Tennmak Piano DZAT DF-10s Boarseman CX-98 Somic V4
>because they suck. What do glorious earbuds sound like then? At home I listen through these super audiophile whatever they were. They sound amazing. Of course those Piston Air things don't sound as good, but they sound good enough. Do other earbuds suddenly match 400mm drivers?
I have them but don't really like them.. The packaging is very nice (you get a pen and a notebook) but the sound is sub-par : good isolation, but not a lot of bass, and the sound is not very clear The xiaomi piston 3 or the zircon rock are a much better choices imo
James Gonzalez
What does /csg/ think I'd the zenfone 3?
Really liking the camera, supposedly it's the same sensor as the 1+3t but the images are better quality
Colton Wright
Crapshit Bloatware And Updates that will fuck your shit up famboi
Thomas Morris
Jordan Kelly
I think you'd the zenfone much and sensor is image.
Jaxon Hughes
I have both the DF-10s and ED-09s The DF-10s are every bit detailed as my ED-09s but with better sound isolation and less microphonics.
You sure you got the right tips?
Brandon Turner
Really? Damn. I thought since it was Asus it would be decent. Really happy with my t100ta...
Nah I saw a review on GSMarena. They added a bunch of cool gimmics like a light sensor for better color accuracy and a laser for 0.03s focus time.
I have these and they're quite good. I'm no audiophile but I bought them on the recommendation of someone who is.
Brody Wilson
Have I been chinked, why hasn't the tracking info been updated?
Nathaniel Russell
Asus always get their hardware right >But once the update comes...hohoho >Your shit gets seriously pushed in >Sometimes to the point of unusability
Zachary Brooks
>only seven days Good fucking god please be patient.
Grayson Morales
The sound is fine, I use the memory foam tips, but I still prefer the piston (or the ED-09, I also have them) over the DF-10S
Angel Moore
Brody Smith
I fell in love with pic related and wanted it as an upgrade from my nexus 5. Now I'm sad.
Benjamin Hernandez
Bitch please. My tracking info hasn't been updated for six weeks and then all of a sudden I received it in the mail, while according to the tracking status it was still in transit.
Tracking is unreliable and doesn't mean shit. The closest you will ever get to know when you are about to receive something is when you see "forwarded for domestic sorting", but that's like saying "you may or may not receive your package in 3-5 days".
Thomas Wright
Im a noobfag, first time ordering anything at all online