>not using Vim

Other urls found in this thread:


>using outdated piece of shit software

i use evil mode in emacs

>not using neovim

>using vim when Microsoft Office exists

Whats outdated in Vim?
His purpose is to edit text.

>cant click on text


Obviously you should interact using an 8K 3D VR brainwave interface, anything else is obsolete, deprecated, and neo-luddite.

>>cant click on text
You can though?

set mouse=a
set ttymouse=xterm2

>Using the mouse
You need to be at least 18 to use Sup Forums

that's in your console emulator.
if there's any sane person here, you should know that using your mouse is a lot more efficient then using your fucking arrow keys

>that's in your console emulator.
No, that's in my .vimrc. It allows me to click to set cursor position, as well as mark text in visual mode by clicking and holding and selecting text

Pic related, although the mouse cursor is left out from the screenshot.

>arrow keys

>cant use the scroll wheel

>still haven't gone back

But I can that too... WTF? That's why I use xterm2 instead of xterm because of certain terminal emulators (in my case xfce-console).


Are you aware that advanced VIM users barely use HJKL, let alone the arrow keys? Once you see how advanced VIM users work, you won't be able to find your jaw. Trust me, you won't be able to keep up with their speed.

There is a reason that, the more experienced actual ENGINEERS get, the more they use VIM and EMACS.

See: Golang core team. Some of them don't even use syntax coloring. And they still work faster than me.

>using vi in any situation other than SSH
>using any command line editor for things other than SSH

I like to have an editor that looks exactly the same with my configuration files, no matter what system I use it on. This means that any system I might need to use the editor on, I can simply copy my config files and it will behave and look the same no matter if it is Centos or Ubuntu or even has X at all, or if it's FreeBSD or macOS.

This, sadly. The guy pushes his Uganda agenda way too obtrusively. He can have whatever views he likes but why force them on users of his software?

>putting unnecessary bloat on your plate for literally no reason at all

You sure will like the approach presented here .

>not editing the version.c file to remove the uganda bs

But I do use vim. I haven't even bothered to change any default settings. I also use the numpad to navigate and the mouse to scroll. The only shortcut I really know is Ctrl - U to delete lines.

waaaah I'm so triggered by this one line of text which affects me in no way whatsoever

Currently reading "Practical Vim", but I have a hard time remembering all those movement and action commands. Does anyone have a comprehensive cheat cheat?

>not hexediting the uganda bs away right in the binary

Still, the aftertaste remains even if you get rid of the messages. It's like if you started Emacs and were usually greeted by a message "Eat Stuff From Your Feet". You could obviously get rid of the message one way or another, but you probably would still feel a bit uneasy using it.

I think it would be best not to absorb too many things at once, but rather looking up two or maybe three and then try getting used to using them while working. Then after they have become a habit learn another few etc.

Okay. Also, switching modes all the time seems like a hassle. It would be nice to have a brain interface that detects whatever mode I want to be in.

that's what you get for using a binary distro, I just added a sed line to my buildscript and I'll never see the uganda bs

>waste weeks/months trying to master an editor only to save a couple of milliseconds per operation
no thanks

Why be so dismissive of the wishes of people who write software you use?

use a pedal

Have you tried to use literal ^[ instead of the meme key in the top left corner?

>inverted satan trips of truth

People who use vim every day (mostly in a professional environment), what plugins do you use? Is there any way to turn vim into an IDE-like (autocompletion, linter, debugger, etc)?

Huh, that's a nice idea. But not really portable.

> ^[
Sadly I have a german keyboard.

Not a vim user, but there is this:

$ sudo apt install vim
$ vim

>no mention of uganda
lol u tk him 2d da bar??

>professional environment
pick one

>Sadly I have a german keyboard.

European layouts are horrible for programming or even heavier use of the shell because of their outlandish and downright impractical distribution of ASCII symbols (they also tend to include some obscure non-ASCII symbols while relegating some ASCII symbols to be invoked with AltGr). What you could do is to switch to an ANSI keyboard (and for best results learn to touch type everything on it including symbols and modifier keys), but if you're much used to your local ISO layout then I'm not sure how inviting that sounds. Anyhow it would surely pay off in the long run, I think.

>Is there any way to turn vim into an IDE-like (autocompletion, linter, debugger, etc)?
Yes, but usually just for a single language (as in, the plugins are specific to a single language).

I use GCC for linting, ctags and cscope also for autocompletion and code navigation, and I have a fairly well-known plugin for using vim as a front-end to GDB allowing me to debug inline in vim.

I have a friend who works as a Python back-end dev, and he has the same kind of setup for Python but using entirely different plugins.

I have already rebound the square brackets and curly braces. The reason I refuse to use QWERTY is because I'm an REALLY used to the german layout. I just need my giant return key, my quotes on shift-2, etc. Can't live without it.

No need to switch keyboard, just remap local language keys to brackets and parentheses etc. Everyone programs in english anyway.

>using terminal based editors
>not using netbeans
gutter runt tier desu

Damn that looks interesting, though I'm not sure if it doesn't conflict with how vim should be (because it seems to be more of a "let's use eclipse for 95% of the work and vim only for typing text" instead of "vim with different plugins for code completion, feature x, y and z". Not that I care about the philosophy, but it seems strange to have something like this. Thanks for the info.


That's what I thought. It's not bad though, but I'm not sure if vim should be used for example with JavaScript due to the hassle, compared to C/C++


I switched from a Norwegian layout to US layout (large enter key to small enter key) four or five years ago. It was annoying in the beginning, because I always hit pipe when I wanted to hit enter, but after a week I was fully accustomed to the US layout. Now I use US International AltGr + dead keys as my keymap so I can write those Norwegian characters when I need to, but I use US layout on everything. I have to special order my laptops with a US keyboard because I refuse to use anything else.

There's at least three different messages (the two other ones are nagging for you to donate/register). Keep restarting the program and you're bound to see the Uganda message soon, unless you hacked it out one way or another.

Too bad. Then deal with it I guess, lol.

>it seems to be more of a "let's use eclipse for 95% of the work and vim only for typing text
It just runs Eclipse as a daemon and invokes Eclipse functionality through a set of keymapped commands. It's pretty nice desu.

>That's what I thought. It's not bad though, but I'm not sure if vim should be used for example with JavaScript due to the hassle, compared to C/C++
There are plenty of people who work with node.js everyday that use vim. I'm fairly sure there are a bunch of convenient plugins that rely on invoking node or something that works just fine.

>"lol u tk him 2d da bar??"
>inb4 "user was banned for this post"

Use gvim fagget

The keyboard shortcuts would still be the same as vim and I'd like something more appropriate for
2 0 1 6

That's a wise choice you made. Btw if you're used to ANSI and have to use ISO it's a double pain: not only keep you hitting the backslash on the right instead of enter, but you also keep hitting that stupid useless second backslash (or whatever is there in a specific given local layout) key instead of left shift. Damn is that annoying. At least if you buy a Thinkpad you can easily swap out the keyboard if necessary (some other laptops you have literally dismantle almost completely before you can remove the keyboard).

>Some of them don't even use syntax coloring
What's the benefit of "syntax off" if "syntax on" is available?

Vim and Emacs are outadated pieces of shit

I still use emacs for notes, Orgmode tolerated

Not him, but I'm sure they use some sort of syntax highlighting, just with low contrast or something. Visual guidance will undoubtedly make you more efficient.

vim is for niggers

if you don't use Nano you're a faggot

>We emacs now
>Chat plugin

Nobody uses vim in professional environment. You usually install vim plugin in your IDE. Vim is used only as text editor (mind you, most people will use other text editor with vim plugin).

What can you do in your precious IDE that I cannot so in Vim + terminal? I can automate my workflow with a few scripts, even the debugging process. The GUI debugger is for noobs in a pro environment. The debugger has to be able to accept scripts, every other opinion is simply wrong.

>no nerdtree on launch
what kind of shit is this?

will this work in my terminal assuming I change xterm2 to terminator?


Atom is better.

>uses debian based distro

Might as well download Atom at this point user

After the 20 minutes it takes to load it, yeah.

As long as NeoVim exist, it proove than vim is dead, and NeoVim is as dead as vim.
The best choice

>As long as NeoVim exist, it proove than vim is dead, and NeoVim is as dead as vim.

>hating on distros that Our Guy authored

This is either a joke or you're an idiot.

>purposely taking a shit on your own chest

LMAOing @ all the idiots ITT using some shitty homebrew autocomplete plugins written in slow as fuck vimscript instead of installing a real IDE which was D E S I G N E D to have these features

>not using superior gvim

it's like you want to live in the past

But I don't feel like a 1337 hacker if I don't compile stuff by command.

>advocating for vim
>not using HJKL

I use nano.

Just use Nano and get on with it

Daily reminder solving a problem takes 98% of the time. Writing it takes 2%.


Nah it's usually slower in an IDE.




let the hate flow through you swine

that color scheme looks like a whore's makeup

it reminds me of ur mom lmao

I don't know whether you're legally retarded or just horribly misguided for thinking that gimping yourself with that piece of shit instead of using an IDE somehow makes you smart. It must be the latter, go, fish, you felt for some serious Sup Forums memes kid

Yeah but doing it the other way around is a pain in the arse for the rest of the users.

The most popular keyboard layout in Poland is commonly referred to as "Programmer's keyboard" which is standard ASCII keyboard with diacritics available with Alt/AltGr modifier is used.
As a result people either don't use diacritics at all - which makes everything look retarded since Polish is heavy on diacritics, or people type slower than say english since your left hand has to press Alt/AltGr all the fucking time.



not the guy you responded to, but is speed of the editor what slows you down?
Sure things like snippets and autocomplete means you type out stuff faster, but it doesn't really matter that much.

I mainly use syntax highlighting to differentiate between if the variable is local or part of the class, if I am assigning or comparing, if syntax is correct, stuff like that.
Having different colors for each variable is a bit overkill, but you basically get more information than you would otherwise.
It is meant to make it easier, so you can tell the difference at a glance.
Syntax highlighting is always faster than compiler warnings, so I like it.
It takes a long time to get used to a new color scheme though.

The only people who think Vim "gimps" you are people with low IQs like your self.

IDEs gimp you because they impede workflow. Most people who use IDEs don't even know how to code, only use the IDE.

>go to talk at microsoft head quarters
>everyone is running OS X and Linux
>The developers of Visual studio come up to speak
>open vim in a terminal and start their presentation

Literally only code monkeys and pajeets use GUIs.

All real coder use vim and emacs. You're a retard if you use a microsoft product to code.

What is up with your huge margin at the top of your terminal? There's so much more space you could be utilizing to code. That's at least 4 lines of extra code you could be seing rather than a pointless menu bar.

I like your color scheme though, is there a default package for it? Or did you do some tweaking to get it the way you like it?

Afaik you can't enter diacritics with the left Alt, you need to use the right one (labeled AltGr on ISO keyboards, and just Alt on ANSI ones). This should be no problem whatsoever as you can press the Alt(Gr) key easily by curling your thumb to the right of the space key.

Poland should consider themselves lucky that they ditched their old keyboard layout which was used on typewriters and adopted the logical ANSI layout. Too bad that the overwhelming majority of keyboards available in Poland still has the physical ISO layout (with the big Return key that's farther from the center than on ANSI keyboards, and another useless backslash key which makes the left Shift key much smaller and less accessible). But the only thing you need to do here is to obtain an ANSI keyboard with isn't too hard, while western European countries are pretty much stuck with their impractical logical layouts so a transition to a full ANSI keyboard is difficult.

Not everyone fancies editors that require pedals.

Not everyone lacks a mouse and needs to do everything through a TTY because his OS literally never came with a working GUI.

>standard ASCII keyboard

>I've never used emacs nor anything other than windows, but I'll try to make it look like I know what I'm talking about