If your OS won't let you do this, it's trash.
If your OS won't let you do this, it's trash
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why would i need that
Thanks god it doesn't
that's literally what I hate about linux
autistic af
you mean "Trash", not trash.
>files and folders are NOT case sensitive
Who does this?
>b-but that's a file system f-feature
fuck, I fucking hate this filesystem "FEATURE".
you fucking autist will praise anythibg just to be different i guess fuck
OK can someone explain to me what I'm looking at here? Why is everyone so angry?
I hate to be spoonfed but I just don't understand.
Your mom does lmao
>Why is everyone so angry?
Because 'f' and 'F' are entirely distinct characters? They differ by just one bit, but differ still. Literally no reason to alias them with one another.
The OS which uses "folders" in the first place. The standard abstraction which is meant is a directory.
If your OS doesn't have thumbnails in the file picker, it's trash.
Filenames are case-sensitive in the OP.
This shouldn't come up in general because you shouldn't be relying on a system that lets you have basically duplicate names in the first place because you're not going to figure out which is which after like, 24 hours of not touching them.
Ah, I see. Thanks.
>can't name a file / ? < > \ : * | "
literally lmaoing @ your inferior os right now
Use the CLI, retard
>If your OS won't let you do this, it's trash.
You can do it with Windows and OS X too. For windows you need to set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\obcaseinsensitive to 0, for OS X you need to format your file system with a case sensitive version of HFS
what OS on planet earth doesn't let you do this?
>not using timestamps
Why the fuck would files and folders not be case insensitive? I can't think of a single use case for having multiple files or directories with the same name.
>not using tag based filesystems
I fucking wish, when are we finally getting a proper modern filesystem?
This is a fucking autistic post
>Note This problem does not occur in updates for the .NET Framework 2.0 that were released after November 27, 2006.
Get out of here normie
>>Note This problem does not occur in updates for the .NET Framework 2.0 that were released after November 27, 2006.
On my Server 2016 computers it is set by default
Yes, since that's the default setting. That issue that you linked was that somebody who had it to the non-default setting of case sensitive and then had it reset back to case insensitive after installing an update for .NET.
>That issue that you linked was that somebody who had it to the non-default setting of case sensitive and then had it reset back to case insensitive after installing an update for .NET.
I was more of just linking it to prove it exists so fags dont think i'm just making it up as OP presumably would.
>disgusting thicc girl rather than a fit one
please come back when you are 18.
>That loli
You don't know what you're talking about.
If your OS won't let you do this, it's trash.
Case insensitiveness in unicode is a clusterfuck and depends on locale.
post wall you hebephile
but can you set your hdd as a wallpaper?
I wouldn't go as far as to say the OS is trash, but I will say that it is of no business of the filesystem to care about your naming scheme.
User named files and folders are not the only things on the filesystem, consider a piece of software that uses a base64 encoded name (for whatever reason) to name is directories where it might be storing content. base64 relies on the case of a letter to determine what the value behind it is. in base64, a != A.
Therefore a filesystem should always be case sensitive. it is YOUR problem for choosing a shit naming scheme, NOT the filesystems. you are hurting everyone else by choosing case insensitiveness.
Solus can do this
If your OS lets you do this, then you're a faggot.
How is Solus? It looks neat, but I'm an Ubuntubabby, so I'm worried I might find myself clueless with a non-*buntu system.
Solus is great. You'll also probably find it easier than using Ubuntu too, and if you have questions, you can talk with the developers and creator themselves in the irc freenode channles #solus and #solus-chat
Why not?
I don't know lol. It's pretty cool though. Not too practical at all but cool. Maybe show a girl who is into nerdy guys. Actually gonna show my gf later lol.
Good point, but limited validity when choosing an OS.
Its hard to give a fuck but you're right
>run some game on wine
>download and unpack mods for it
>sometimes they have folder names in ALLCAPS, sometimes all lower case, sometimes PascalCase
>invariably I have to manually move everything to the right place
I can't really blame winfags for doing this but still, this is yet another example of Microsoft's refusal to adhere to globally adopted standards fucking users over
So Windows 10 isn't trash then?
OP and everyone else in this thread but me, are a fucking retarded and underage. Do you even have a STEM degree? Did you even finish hight school?
Fuck, I knew that even before hight school.
Case sensitiveness is not a OS feature, it's a FS feature. Fucking dumb cunt.
you need permission to read from /dev/sda (use sudo)
Literally fuck off, Kevin kevinfag
you already have something managing the desktop, you'll need to kill that first
This is fucking shit, sorry, but that's why I don't use loonix as a desktop os
Ah, okay.
Hi Kevin!
If your OS won't let you choose to turn case sensitivity on or off, it 's trash
Kevin, you have disappointed me for the last time.
I guess Windows 98SE is fine, too.
lost so hard. Thx for that one.
all are shit for not supporting the filename over 260 characters
>using windows cmd
really ?
>> Hight school
Some people are just really tall. It's a their top sport is basketball, most of the people enrolled there are basketball americans.