
Why? So you can have 0 days for longer?

>winblows 10
>any master race


shit, that must have been really expensive.

I also use testing repos in Arch so I can laugh even more at retards and their outdated shit

why is there a huge purple bar on the top taking up space?

>what is Huion digitizer
Please stop being poor


Not only poor but also retarded. Jackpot!


No new release in december. What is your point?



>being a part of botnet




Where did you?..
What did you?..



using and testing beta applications for FREE

thank for your service user

>Firefox Nightly

No thanks, stable updates too fucking often for me as it is.

that's the bar to draw shit
if you don't draw shit it's not there

anyone else have issues with location bar enchancer and https everywhere not working.???

I wish e10s didn't break fucking everything, as Mozilla seems to think that a single extension working with e10s means that all extensions will work together with e10s