Did you think you'd ever live to see the day this would happen? 2016 has been a crazy year.
Did you think you'd ever live to see the day this would happen? 2016 has been a crazy year.
Still not playing webm.
>Microsoft builds a whole web browser from ground up in 3 years
>Mozilla is adding pony pictures and hiring SJWs
Still better than any webkit based browser.
>edge has more botnet than firefox
What's there to brag about?
Whoa. I'm running Chrome 54 (current stable) and Edge is only 14 points away.
It's coming.
Edge surpassed it because they forced it onto every Windows 10 user. Whether or not you are using a different browser, it'll probably still saying you are using "Edge." They did the same thing with Internet Explorer.
This isn't about usage, this is about web standard compliance.
>>Microsoft builds a whole web browser from ground up in 3 years
Edge is based on E11.
>pssh, nothing personal kid
I don't care
Firefox is still non-botnet
The others are botnet
Edge, Chrome, Opera
I'll take a small hit on smoothness, responsiveness and loading speed on exchange for the guarantee of browser privacy
Firefox is the only redpilled browser
>compared to firefox
Not really trying to jump a high bar there, are they? Firefox can barely play fucking flash.
haha great shit
w3c standards went corporate dogshit
if taking computation control away from user is standard, then im glad to use any of a halfdozen low-compliant firefox forks
mozilla isnt worthy of praise either, the morons cant decide if they want to follow the original motto "take back the web" or "take back the user share" by tryting to catch up with interface fads and silly shit
>Firefox is still non-botnet
>tfw using SeaMonkey and despise the lack of add-ons but normal Firefox is a botnet and palemoon is cancer.
>Edge is based on E11.
>this is what freetards actually believe
>Firefox is a piece of shit
what else is new
>web standards
t. chromshit user
>e the lack of add-ons
really? i just read on wikipedia that its fairly compatible and addons can be "easyly made compatible?
are you surte you junt dont need to grab the versions of extensions prior to firefox 48 or some other mark when they they changed something major?
>palemoon is cancer.
t. assmad firefox user
Sharing is caring. Especially in the compatibility of the exploits, but go on.
Who cares, it's still a shit browser
Hold on now, let's put this shit to bed. I'm a FF user and have been since it was created. I'm hyper-autismo control freak. But the newer iterations of firefox are pure catshit with zero functionality. The devs have a hate hard-on for shit like flash and decided to add retarded bullshit like the plugin container that makes the god damned browser crash about 40 times a day. The devs of FF are absolutely insufferable cunts who think a browser isn't supposed to be for internet surfing for some reason and never admit when they've fucked up. They live in their own evil, retarded bubble and deserve public executions.
Fuck off.
Fuck off you too.
didn't read
furcucks BTFO once again!
I hate to admit it, but while i was strongly in favor of firing that old CEO, that's what tipped mozilla over and was basically the beginning of the end.
I still use FF because i can't live without some of my addons but god damn.
>Still not playing webm
It plays webm fine, they just didn't bother with deprecated shit like vp8 that only Luddite sites like Sup Forums use.
t. lincuck
They lied. 95% of extensions don't work on SeaMonkey or palememe.
>uses non-botnet web browser
>on android
Top lel
Daily reminder that if you are using any nonfree software on your computer you have been cucked - perhaps without realizing it
Maybe ff isn't maintainable in current form. I use nightly but the rendering and the html5 video is a mess. Bugs reported by several users, so they know about it. The codec bug merged with the stable as 50 now barely can play HD videos. Maybe i'm wrong but i think it must be the new rust backend.
>that's what tipped mozilla over and was basically the beginning of the end.
Brave is bigger shit with its own ads and i doubt it's legal.
>deprecated shit like vp8 that only Luddite sites like
Youtube. That was pathetic damage controll from (You).
Infidel. :^) Phishing protection can be considered as botnet on Sup Forums
At least Firefox itself is not botnet.
I will wean myself off Android and Windows. It takes time.
Did they just patch Firefox and Tor today because zeroday javascript attack?
html5 is a needy cunt and so is anyone who defends it. Death to status quo zombies!
Call me when it has WebRTC, Service Workers and full Web Components support including HTML Imports.
yep, just updated.
Is there any way to block YouTube ads on Edge? It's the only reason I don't use it.
VP9, works for me.
Works on my machine, cuck.
VP8 too.
Literally nobody cares about vp8 webm any more, its deprecated for years now.
Edge supports webm contrary to what as well as all the FUD spreaders are claiming. VP9 webm is fully supported.
Fun fact, also fully supported by Edge is encrypted hls/https/m3u8 h264 streams which firefox and chrome both refuse to pay to use which means only Edge and Safari can make use of it.
Oh, thank you, user.
Are you severely mentally ill?
The whole conversation has been:
>edge cant play webm
>yes it can
Nothing you have replied to me with Have ANYTHING to do with fucking anything.
Google made vp9 because vp8 has problems, they have been using VP9 for years now preferred and Edge also supports VP9 webm.
You are so stupid it's actually pissing me off. I'm done, have fun spreading lies about Edge not supporting webm and clinging to vp8 years after Google deprecated it you fucking moron.
Yes I mad.
i have not come across someone as stupid and oblivious to reality on this site as you are in a long time.
Memory of goldfish.
See >deprecated shit like vp8 that only Luddite sites like Sup Forums use.
>Yes I mad.
But since you use W10 i forgive you as i'm not your medic.
>he cant play webms on 4chinz
lel, I would be mad too.
Do i still have to reactivate all my addons everytime i open it because that's why i stopped using it.
You should seriously consider killing yourself.
VP8 is only used by youtube for 640x360 videos because of old smartphones and pajeets.
Every other youtube video format uses VP9.
I don't even understand who you are lying/shilling for in this case because you're wrong about MS, wrong about google... nobody else matters in this so I guess you are just infuriatingly retarded.
Easy to trigger the faggots like you. Much fun.
>wall of bullshit
Why these fucking webm isn't working? I'm mad.
>haha I was just pretending to be retarded hahaha
Congratulations on being cancer.
Why won't Sup Forums ever admit that Chrome is simply superior in terms of performance?
>Chrome is simply superior in terms of performance
its not
I'm sure I'm not the only one who stopped using FF when the company chose to dispose her co-founder just because he chose to exert his constitutional right. There is no excuse for that.
So, which browser is Sup Forums approved? Firecuck forks don't need to apply.
They're all fucking bad just roll a dice and start shilling
>EdgeHTML is a proprietary layout engine developed by Microsoft for the Microsoft Edge web browser. It is a fork of Trident
You do know there are plenty of forks?
>that has removed all legacy code
>and rewritten the majority of its source code
The ones riddled with serious security issues? Might as well use Chrome then.
>>that has removed all legacy code
Who knows. IE is proprietary.
Forcing Edge on Windows 10 is actually the reason why it does not get any usage share at all.
Opera is literal chinese botnet calling home every 5 minutes
The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.
Application Information:
Process ID: 155552
Application Name: \device\harddiskvolume2\users\user\appdata\local\programs\opera developer\43.0.2423.0\opera.exe
Network Information:
Direction: Outbound
Source Address:
Source Port: 62638
Destination Address:
Destination Port: 1900
Protocol: 17
The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.
Application Information:
Process ID: 155552
Application Name: \device\harddiskvolume2\users\user\appdata\local\programs\opera developer\43.0.2423.0\opera.exe
Network Information:
Direction: Outbound
Source Address:
Source Port: 5353
Destination Address:
Destination Port: 5353
Protocol: 17
>>this is what freetards actually believe
He is right though. They wanted to remove the legacy compatibility crap from IE, so they forked it and called it Spartan (later Edge).
Then Vivaldi, you cuck.
Then Brave.
>swap one botnet to another
Think I'm gonna pass, you cuck
What went wrong?
[citation needed]
says he while posting from a nonfree internet access point
Mozilla started kicking out straight white men and replacing them with women, niggers and queers.
Fast forward a few years and firefox is like big cities in the western "first world" where society has turned to shit by stupidity and degeneracy.
Vivaldi is not a botnet.
Firefox has always been a shitty browser. Back in the days when it was gaining loads of traction, it was better than IE6 and that was it. Its standards compliance was shit, their record on patching security holes wasn't great, they didn't innovate in terms of features at all. Opera was better in every conceivable way, cucked by it originally being shareware and later having adverts. Moreover, because the web was built for standards-disregarding IE6, a lot of web pages didn't support Opera well, so Firefox being behind the curve did it a massive favour.
After numerous years they improved, but Chrome came along and did a better job of compliance and pushed its webkit engine everywhere. Now loads of browsers use it and don't need to worry about keeping their rendering engines up to date, unlike poor mozilla playing catchup with their gecko.
No, Opera fucked themselves ages ago. It's a joke now.
So which mobile browser is the least cancerous now?
It doesn't matter if it's better at complying with web standards because:
1) It's proprietary and that alone is enough for me to never use it, but assuming I would
2) Microshit is without a shadow of a doubt going to embrace, extend and extinguish whenever it's profitable for them
That being said that doesn't absolve the firefox dev team from slacking off and focusing on pointless shit instead
Doesn't it include some micropayments?
Requires botnet OS.
Lynx is the only browser you should be using.
Such conviction. The botnet is built into WebKit itself noob
>19 for input fields
It's only connected to mozzila and a certificate site and nothing else, what's the problem?
Vivaldi is Vivaldi.
On IceCat i can't post in random ImageBoards because "invalid HTTP", i try disable my addons but this shit happens, what i need make?
The undisputed champion.