Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Intel-120GB-Solid-State-SSDSC2KW120H6X1/dp/B01C7867FE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1480644212&sr=8-1&keywords=intel 540s 120
amazon.com/DISCONTINUED-Samsung-850-EVO-MZ-75E120B/dp/B00OAJ5N6I/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480644221&sr=8-2&keywords=samsung evo 850 120gb


How come we hear nothing of them

>buying anything from WD ever.


They own Sandisk.

RIP Sandisk

Awwwwww, fuck. They were pretty good.

Good thinking, better get a Seagate instead.

Fuck that.

The only hard drive anyone should buy is an Hitachi Deskstar...

>In 2012 Hitachi sold the division to Western Digital who rebranded it as HGST. (wikipedia)



Sure, if you want to spent two to three times more for the same space, speed and cache.

WD Caviar Blue is a perfectly fine consumer HDD.

macfags btfo

>WD M.2

just when you think you've seen it all

>WD Blue
>PCB is actually colored blue
>WD Green
>PCB is still blue
Wasted opportunity

There's no caviar anymore
Just blue

I wonder what controller Seagate is going to use now that LinkAMedia is owned by SK Hynix.

Or maybe abandon this market altogether to their peril.

>not buying intel ssd master race


>120 GB

>needing more than 120 gigs for what you should only be using as a system drive


How are the speeds on that? I'm still using a 520 240gb.

Fuck, user you're the first smart user that i have seen on Sup Forums for months

I have a 120 GB SSD but it's the chink shit from Samsung (750) but it's k

>edgy skull logo
>hundreds of dollars more expensive than a Samsung
>inferior in every way
Id give you a shekel but you'd need to pay shipping on it.


they still are manufactured the same way, it's just under a different name. The quality has not dropped.

they knee jerk bought some shitty memory company in response to consumer SSDs becoming so popular, shame they couldn't try to stay relevant by putting out HDDs that are actually better value than what we had 6 years ago.

On attachment

>needing more than 120 gigs for what you should only be using as a system drive [2]

>hundreds of dollars more expensive than a Samsung

Are you trying?

amazon.com/Intel-120GB-Solid-State-SSDSC2KW120H6X1/dp/B01C7867FE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1480644212&sr=8-1&keywords=intel 540s 120

amazon.com/DISCONTINUED-Samsung-850-EVO-MZ-75E120B/dp/B00OAJ5N6I/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480644221&sr=8-2&keywords=samsung evo 850 120gb

>inferior in every way

[citation need]

>muh edgy skull logo
>giving a fuck about logo

Go away, fag.

>buying any solid state drives not made by Intel or Samsung


Samsung 850 evo are the sweetspot for price/performance on 2.5 SSD. Almost any other model on its price range is not worth it.

>pajeet hands

>pic related is a cheap crucial 480gb

>wanting an unreliable garbage drive that will die in 3 months

I bought wd for my dank pad because i'm poor as shit but need ssd too urge
And found this thread 1minutes ago i realize i'm cucked

>what you should only be using as a system drive

>implying I own a NAS

>A person who was close to the corporate action in Western Digital and HGST said: "All key positions are with HGST people; it's a reverse buyout. First HGST took Coyne's money to buy themselves (probably with a clause that Milligan is becoming CEO) and then they watched WD dismantling itself."

Finally we have a standard for SSD

But weve still got plextor in the end

>1tb SSD easily found for $250 nowadays
>3tb HDD can be as low as $80
>being so poor that you can't have OS and games on an SSD, and media on HDD

this desu. even my laptop is setup this way

>wasting resources on aesthetics
>not just pure efficiency


Excuse me, is there something wrong about being poor? You little racist peace of shit.

Yes of course being poor is bad. It's your own fault because you didn't waste your money on pointless crap.

Not that user but all mt WD drives died a few days after the warranty expired. It always begins with that weird clicking noise, then you have like 12 or 24 hours if you're lucky to save your data, then the drive just fucking dies. Happened to me several times before I understood that buying WD was a very stupid thing to do.

WD is fine.

fucking this, have you seen the prices of these WD Blue and WD Green SSD's?

Also, why the fuck do they have WD Green SSD? Regular SSD uses like 1Watts what the fuck. Do these WD Green go to sleep mode after 6 seconds like the mechanical hard drive counter parts?

I guess they're making Blue = premium and Green = budget now.

The trips of truth have spoken.

Just because I like to pretend I have a big e-peen...

2x 400GB Dell Write Intensive (Toshiba IIRC) SAS SSD on a PERC H710


>It always begins with that weird clicking noise, then you have like 12 or 24 hours if you're lucky to save your data, then the drive just fucking dies.
That's why you use RAID and backups, user

Yeeeeh booooi!! That's what I'm talking about.
Look at that, just.. just look at that. Very nice user.
I am jelly, if you couldn't tell.

Nah, they'll just sell SanDisk drives with the bottom binned flash chips.

This has got to be raid

1. buy Sandisk
2. rename all their flash as WD
3. sell Sandisk drives with bottom binned WD flash to ruin the brand
4. kill off Sandisk brand "for financial reasons"
5. ???
6. Profit!

Aye, RAID-1 (PERC has 1GB NV cache), sorry I forgot that in there. Six sets in the chassis on the same controller.

makes sense, considering that many still consider SSDs to be premium parts

But i thought that WD were good wheb it comes to external storage, at least better than Seagate.
Never owned any SSD from them though.


Does this mean WD are killing off their entire HDD line?

>600 PRO
>400 GB
while taking advantage of the ignorant is fine, they should be more subtle about it.

>OS taking up more than 32mb
>games larger than 700mb

I don't want Sandisk to die... :'''(

>microsoft windows makes my computer a personal computer
>if it has mac osx it's not a PC anymore
>if it has linux or bsd it's not a PC anymore


SATA III is ancient technology and it not newsworthy any longer every since Apple announced blazing fast new SSDs in their new flagship MacBook Pros, familia

>taking pride in being a jewcuck

this, improper warranty labeling, improper warranty times (oftentimes you get less than the 24 months you should get, which then leads to ping pong of HDDs until you get one that has enough warranty left) and then the shit breaks down after one a half years.

Caviar fetishes are sexual things related to shitting at other people etc. No wonder WD is so shit, it's literally printed on all of their shit HDDs.

HGST is a a separate, independent division that still makes the best drives on the market.