Bought an XPS 15. It's a piece of shit im taking it back

>Dell XPS 15 9550
> BSODs, fucking buggy ass system
>Connections to 2.5GHz networks impede Bluetooth signal.
>Broadcom WLAN is a piece of fuck tard
>Piece of shit overheats, load ass fan
>Fans don’t ramp-down after gaymin until machine is put to sleep.
>Shitty speakers
>Advertises 17 hours of battery life, piece of shit last 4-5 hours max
>shallow travel keyboard

it's an utter piece of shit. returning this for my money baclk

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks blo/g/

thanks glad u like it

i appreciate this

Nice try macshill, nobody's falling for your bullshit.
Post your XPS 15 now, oh right, you don't actually have one.

thanks glad it is helpful

>giant bezels
That's no XPS, you fucking retard.

I have an XPS 13. It’s a piece of shit too.

Fuck off iFaggot shill.


are you retarded?

who the fuck says i use a mac? calling a spade a spade. XPS is a piece of shit computer with a load of problems.

did you try installing gentoo

I've owned Asus laptops for years and never once had a single problem

that said
>gaming on a laptop
>complaining about battery life
too bad you're a retard

not yet thought about solus or templeOS

>XPS is a piece of shit computer with a load of problems.
Name one. Oh right, you can't because you don't actually own the fucking computer.

post pic of your laptop bruv

I had a Macbook Pro and I didn’t like it either. At least the keyboard was way better than the XPS 13.

I only had good luck with their eeePCs, they were solid as fuck for the price. Their mainstream notebooks and Zenbooks are steaming piles of shit.

>XPS shill defending a shitty laptop.
>Has no reading comprehension.
>Gets offended because he bought an XPS
>Can't read OP

>still no pics
Yep, iFaggot confirmed.

>Says post pics over and over
>As if that addresses shitty issues on XPS 15

It's to prove you actually have an XPS you fucking retard.

What is 2.5ghz wifi?

The lengths you dell pajeets go is astounding. Just seriously get the fuck out of Sup Forums with your spam. The XPS is fucking garbage, and I'm making it my mission to stop any more gullible retards from buying it.

im not getting out of bed to pick the piece of shit up.

i find it funny how hard youre shilling for xps. fuc off and admit you own a shitty ass laptop

Here is my XPS 13

Why don't you like it? You only just said "it's a piece of shit." Have you used anything else that was better?

2 of my friends just got one, looks like youre slacking. You're fired.

stop shilling so hard

>Their mainstream notebooks and Zenbooks are steaming piles of shit.
I strongly disagree with this statement
I've owned a number of plastic-cased $500 Asus laptops and they are fucking tanks

> BSODs, fucking buggy ass system
Install GNU, or format and do a fresh install of windows. Both worked fine in my case. But yes, the stock bloatware windows causes problems. Thinkpads are no different. Anyone purchasing a new laptop should wipe it and reinstall OEM windows.

>Connections to 2.5GHz networks impede Bluetooth signal.
Never experienced these issues, but you can fit an Intel 8620 in it if you like for cheap:

>Broadcom WLAN is a piece of fuck tard
see above

>Piece of shit overheats, load ass fan
It's got a 960m and a quad-core i7, it will get HOT while running on load. Theres no way around this, the computer will of course clock itself down to stay in reasonable heat conditions.

>Fans don’t ramp-down after gaymin until machine is put to sleep.
See above, if your GPU is at 100c the fan will stay on until it cools

>Shitty speakers
Speakers are pretty good, far better than my t450s but not up to par with macbook

>Advertises 17 hours of battery life, piece of shit last 4-5 hours max
Inflated of course, but I get about 11 hrs with web browsing and note taking, other computers in its class last about an hr. This could be because you're still running their bloat windows install

>shallow travel keyboard
Yeah, the old macbook keyboards were better. I'd put it just a hair worse than my t450s' keyboard.

All in all I like my 15 a ton more than my t450s. The thinkpads have their purpose, but for the $1200 I paid for it, my XPS 15 has a better processor, better ram, a FAR better display (seriously, lenovo "IPS" displays are lacking, anyone that tells you otherwise is lying and hasn't A-B'd them), a GPU (the thinkpads everyone circlejerks on here use intel integrated), and a great mousepad, with a far better battery life thank my thinkpad (even when you consider the xps is far faster)

It's my favorite laptop on the market to date.

Thanks for your thoughtful and considerate reply.

- Worst keyboard I ever used. I didn’t realize just how shitty it was until I used a ton of other keyboards.
- Battery life is 5 hours when they advertised 15. I didn’t care because it’s still longer than my previous laptop.
- Screen has a ridiculous amount of glare.
- Shitty Broadcom wireless card despite being advertised as Linux friendly
- Touchpad has shit drivers
- Oil stands out too easily

There’s other things I don’t like but are not objectively bad.

The keyboard is by far the worst aspect. It literally hurts my fingers to use it.

Michael Dell's a Spirit Cooker.

all of that sounds pretty fucking horrible honestly outside of the price

>battery life sucks
>keyboard sucks
>screen glares a ton so you can't see it
>runs really hot

yet it's your favorite laptop on the market? What does that even mean? How could you possibly know how good or bad every other product on the market is? You've already admitted that your XPS is shit.

>dell literally makes the best fucking laptop on the market
>it's the best for its specs
>blows out the competition
>dell also releases a side meme, probably a student intern project, the xps series, likely to try to recover the R&D costs they wasted on making it
>people buy the fucking xps instead of the state of the art machine you made
>dell marketing

could've gotten a Latitude 7000 series but you fell for the xps meme.

1080p screen on yours? I just ordered one with it a few days ago because I wanted the superior battery life and knowing that people approve of the 1080p as well (usually only hear about the 4K) would put to rest my last thought about it. It's certainly the best laptop I could find with the testing and research I did; I'm pretty hyped for it.

5000/7000 series is shite, I miss my 6000 full powered magnesium alloy beast.

my machine works :^)

my 7450 works fucking flawlessly. it just werks tbqh

No problem running VS, IDEA, 2 rhel VMs and a couple dozen browser tabs (and multiple browsers at the same time) + bunch of other software for work all at the same time. Not a single performance problem or issue. Would get for free from work again, 10/10.

My xps 15 lasted one week before I got sick of it and took it back.

Replaced it with an Asus t100ta and I've been much happier.

>buy shitty overpriced laptop
>forced to replace half the internals just to make it tolerable
Jesus Christ...

I ended up ordering a 7470 to replace my 6430, but aside from the weight it doesn't feel like much of an upgrade. The worst part is that they discontinued the 6000 series altogether, so you're forced to chose between 7000 (ultrabook tier spec) and 5000 (shit build quality, ultrabook spec without the size, still can't take M2 + SATA)

What problems are you having with your 7000? As I said, I do all that stuff daily at work and haven't hit a performance wall, even with both rhel vms running either databases being used by myself or other devs or running large web applications for testing.

ULV CPU, feels flimsier than the 6400/6410/6420/6430 that it "replaces", worse keyboard, not much of a performance upgrade despite being 3 generations ahead.

I don't think its a bad laptop, but its shite from Dell pushing it as the replacement for the top tier semi-portable workstation, when its a business ultrabook.

Now that I think about it, I did have trouble when I tried to run and use a test hadoop cluster using multiple VMs to simulate nodes, but that's mainly because that's not a very good idea to begin with.

Eh, can't really speak for the keyboard or trackpad, I dock it both at home and at work.

It's not the best CPU, yeah, but it gets the job done and is top of the line for that form factor. What kind of stuff are you doing that you get bottlenecked by the cpu?

What do you think this means?

>tfw got a free Inspiron 13
>tfw it's pigfat as fuck and feels like a 15''
>tfw the touchpad is so fucking awful I use the touchscreen for a lot of tasks (it's seriously that useless, why the fuck do people try to imitate Apple clickpads and fuck it up so badly)
>but there's a hardware fuck up that makes it go batshit and click all over the place if it's pressed just right
>dell's known about it for two years and does nothing
>tfw I put down my reasonably bag a little hard once and the thing literally came apart and I had to pop all the plastics back together, it's still slightly bent
>tfw the bezels are huge
>tfw despite being an ultrabook it's heavy as fuck

at least the battery life is decent and I can still type 115 WPM on the keyboard so whatever

>ULV CPU is a bad thing

Larger GNS3 topologies with multiple VM clients. I agree its the best for that particular form factor, I just don't like how Dell just removed the portable workstation line (E64xx/E65xx) altogether and pushed the new Latitude 7000 series as a replacement even though its an ultrabook. The lower end precision cost about the same, but its a lot heavier, there is no 14 inch variant to my knowledge, and its not built as well either.

>buys the qhd model
>complains about battery life and glare


I have a Precision 5510 and it's nearly perfect, apart from Optimus being practically unsupported on Linux.

>battery intensive

What's it like living in 2011?