> BSODs, fucking buggy ass system
Install GNU, or format and do a fresh install of windows. Both worked fine in my case. But yes, the stock bloatware windows causes problems. Thinkpads are no different. Anyone purchasing a new laptop should wipe it and reinstall OEM windows.
>Connections to 2.5GHz networks impede Bluetooth signal.
Never experienced these issues, but you can fit an Intel 8620 in it if you like for cheap:
>Broadcom WLAN is a piece of fuck tard
see above
>Piece of shit overheats, load ass fan
It's got a 960m and a quad-core i7, it will get HOT while running on load. Theres no way around this, the computer will of course clock itself down to stay in reasonable heat conditions.
>Fans don’t ramp-down after gaymin until machine is put to sleep.
See above, if your GPU is at 100c the fan will stay on until it cools
>Shitty speakers
Speakers are pretty good, far better than my t450s but not up to par with macbook
>Advertises 17 hours of battery life, piece of shit last 4-5 hours max
Inflated of course, but I get about 11 hrs with web browsing and note taking, other computers in its class last about an hr. This could be because you're still running their bloat windows install
>shallow travel keyboard
Yeah, the old macbook keyboards were better. I'd put it just a hair worse than my t450s' keyboard.
All in all I like my 15 a ton more than my t450s. The thinkpads have their purpose, but for the $1200 I paid for it, my XPS 15 has a better processor, better ram, a FAR better display (seriously, lenovo "IPS" displays are lacking, anyone that tells you otherwise is lying and hasn't A-B'd them), a GPU (the thinkpads everyone circlejerks on here use intel integrated), and a great mousepad, with a far better battery life thank my thinkpad (even when you consider the xps is far faster)
It's my favorite laptop on the market to date.