Thoughts on this review?
A Constructive Look At TempleOS
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>Linux, he says, aims to be a 1970s mainframe, with 100 users connected at once. If a crash in one users' programs could take down all the others, then obviously that would be bad. But for a personal computer, with just one user, this makes no sense. Instead the OS should empower the single user and not get in their way.
really joggins my noggins
I ain't clicking that shit.jpg
>Instead the OS should empower the single user and not get in their way.
Problem is stated - we need true personal computing OS. Here's the solution.
That's why we need to push Haiku development to make it release by the end of 2017.
Release isn't far, we just need to help them.
Its good nigga
Bl𝖊ss𝖊d is T𝖊rry.
terry is a fuckin cool ass dude
Terry's demands must be heeded.
Terry A. Davis killed a CIA Nigger with his car in 1999.
I can't read that. It hurts.
rip terrys twitter
Given that he always seems to be running his own OS via VMware, does it actually support real hardware? Or anything else than VMware for that matter?
Haiku suffers from major glitches. Like the text editor crashes if you try to justify text that has been justified. Not to mention that it's far too tied to x86 with very little movement towards 64bit processors and larger memory. Plus it doesn't even set up your bootloader for you.
The AROS project is a lot further along in this regard, plus has the far more recognisable image of being Amiga-like than BeOS-like.
>has the far more recognisable image of being Amiga-like than BeOS-like
>0.1% recognize it rather than 0.01%
The font, the colors, or the content?
Rad this you fucking CIA nigger
twitter is discriminating against the mentally handicapped.
The difference is that Amiga was once a very popular system, and still has a big following in Europe. Plus Amiga has a lot of "cool" factors, which go a long way. Look at all the western attraction to Japanese 68k machines.
Plus Icaros are still releasing versions, which is more than can be said for Haiku. "Alpha4 is now over 3 years old" does not inspire confidence.
>when the Sup Forums kid decides to explore other boards
I don't wanna take Sup Forums here but I could come up with quite a few tags proving that they don't.
Whom they are discriminating against are people who say the truth and the word of god.
Icaros (AROS Distribution)
Can be natively hosted on linux next release.
The original 68k Amiga is dead since two decades and nothing is going to bring it back ever. The stuff which is being sold under an "Amiga" name currently is horribly antiquated PC hardware which is being sold for Apple-tier (and beyond) prices in order to rip off nostalgic people. There's not much more to say about it.
And it's just as easy to say:
>anything but Windows, Mac or Linux server OSs
>current year
So why even discuss anything at all?
if you're going to be so dismissive why not just resign yourself to your fate?
>Look at all the western attraction to Japanese 68k machines.
>a couple hundred weeb fanatics snatching up anything remotely collectable that's related to Japanese video gaming
>"all the western attraction"
It's not the machines that people desire, it's the games. The machines themselves were unremarkable as were the OSs, eventually the Japs ported NetBSD to the thing in desperation.
Sharp had a whole ecosystem of crappily supported half-assed hardware and software for theoretical business cases, but everybody knew the damn thing was just a video game machine in a PC form factor.
Emulation will suffice as the prices on these machines have risen to the point of un-affordability for any casuals.
Cool as fuck industrial design, overall system design was more than adequate for the day, but the things were hampered by the dearth of software. They tried to sell 'em as DTP workstations for a while.
I don't understand why Sharp didn't try to bridge the gap with a more affordably priced 3D-capable unit which retained compatibility with the older software (really games). PPC seemed a natural for this. If they'd have played their cards right Sup Forums might be talking about Sharp today.
>vmware has a bug stretching 640x480 16 color to full screen.
It is, indeed. Thanks.
Some people spread suspicious low quality blogposts here, and I didn't want them to give the click, because it's most probably they are connected with Google Ad Services, so they get their $0.02 per click.
fucking CIA niggers
>the truth and the word of god
>things we know
>The compiler can compile 50000 lines of code in less than a second