Can we get a thread for underrated technology?

Can we get a thread for underrated technology?

>GTX 680 still going strong
Still using pic related, can run pretty much every newer game I've tried on either high, ultra, or a hybrid combination of both.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post footage of your GTX 680 running Rise of the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Dishonored 2, Black Ops 3, Fallout 4, GTA V, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mafia 3, Hitman, Doom, Far Cry: Primal, Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4, Quantum Break, Forza Horizon 3, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Dark Souls 3 or The Division running at 1080p/60fps with a mixture of high and ultra settings please.

dude, my 7870 will do that no problem, I'm sure the 680 won't have an issue

yeah at 720p lmao

Skylake (and Kabylake, probably) i3s. Outstanding price/performance. My non-OC 6100 is paired with 1060, and I can run pretty much everything on high at 1080p/60 fps. There are some games, where 2 cores will struggle, obviously, but still.
Buying an i3 with expensive z170 mobo to overclock it is pretty retarded, yet popular move novadays tho. Just...why?

1920x1200 bitch

skyrim. wow. nice

i bet you have the gtx 1060 3gb aka cuck edition

>half the games listed have a 2,3 or a 4 after
>one even has a 5
>tfw no more original games that aren't trash

>consistent 60fps
Who claimed that?

Also you severely underestimate the performance jump from dropping settings down to high.

inb4 it's just a Diablo clone. It's not.

I'm still using 6950.

Any rich lads wanna gift me a 480 or something? I'm in Scandinavia. Please :_:

filthy fucking liar
kill yourself right now

are you cute?

>a 7870 can't run modern games on high settings

Prove it, you delusional faggot. People with shitty old cards always go quiet when you ask them to back up their bullshit about it running all the latest games on ultra. Prove me wrong.

Almost all of those games are utter trash, but that's not the point.

>Who claimed that?
If it can't maintain 60fps, your shitty old card is worthless. That is the minimum standard. The fact that you card can technically boot up new games doesn't give it any value. I could "run" them on a $25 GT 210.

>Also you severely underestimate the performance jump from dropping settings down to high
No I don't, faggot. I own almost every game on that list and know how the others perform. Your shitty old card isn't even getting a locked 30fps in something like Mankind Divided on the High preset.

Lenovo Thinkvision monitors.

They're IPS, matte, cheap, 16:10, 1920x1200, have decent response time, and can be overclocked.

And you can get them for $100. Normies won't buy them because waaa no HDMI


i run all modern games at highest settings, the only one I had a problem with was Tomb Raider with tress effects on, and it ran around 50 fps

here's my speccy
its amazing what a perfectly balanced machine will do for you if you tune it right

Can confirm, we use these at work.

>comparing the gtx 680 to a gt210
Opinion discarded

prove it

> I'm in Scandinavia.


you are 100% full of SHIT

You will come nowhere near close to even the high preset at 1080p/60fps preset with Rise of the Tomb Raider.

You won't even run Tomb Raider 2013 at its max with 60 fps steady.



>Rise of the Tomb Raider
well I don't own it yet, just the reboot, and I already said I can run it maxxed with tress effects at 50, so no argument there

you sound upset, maybe just realize that there is more to building a gaming rig than shoving in a bigger GPU

>If it can't maintain 60fps, your shitty old card is worthless. That is the minimum standard.

This is a little harsh. As long as you can meet the console benchmark of 30 fps with default settings you're still doing alright. Just depends on how often you like to upgrade.

Personally I'd say 40+ FPS on medium.

I tend to keep my hardware for a while before upgrading...

Ultimate is not the highest possible settings for TR 2013, you can still push some things farther with a custom profile.

It's either 30 or 60 for me with nothing in between. I don't like jerkiness or screen tearing. And I don't like to hear the GPU fan whirring to hard. So if I can only manage 45 fps in a game I'll limit it to 30 fps.

>custom profile
That's no good for benchmarks.

We're not talking about benchmarks, the dude said "highest settings". That means everything to the right.

Underrated? Are you kidding me? It gets absolutly shitstomped by it's AMD counterpart the HD 7970.

I'm using a custom profile with maxxed everything except tressFX with this rig60+fps average

Maybe my eyes just aren't as sensitive, but I've never noticed screen tearing or jerkiness on my pc.

I definitely feel it when it gets below 35 fps though.


GTX 680 is now slower than the GTX 1050 TI

As someone who had a 770 till may this year i'd beg to differ

the 680 cant do DX12 to save its life and could barely manage 30-60fps at medium 1080p

Why you always lying?

I have a GTX 680 myself and you definitely cannot max out most of the AAA titles on 1080p and it has been like that for at least 2 years.

It is still a decent low-midrange card, but nothing more than that.

How is that a bad thing?

As someone who has a gtx 680 I disagree with you completely. It's not so great at dx12,but it's still running sweet when you run the games with dx11.

i had a 4gb 770 oc it could barely hold 60fps on r6s at medium so nah your full of it mate my 390x craps over it

It's not the GPUs fault when the user is brain damaged

In every non gameworks crippled game the AMD cards dominate with the gap widening the newer the game thanks to Nvidia's lack of driver support for kepler. It is why i sold my 780ti and went back to the 7970 i upgraded from while i wait for Vega.

If you aren't running tressFX then you're aren't running highest settings

That chart is a lie.

Do you legitimately believe the hd7970 could be 30FPS faster than the 680 in GTA V?
Fuck off.

It's not necessarily a bad thing, it just shows that it's getting to be quite old, especially the 2G variants that will be ram limited and slower than budget cards while drawing 195W standard, and near 3x the power overclocked.

It can't run the top games from 2014 forward at highest settings. You'd be crazy to expect it to. Dark Souls 3 won't even hit 60 fps steady with it.

Nigga even my gtx 460 with 1gb runs that shit no problem on 900p, even tho most games require at least 2gb vram nowdays

3x the power of the 1050TI in case that wasn't clear

Tomb Raider's benchmark is not representative of real game performance. I get 60 fps easy at very high settings with my GTX 960 in the benchmark but it will take a shit during anything with water in the actual game.

>turning on extended settings that make the game unplayable on both cards


Yes but power consumption isn't a real reason to upgrade imo since you lose much more on a new card than you do on electricity.

I might upgrade my gtx 680 to an 1180 though if it continues to struggle with dx12, but it's still going really well with dx11.

Asus phones.

wow it can run a 5 year old game

Phenom II x6 still rocking it hard.

that behemoth cooler though

still kicking ass and runs every game at ultra

since its more recent than a 680...

HP laptops.

Still rocking my tx2.


GTX 1050 Ti has same or better performance than GTX 680 for much lower power consumption and much lower noise

It's the most power efficient card in the world

yeah man I can't believe how well my 1070 is still going..

>>half the games listed have a 2,3 or a 4 after
>>one even has a 5

You want him to fire up GTA 1 for you pal? Nice one retard.

He's trying to say he's a Swedish femboy.

My 1190Ti still runs the latest games buttery smooth on ultra, I love it.

>7970+2500k+all other shit+monitor=900€
>got called poorfag by 680 friends (2k€ build)
>680 bench>=7970 bench
7970 still going (loud as hell)
680 bench

Amazing, how is this possible right?

I know, when I turn it on I get Tomb Raider's benchmark is not representative of real game performance.
I know, I usually get better than that

stay mad, too bad

its the special edition

selling my gtx 660 oc edition asus for 100$ and some guy was low balling me for 60$ what the fuck

driver support?