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good op
good first post
Chip8 disassembler. Might add superchip and other extensions.
i hope it isnt written in c#
Java master race
reading the book on the right
just taking a 10 min break atm
I still don't understand the animal memes on programming books.
just go with it, bro
why are you reading a book at the atm?
someone could steal your money
I have a phone interview for my first it job in 40 minutes
Heeelp ;____;
Hopefully you don't sound like a boring asshole like I do.
I don't get it.
>two variables on the same address
>change one value
>check address, still same
>only one of the values have changed
I give up time to sleep
>When someone gives you general advantages, "too general"
I was never given general advantages.
I was asked about language and then I was told:
>C with built in algebraic data types would be much better, e.g. tagged unions and pattern matching.
Why the hell it must have something with C?
I bet if I told x86 assembly, I would be told something other similar.
The question is:
Why OOP is hated, and if it's hated, why FP is seen to be better over OOP? What good features does FP have over OOP?
Orly started this. Essentially, you are guaranteed to never run out of these. Never needing to use the same animal for two separate topics, etc. This evolved to the point where other publishers started using animals as well, for eg. Eloquent javascript.
What's your favourite design pattern, lads?
builder pattern is goat
If you're talking about """design patterns""", then they are all complete garbage.
pretty hyped
Is that Pascal?
Alright guys, some I'm trying to optimize some parameters in matlab with Newton's method. I know how it works in practice but why doesn't my code work? Do I need to make Sm a function?
syms a0 a1 a2 Sm
Sm = a0*exp(a1*(Eavg(i)^2)+a2*Eavg(i))*(2*a1*Eavg(i)+a2*I);
da0 = diff(Sm,'a0');
da1 = diff(Sm,'a1');
da2 = diff(Sm,'a2');
for i=1:l
Jy(i,1:3)= [da0,da1,da2];
I got a job in SQL-based Reporting.
Anyone got a clue what that is, lel?
These HR cunts are unable to explain this stuff properly.
As a follow up, yeah I can code the easy shit for the next iteration. I just need the matrix of derivatives of the equation being fit with respect to each constant to fill.
translate data from a database into pretty charts and graphs
check out crystal reports as well
any YACC/BISON fags here?
how do you parse negative numbers without relying on a flex regular expression for it?
any YACC/BISON fags here?
how do you parse negative numbers without relying on a flex regular expression for it?
thanks senpai
your welcome
What language can easily be used to create console programs that run on OSX, Linux, and Windows with little to no platform specific alterations?
Your struct should have a sign value that is set when you parse the urnary '-'
Why do you want to not rely on Flex again?
is abs() literally just (n < 0) ? -n : n
Pretty much., although the compiler/CPU/whatever might have a slightly more efficient way to implement it.
because i strip whitespace before anything, so in the lex i cant tell the difference between 1-2 and -2
I don't know, why don't you google it.
That's not how that works, dude
it is though, if i have regular expressions to catch minus symbols preceding numbers i cant tell the difference between expressions and negative numbers, but i can in the grammar
I have my end-of-study work coming later this year (don't know if you call it that way in english but that's the thing you have to do to prove you can program shit to get your diploma)
Anyway, any idea of the subject (the app) I can make ?
I'm currently searching for something easy enough to not have major troubles doing it. But elaborate enough so the teachers will accept my subject.
I wanted to make a lifting related app but other students told me that going for the generic management of something app is the best thing to do.
I'll do it in Java.
It won't match '1' and '-2' unless you have expression : number number as a grammar. It'll match expression : number op number.
i suggest using phonegap if its an android app
d/l a bunch of plugins and done.
Yeah forgot to clarify something. We have to use what we learned during our studies there.
Wich is, Java, Javascript, Php, HTML and the shit related to it and use an SQL database to manage your datas.
either way, this is an issue of grammar, and not lexicon, isnt it?
Treat it as a grammar, it'll make things simpler for variables and expressions
>Wich is, Java, Javascript, Php, HTML and the shit related to it and use an SQL database to manage your datas.
Ah same as me, the best thing can do then is a simple CRM-ERP solution which will use all of those above. Only bad thing its gonna take time to build and i even didnt manage to complete it fully.
Must read beginner compsci books ?
so i should still solve it by the rule
integer : integer
| MINUS integer
You'd want to make 'integer' more generic, to account for MINUS variable, or MINUS statement, etc. But basically, yes.
>Haskell has a dung beetle
What did you do and how long did you work on it ?
It was designed by idiots
We have an SQL reporting guy here.
He uses some shit named LBGen to generate queries and claims he's never actually seen SQL.
From what I can gather it basically does a SELECT * FROM EVERTHING and puts the query together in the client because we have a 40GB database and it generates a 40GB tempfile on his desktop every time it runs.
Why the hell it got popular then?
It's easy to learn.
That's literally it.
It's easy for beginners to get decent at it before they run into all the annoying shit.
I thought Basic existed for such purposes.
you can do more with python than basic. Python is the new basic in a way.
Python is new-basic
CRM-ERP web-app , It main idea is to help web designer/developers write down their customers needs/wants. archive and maintain a customer log, print out fast prototypes of website template and documents for signing by the customer (yes i had to add that formality in the app since there are many cases, idiots dont pay for the job or dont like the site THEY ASKED FOR ) . So yeah its like sugarCRM only more target for web developers/designers
what does it compile?
I think the negation is as fast as it gets. Two's complement isn't computationally difficult
MINUS statement isnt allowed for in the BNF
forgot , it also took me 8 months but i kinda stuble to ALOT of bugs, which kinda fucked me at the end and had only 1/4 of the app finished. Looking back now i believe i could have done it in 3 months with my current knowledge.
In Java, how would I carry out an action exactly n steps times.
Where n is decided by the user?
read in an int and use it in a for loop
Yeah that's a nice idea but I'm searching for something more generic. For example the last years subject were mostly if not all "Management of somethiung" like a clothing store, or a nursery or shit like that.
For loop.
i don't even know java, but it's obvious you would use a for loop
I love Python but I'm not sure I want to become a developer. I have a business degree rather than a quant degree, so the chances of moving into Data Science are pretty small too.
What other jobs is python useful for?
Python is pretty good for non programmers. A lot of scientists use it.
Do you want to be a developer, or specifically a python developer?
so is miskasasuk just palming that book like a basketball
8 fucking months. Nah it's too much for me. I'll have to do it in a few months.
I was thinking of doing a fitness app where you can make your own routine. With every exercices stocked in the database (with tables and relation telling you wich muscles it works and some other informations, I don't know yet what to put in the database).
Thins is I'm have no idea of the amount of work it is and I'm scared I'll end up with something too ambitious. Obviously building the routine isn't the only feature, I'll have to find some others.
I asked this yesterday, anyways, do you think I could symlink to the torch7 libraries and load like clnn in Love2D or does the th command do something in the background, soree, I'm le noob
Alright, the helpful torch-knowledgeable guy must be American then
You can be a Business Analyst if you like.
Those cucks that goes to clients to negotiate some technical requirements and ask programmers to develop that for you.
for (int i = 0; i < n; n++) {
//do stuff here
Depends what you want to do. But Java is pretty good at that. Java is a shitty langugae however.
>soree, I'm le noob
Jesus christ, fuck off.
I like me a good singleton from time to time.
You're probably going to be working in something like SSRS.
I'm so, so sorry for you.
Try to get your company on Power BI for dashboarding and see if you can get your SQL Server upgraded to 2016, because the new SSRS is pretty hot and actually mobile-friendly.
Brush up on your SQL, be prepared to familiarize yourself with your databases, and you'll be fine.
Consider learning some basic API integrations in any language so you can add more value to the data you're using. For example, using external IPs that you know about to geolocate everything through an API and then mapping that on world map to see where your users or employees are.
t. BI guy
I like how in the 2 years I haven't visited here people are still so easily triggered lmao
I just started doing this bullshit
there's some shit about binary trees and recursion and my head hurts
I'm already one of those, it's shit
I don't want to be a web dev, but software dev would be nice.
A job in a quant hedge fund would be cool, but I'm some way off that by the look of it
BI guy here
Git gud with SQL and excel. They'll probably have a load of bloated enterprise MS shit to use, but basically that job just involves fucking around with data and explaining it to retards, you'll be fine
I've watched, listened to and read RICH HICKEY'S SIMPLE MADE EASY innumerable times.
Is there other any talk, any paper or article that can provide the same sublime enlightenment that this talk gives?
functional langugaes can be good for financial sector jobs. Look at Scala and F#.
Python or Java
Is there any point at all using recursive functions in C? It seems to me there's lots of wankery around recursion but they're almost always inferior performance wise to iteration in C/C++, and recursive tree traversal 100% of the time is slower than an explicit stack and loop implementation.
>Getting worked up over function call overhead
There is absolutely no reason to worry about that shit. The cache misses you're going to get from following the pointers would be far worse.
I think he's making a music joke
>Is there any point at all using recursive functions in C?
Why would you need them?
You don't need either of those things ever.
Normally it's to elucidate a computing concept, like tree traversals, and you usually see recursion in classroom settings.
I agree though, using recursion with C is such a waste, but sometimes, it's hard to formulate an easier solution using non-recursive functions.