Best linux distro and why, post your arguments

best linux distro and why, post your arguments

ubuntu 9.04 because it's fun

GNU/Windows 10
It has games.

Void because I'm a hipster piece of shit

whichever one works for you. no need to argue about what you use to do your work.

For desktops? OpenSUSE.

>Delta RPM by default
>KDE tweaks that actually works (Kmail, Kmozillahelper, autoYaST etc)

OpenSUSE is, in my opinion "the" distro for desktop, mostly because of YaST.

You may be thinking
>"Okay, where are my packages? I bet 3rd party softwares like Visual Studio code or Powershell won't work"
Luckily however OpenSUSE, like all other distros, support FUSE (Linux) that enables it to utilize appimages (cross-distro compatible portable Linux apps).



I like Mint because it already comes with almost all of my preferred applications preinstalled.
And it saves me a lot of headache because everything just works from the start and I don't to waste my time configuring shit.

> current year
> pretending mint is a real linux distro

Gnu/Gentoo and Gnu/Funtoo because these are only distros in which you have a choice of program version and still have package manager.

gentoo, of course

It is

u forget
> KDE 4.8 LTS
wich is the best version of kde


>zero bloat
>Amazing wiki
>good community
Laterally the most stable distro I've used

TempleOS is superior to all (((Linux))) distributions

>post arguments
Average Sup Forums

>nvidia drivers

checked and praise kek

Never had any problems using arch and gt745m

Came here to post this. Only been using it for a couple of weeks but I'm impressed, think I can finally stop hopping.

I remember the first Linux I ever used, back in 2002 / 2003, was SuSE Professional or whatever it was called, I actually got a boxed version with cute printed manuals and stuff. I remember sitting there learning ruby 1.something on it, good times. Wish I'd kept the discs.

people tend to have a shit ton of issues installing nvidia's proprietary drivers.

Well there is your problem
Why would you want those?

Windows 10 :^)

programs like hashcat require updated nvidia drivers, and the open-source nvidia drivers that are defaulted are out of date

is openpepe good for gaming?

u can install nvidia driver and steam like ubuntu

>stable as a rock
>choice whether you want a stable/proven distro for server or testing or unstable for bleeding edge
>has a security team which does regular updates
>memes aside, apt is powerful
>developed by people who have organized themselves into a company with team leaders, a hierarchy and quality control
>most packages in the repository out of any distro
>if software isn't in the repos, chances are there's a .deb of it


And there is no Foss alternative for hashcat that doesn't need those?

Hail aur

honestly this

yep. and any other one is usually garbo & poorly written

Well, that sucks.


Ubuntu 16.04 because it's what I use

Also because it just werks, can literally google the vaguest of issues when I have them and get an answer as the first result, unity honestly doesn't even look that bad with a few tweaks

oh yeah I don't have the time to sperg out mapping every little bit as I'm not neet

>noob friendly
>xfce masterrace
>no bloat
>just werks

also linus approves

Anyone try Steam OS distro?

+KDE works
+-Installation wizard
+Yast for GUI system configuration
+Snapper for rolling back updates for missing packages
+Tumbleweed for stable rolling release

-where is apt-get autoremove equivalent?
-no amdgpu-pro
-getting propr. media playback to work is a pain in the butt

Agreed. It's a very well constructed distro that even your grandmother can work with, as long as you're okay with sacrificing some freedums.

what did Bart mean by this?

>he's right

Alternatively -- 'Your distro'


It's the one I'm using.