Best terminal emulator

What: Terminator
Why: window splitting, reasonable customization



>window splitting

It's called tmux and dvtm.

> reasonable customization

URXVT has total customization.

Do you really enjoy Ctrl+b that much? Terminator has better default hotkeys

>no 24-bit color support

st is the only choice.

>Configuration done via .h file.
>Requires user to recompile.
BTW, show me your config.h.

terminix is better OP

I use tmux though, which is the best way to multiplex.

change the defaults or use byobu

This is probably the first thing that every tmux user remaps to [ctrl]+[a] to be closer to screen.
Last time I was angry about the tmux developers was when they changed the default behavior when opening a new pane. Instead of opening the new pane in the CWD of the pane it was opened from it was opened in the home directory.
Whoe does that? Thats now the second thing every user probably changes in the config file.

My guy
st + tmux is literally god tier


>50MB ram per instance
enjoy your bloat

In a world...where people have a minimum of 8 GB of ram, there is, one autist, that considers 50MB, a lot. Where does his story begin, and where will it end?

In all seriousness though, look at this shortcut:
There, I have 4 terminals, left for coding, right everything else. You cannot do that in your terminal. As for urxvt, ain't nobody got time for making it pleasurable for the eyes. It looks horrid.

also, terminix is written in D

whatever helps you sleep at night

enjoy your bloat

It just works. It's just simple. No need for useless shit. Also there's tmux but i prefer to have 2 windows around

Yeah but if you use proprietary software you're a cuck.

It must suck to be poor.

mod+enter x4
There, I have 4 more terminals and urxvtd is still only using ~40MB for the 20 or so terminals I have open across the 2x9 tags

But muh ligatures


Because it is simple program and you need 8gb ram for compiling and virtual machines so stop shitposting you arch kid.

I hope you realize that the reason most of the terminals mentioned in this thread exist, is because of how bloated xterm has become.
Here’s an excerpt from the README:

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

xterm works perfectly
st sucks
urxvt is like zsh, it's for hispters

Xfce Terminal Emulator because it works

Along to this way of think people invented electron.
Fuck you and your kind.
Fuck everybody who loves you.
Die in a fire.

Why'd ya'll saying that terminix is bloated? Compared to terminator it's tiny af.

I find rxvt-unicode + tmux to handle my needs, and combines well with ssh. I'll have tmux sessions that live for hundreds of days (essentially whatever the server uptime is)

Guake. Too sexy with GNOME or properly configured i3/fluxbox

>window splitting
he doesnt have a tiling wm haha what a cuck

Is there a good, non bloated terminal emulator for wayland yet?

been using it for a while but recently found out it doesn't support the w3m image thing, do you know fix? or share a patch?

pls help I don't know how to go about fixing it

actually, I do. I use I3. But I hate the fact that $mod+Enter doesn't remember the current working directory. So I have to start from $Home again. Fuck that.

You can spawn a terminal by using the current terminal. And it will start in the same dir. i3 spawns terminal in its current directory.

Well, somehow I find pressing Ctrl+Shift+E in terminator way easier than writing "urxvt &"

cool retro terminal


Where can I get this?

This Ubuntu color remember me Half-Life game...

>not just using st
why do you hate bloat

I wanna know too!

My eyes!
Why do you hate yourself so much, user?

Whatever terminal my ide has + tmux
Why do people care so much about the terminal emulator?
Tmux is god tier and works on any termimal and even on non graphical shells
I see no reason to use terminator or some other shit. As long as I can set the colors and fonts I want and it doesn't crash it's good to go

I swear Sup Forums always argues about inane subjects

gnome/xfce terminal
just works and does not need hours of learning just to make it look tolerable.

>50mb is acceptable for a text rendering
Kill yourself

doesn't anyone use termite? I'm thinking of moving from urxvt to it since urxvt is bloated

It's called Cathode

it's VTE based, anything VTE based is going to be heavy compared to rxvt-unicode, or even xterm.

What: cancer

- doesn't use a graphical toolkit
- cairo/pango based rendering
- works on X11 and macOS, (Windows support will come)
- better URL hinting support than termite
- keyboard centric with vi-like key bindings
- fast
- I wrote it

It's literally called "cool retro terminal"


does anyone know of a terminal emulator that is light weight and can do transparency

What: terminology
Why: image support

This user is right. Guake > rest.

Da man Terminator e blană


XFCE Terminal, but it seems to do a fake transparency.

And thoughts like this is why all software today is shit.