/k/ here. My dumbphone is finally kicking the bucket and I am forced to get a smartphone. Which one do I get and why? I'll answer any gun related questions as trade.
You DO own a gun, right Sup Forums?
/k/ here. My dumbphone is finally kicking the bucket and I am forced to get a smartphone. Which one do I get and why? I'll answer any gun related questions as trade.
You DO own a gun, right Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
What striker fired polymer pistol should I own if I only want one gun?
Google Pixel or Pixel XL
No carrier bloat
Updated to recent Android
Fast as fuck
Comfy as fuck
Computers cost more than guns. Whaddya think, we're just made of money?
Apple phones are easy mode, andriod phones allow more freedom to customize, but you can jailbreak or rice them respectively. What do you want out of a smartphone, hi res camera, storage options, aesthetic, ect...?
I inherited a 357 Ruger from my dad but I just have it locked away. I should probably clean it...
Nigga I don't even use chrome, why would I want google monitoring all my calls
If you think I'm gonna say glock 19 then I am gonna say glock 19.
Have any pics? Ruger makes some great revolvers.
Not at the moment. I'm at my uni getting ready for finals week, the gun is in a safe at home. It's nice, my father kept it in good condition. Although I would like a glock or maybe a sig pistol but I spent a lot on pc parts this year so maybe next summer I can try and get one. Any recommendations from either?
Nah im not gay and i dont live in a 3rd world country so i dont need a gun
Both of those two are solid but my personal favorite is the cz 75. It's such a fantastic handgun. Whatever you pick, just make sure you rent a few handguns out at the range to see what feels right first.
And to answer your question that I missed,
>Apple phones are easy mode, andriod phones allow more freedom to customize, but you can jailbreak or rice them respectively. What do you want out of a smartphone, hi res camera, storage options, aesthetic, ect...?
I'm not very picky. A long battery life; not shattering into a million pieces when I inevitably drop it; a functional, intuitive UI; and plenty of free but good programs are my primary goals I guess.
>not gay
>doesn't need a gun
get a galaxy s3, they are very affordable now, have many aftermarket cases available at this point, and it was the last samsung phone to be made before they implemented the radio DRM (you used to be able to listen to the radio on cell phones)
I want only two guns.
I am not so concerned about the handgun, as I am the rifle. A friend told me it is only worth it to buy a really expensive AR made by Colt, Ruger, or one other manufacturer that I can't remember because they apparently own the blueprints to the AR designs and everyone else is just reverse engineering it
is that bullshit? I have never heard anything like that before
also, what AR should I eventually get? Everything on the internet has led me to the Ruger AR556
>be American
>get shot
>be French
>get shot and run over by assault trucks
>be German
>get groped by Arabs and blown up
>be English
>get stabbed with a butter knife
>be Russian
>shoot self
There are plenty of reasons for first and second worlders to have guns.
>You DO own a gun, right Sup Forums?
I don't. If I was able to buy one we wouldn't be having this conversation
Don't kill yourself user. And if you do, don't use a gun and artificially inflate gun crime statistics.
Just remember before you dump a bunch of money that you can always upgrade your AR later. You don't need to buy all the extra fancy sights and shit right away.
The glass used in smartphones is getting thinner but there are claims that things like gorilla glass will make them shatterproof. I don't know the validity of those claims, so best to get a screen protector and case if you're worried about dropping it. Some cases are ugly as sin but can withstand being dropped numerous times. As for the phone itself, andriod phones typically have better apps but that's subjective since there are always methods for you to break through that and install your own programs. Samsung galaxies are popular, and have plenty of support since they've been in the market so long and have plenty of users. LG makes some ok phones, as does htc. But newer phones coming out are bigger or have curved edges, so I'll give you some similar advice to go out and get a feel for the phone you'll want since you'll be holding it, but getting a protective case would probably make it feel better.
Is it possible for me to get a gun if I have almost a decade worth of medical records for treatment of mental illness, and 2 or 3 of those years in the state I'm currently in?
It wasn't anything psychotic, and I don't want to suicide, I just like guns.
Get a redmi note 3.
HK VP9, but if you only have one gun it should be a self loading rifle.
Also don't listen to anything this retard says.
Should I buy a nugget? W2c?
Get a one plus three
Was it voluntary or court ordered?
Then you are ok to buy a firearm, at least as far as the federal government is concerned.
Absolutely do not buy Ruger and, most of all, do not buy a piston AR. DDM4 rifles were a very good value, but I don't know where prices are at anymore. Used to be able to get a DDM4V7 LW for around 1300 on sale. Colt 6920s are a great, if not ideal, rifle for under a grand if they are still at that price point. The 6720 is a nice choice too, thanks to the light profile barrel.
No, those guns are trash.
Forgive me, but what is a piston ar?
I thought they all worked the same way?
I don't have a gun. I don't really care for them.
Just bought a 45lbs bear grizzly.
How'd I do?
It is an AR, like the Ruger, that uses a gas piston to drive the bolt carrier instead of the expanding gas system the AR was originally designed with. The design of the bolt is not compatible with the forces applied by a gas piston system, mostly the tilt of the carrier which is impossible to effectively control without redesigning the upper receiver and carrier.
Great, now I gotta add you to my Sup Forums filters, too. Don't buy a VP9, it's the Solus of guns.
>get a galaxy s3, they are very affordable now, have many aftermarket cases available at this point, and it was the last samsung phone to be made before they implemented the radio DRM (you used to be able to listen to the radio on cell phones)
Is lack of radio DRM really worth buying a 4 year old phone?
Maybe instead of memeing you could elaborate what you think is wrong with it.
>having browser storage enabled at all
Why? What do you recommend for a cheap noob gun then?
They're expensive for a WW2 wartime production Russian good. Give a budget and use case.
Recreation for the nugget. Maybe a handgun for self defense. $280-350
Also get a one plus 3
Save another hundred and buy a G19 gen 3 for around 350-400.
>Don't buy a VP9, it's the Solus of guns
Great aesthetics, smooth as hell, fast, and very functional?
>one plus 3 is a type of phone
wow I feel dumb
Okay SO
oneplus 3, pixel xl, or galaxy? I've narrowed it down to those. What are the big differences?
With a wicked sense of humor, as well.
Just buy another dumbphone, retard. Now is not the time to fall for the smartphone meme.
Typical /k/ moron
>carrying a gun
lol terrorist gtfo
>Just buy another dumbphone, retard.
Nokia II will have theirs on the market any day now.
Pixel is 200 more expensive than op3 for slightly better screen and processor. Not worth it into
Galaxy what?
If you don't recommend the nugget what do you think about another rifle from that era?
tell me more.
Swiss rifles are nice, but not for your only gun. I'm sure they're very expensive by now, anyway.
Tell me. Why should I buy a gun?
>Nigga I don't even use chrome, why would I want google monitoring all my calls
He probably thought you were some sort of pleb. If you want some semblance of privacy (and you can't use a dumbphone) then make sure you can root the phone and install a custom ROM like cyanogenmod (here is a list of officially supported devices wiki.cyanogenmod.org
You shouldn't, they are not toys.
How can we fix California?
Let me overthrow it.
How do you reconcile concealed carry and no-gun-zones like a university?
>why would I want google monitoring all my calls
so no android
Iphone 5SE it is
Just get another dumbphone. The LG Cosmos is $30 on Ebay.
Not OP but I would recommend going to a gun store and talking with someone that will help you find a good pistol for you. If I had to suggest one I'd say the Springfield XD series
>Springfield anything
nnnnnnno sweetheart.