/fosxt/ Friendly Mac OS Thread

>Freetards gonna freetard edition

Welcome to /fosxt/ - Friendly Mac OS Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about Mac OS and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Mac OS Thread. ***

You have the following choices:
1) Go balls deep and buy an iMac or Macbook
2) Build your own custom PC and install a modified Mac OS to make it a Hackintosh.
Dual boot also is an option.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

>resorting to spamming
Doesn't make your macshit threads any more welcome here, iToddler.

>>resorting to spamming
>Doesn't make your macshit threads any more welcome here, iToddler.
Oh, the irony.


>t. mactoddler

X P S 1 3


Post this in a /fglt/ thread

Why has Apple dropped the G-Series of Power Macs? At least they were affordable in comparison with the Mac Pro


is this a troll or are you from a decade ago?

No, I'm not an Apple person. Just wanted to know.

I was using backs at that time (Had a G4 iMac and G4 PowerBook). So I'll tell you how it went down:

That was when x86 hardware started outclassing PowerPC (either as a fault of the architecture or more likely because Motorola was dropping the ball). Basically Steve promised 3.0 Ghz CPUs in Macs by a certain date, and Motorola couldn't deliver. After it was clear PowerPC was a dead end, they switched to Intel. Apparently there'd been parallel builds/implementation of OS X on x86 for years.

You mean IBM. Motorola worked on the much earlier PPC architectures.

>coil whine

Meh, I prefer the iMac. But it's fucking expensive

>t. mactoddler

Rather a mactoddler than a commie freetard

>t. mactoddler

This is Sup Forums

Yes, Apple is technology too.