Is Atom usable now?

Is Atom usable now?
Or Visual Studio Code?
Will LimeText ever be finished?
Sublime is still the way to go?
No EMACS or VIM memes please.

sublime seems like it'll never be out of beta

atom pins my CPU to 100 percent for no reason every once and a while

vscode uses the same virtual DOM thing that atom is using but apparently runs way faster and also has IntelliSense or whatever the fuck code completion thing but honest to god if you're looking at code completion and project awareness just use one of the IntelliJ IDEs

i have neovim open pretty much the entire time i'm at work so i guess vim


>No EMACS or VIM memes please.

What about a magnetized needle and a steady hand?

Or butterfly?

use acme

Scite master race

Atom is over a 1GB installed while Sublime is about 200mb.
I have no idea how GitHub made Atom so bloated, even Visual Studio Code is 150mb.

usable for me, but i don't ask much.

Anyone here use Spacemacs? It looks promising as a text editor with all the extensibility of emacs but without the terrible key bindings.

Spacemacs is Emacs with an actually useable extension preset though.

The fuck are you talking about? Sublime is only 23 MB on my PC

>Atom is slow and written in a dead sublanguage (coffeescript).
>VSCode is faster while still being a huge JS mess running on a Chromium window, its really usable if you don't want fast startup
>LimeText is dead and buried to me
>Sublime still gets random updates, starts fasters, loads huge files, never hangs crashes etc. Goto imo

does neovim werk in winblows?

Vim for remote/quick edits
gedit for copy/pasting shit quickly (comes with ubuntu)
sublime for writing stuff from scratch

Sublime Text 3.

Atom if you love the GitHub meme, but it's more than just a text editor. I consider it to be akin to Brackets, in my opinion. Wouldn't use it as a text editor. I'd use it for like web development or something like that. Just my opinion, calm down niggers.

Visual Studio Code, meh. Better off just going with the whole thing. Visual Studio is just... It's Visual Studio. Hope you like Microsoft.

Anything else is a freetard joke that can't hang. We know it's true at least give yourself enough dignity to admit it, but Vim is better in respect to that.

Notepad++ was replaced by Sublime Text. In case ya'll didn't get the memo.

Use Sublime Text 3 IF YOU NEED A TEXT EDITOR. That's it. It does more, but that's it. All you need. Nice and lightweight. Atom is if you want more convenience and the GitHub meme like I said, but it's more bulkier and weighs you down, regardless of what the numales at GitHub tell you. Sublime performs better.

I just use Acme. I don't see the need to switch editors every year.

Why the fuck would a person even consider Atom?

>Sublime Text
>"Nice and lightweight"

I use Notepad++ every day, both at work and at home for years now.

It never let me down so I never looked at other editors and couldn't make a comparison tho.

>install VSCode
>can't run sudo code

>install Sublime
>"please get a license goy"

>install Atom
>takes two hours to start up but then it just werks
I wish I was autistic enough to learn Vim/Emacs.

They are all the same. Stop arguing about nothing.

There's no way you can use that piece of crap unless you're a memer like rob pike

vimtutor takes 30min

I doubt Atom will ever be adequate.
Remember, it's made by a company that makes its money a web interface on git and setting up the servers for it, among with a casual amount of sjwing. They love shitty web stuff that much that they didn't write a sane editing component, but easily spent the same effort to cripple chromium to a still too big package and half ass a web editor on it.


Try micro for our sins user, it's said to be nano, but with standard key shorts and the usual features you'd expect from a text editor.
Also, if that turns out to be still in alpha or something, please try neovim on windoze and report.

After reading vimtutor you don't have that questionable edge over other editors. You can't even keep up.

Anyone here try notepadqq ?
I've been thinking about switching from atom to it

>>"Nice and lightweight"
It is.

vim is the best editor for experienced programmers.

Seems like a notepad++ clone based on Qt. Like, literally.

Only caveats:
- Plugin support doesn't seem to be there (at least not in the PPA version).
- Their approach to extension somehow seems to be node.js based. That's garbage, Qt has a perfectly fine plugin facility.
- I didn't test how it behaves with very big files.
- Similar issues like Notepad++ has:
-- useless macro link menu
-- settings not enough depending on language mode, like line break behavior, loading and position of plugins, expected default encoding etc pp

>for experienced programmers

fazit: Would check out in a couple of years again.

Atom basically is just chrome that can only show a single website. So that's why it's bloated

why is lime text dead to you?