Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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You have to recompile it every time you make a change.

>You have to recompile it every time you make a change.
That's not a big deal if you're using gentoo.

Not a big deal at all, as it's a small program.

The Suckless folks are terrible at programming to the point of hailing a small codebase as the lord and savior of performance while completely ignoring the fact that the heavy-lifting is being done by a multi-million SLOC program (Xorg) which is literally the lord of savior of bloated programs being comprised of mostly unused legacy code to support edge cases, while not realizing that using dwm instead of something even slightly more modern like XFWM would not improve power consumption or battery life by even 1%.

It's not pic related

xorg is dead. Long live wayland.

For starters, it's not i3.

This guy is good

waylandfags can't do this

prove me wrong

your personality

and btw fuck wayland until I have muh redshift/flux. my balls are too important to get eye cancer at 26

what are you doing?

using the color picker in gimp, also

Who cares Wayland is better than X, as long as many apps still not available in Wayland, then why bother.

>Wayland is better
>lack of 90% basic features
You can't be so serious.

Found one.

The problem with Wayland is stuff like this. There are no tools for Wayland: The DE/WM is suppose to do it for you. This is a problem. It locks down the user.
On the other hand, X doesn't have certain features I would like, such as monitor-independent HiDPI scaling, and some security problems as well.
We need a middle-ground.

Not good out of the box, unlike Ratpoison.

Doesn't use xcb
Forces you to use keyboard shortcuts and can't be used well with a mouse.
"Elitist userbase"

>using Xorg

Found one.

it looks like shit lmao??

Your balls have eyes?

DWM user here, AMA

How did you get your font rendering to be so shit?

Dunno, maybe infinality is shit at doing its job.

The terminal is odd. Comfy dwmstatus, but it can be better. Since when do you use it?

>Since when do you use it?
Everyday, it's my main machine since when I built it since 2014, and DWM since 2015, usually changing its configuration sometimes over the years.

Here's a screenshot from a little over a year ago.

Still shitty fonts.
At least no tearing thanks to nonexistent compositor.

>At least no tearing thanks to nonexistent compositor.
Please read a book or look at a wikipedia page at least once in your life.

Buy a decent monitor that has color modes then.
Mine has a low blue light reading mode that is literally 10 times better than the flux meme and works on any OS, even TempleOS

I came


Modified DWM to add three-column modes (basically unusable without an ultra-wide) and "tag sets" (win+F# to switch, win+Tab to swap back/forth, win+S / win+shift+F# to save, win+Q to drop unsaved changes) which hold selected tags and their layout and work kind of like virtual desktops on top of tags.

I tried i3 once and I got so confused at the current state of my windows and missed the stack model so much. I made an X program that can tab arbitrary X windows together instead, to fix my appetite for more tabs.

not compatible with my job

Is your job dragging windows around on a desktop? Why are you wasting time doing that? Get back to work money monkey.

The FOSS world should be ashamed by the fact that Apple and its Unix have a more sane graphics stack than the Linux is using.

People use dwm because of the way it looks. No other reason.

>arch and dwm

nice vm bro

we know ur a winfag.

Nah it's readability and maintainability of code, not performance. By optimizing for the simplest thing, you can fit the codebase in your head after a quick skim, then it's like you wrote it yourself and can make a change if there's any feature you want

(at least, that's what I appreciate about it)

just a little too minimal, i prefer lightweight but dwm is just too lightweight, i like a titlebar with max,min & close, and a taskbar with clock and systemtray, and a sprinkling of the most often used apps as icons on the desktop

It's hosted by suckless.
That means it will have an autistic lack of features in order to keep it below 10k loc.

>Find a flaw


attach(Client *c)
........c->next = c->mon->clients;
........c->mon->clients = c;

Needs to be

attach(Client *c)
........Client *last, *i;
........if (c->mon->clients == NULL) {
................c->next = c->mon->clients;
................c->mon->clients = c;
........else {
................for(i = c->mon->clients; i; i = i->next)
................ last = i;
................last->next = c;

are you the same person?


>freetards actually believe this

Xorg is bloated. Wayland is also more bloated than it needs to be for twms. In general just use a fucking floating window manager as it isn't like you're going to save bloat when you are running Xorg or Wayland underneath it anyways.

>linux vm
Nah, I'm on Debian anyway now, and only ever played csgo. 4 years on Linux as main os.


When functions return -1 for error test against 0 not -1

if (func() < 0)

That's awful.


into the fucking trash it goes. The only thing they ever did right is opposing systemd, otherwise they are condensed cancer.


If the documentation states that -1 is returned on error, -2 isn't an error.

You dont need that hardware to browse the internet and watch cartoons. What is the point?

dwm is alright. Whenever I learn lua or haskell I'll use awesome or xmonad, but until then I'll stick with this. I do realize the colors don't match, font rendering in firefox looks off, bar looks shitty and so on, but I can't be bothered to change them.

I've only been using it for a month.

Browsing with surf right now. It's strange but it works.

I bet you watch anime too.

> bloat
I know some say being able to ssh -X into a remote box and run programs on the local display is bloat. I could go on but my point is that if say 10% of users enjoy and rely on a feature then it's not just bloat even if you personally don't know how to use it. I prefer to have choices and I don't like losing features just because stupid people don't understand them.

Idiots already been have Mac OS. If I wanted that then I'd be using that already.

>You dont need that hardware to browse the internet and watch cartoons.
>Implying Linux users only browse the Internet and watch cartoons

X directly over a WAN is total shit
Xpra does a much better job, and remoting in wayland can be done at least as well as Xpra

>I bet you watch anime too.
How much did you bet?

this looks like something that happened when my window manager was broken. could not move windows with mouse

>Whenever I learn lua or haskell I'll use awesome or xmonad
You don't need to learn lua to configure awesomewm. It's usable out of the box or you can see other people's configs and pick and choose what you like. The good thing about lua is it's simple to understand.

Besides, lua is a scripting language and you can learn it easily.
