/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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first for debian

daily reminder that python isn't a programming language and rarely has it ever been taken as such by any sane person

Reminder to drop your OC papes right here:

Second for friendly

Reminder that Linux Mint is the worst distro on the market. Don't fall for it, if you are new, use Ubuntu.

Don't let those damn hackers crack and hack your system!

That does sound good. I have 128gb of ram, so I suppose it's worth a try.

how to unsubscribe from these reminders?

write a python script to do so

Actually i think that ubuntu is the worst distro ever, even elementary os is better (and that is hard to do).

B-but it doesn't use the command line! It must be bad!

Going to try Debian, can anyone tell me what's the difference between all of these?
dpkg, apt, aptitude
Jessie, Unstable, etc

Women matter; please help us to fight the harassment in the Arch Linux community.

What the hell is wrong with Xubuntu? Thunar has been crashing on cut/paste for four years now.

Use debian unstable and aptitude to manage packages. That's all you need to know.

dpkg is the package manager, you can install local .deb packages, see whats installed etc with it.
apt is used to install software, remove software and update from the internet, and aptitude is a more friendly frontend for apt. Jessie is the current stable version of Debian, 8.6. Testing is the more up-to-date, but less stable version of Jessie, and Sid(unstable) is the rolling-release version of Debian.

>Pay rise

so I was removing systemd and now it doesnt boot anymore, how2fix? I'm on arch if it matters

What's the best distro to use? I was thinking Debian, is it shit?

New user? Get KDE Neon. Otherwise I suggest OpenSUSE

I've been thinking about Neon, it sounds nice.
Could you tell me more about OpenSUSE? I know only that it's RPM-based

Add init=/bin/sh to the kernel when booting. After that you're on your own.

>Trying to change the init system
Good job breaking all of the things that expect systemd to be there.
Install Gentoo. No, really.

Well OpenSUSE's YaST gives you a centralized control panel, so the system controls are not scattered everywhere. It has a nice KDE integration as well. Although the wiki is not as nice as that of Arch, it is pretty reliable since they patch KDE and other packages before they ship it. (see Firefox KDE integration)

the last time I installed gentoo was sometime before 2005. is gentoo worthwhile at this point?


Reminder that Linux Mint is the best distro on the market, Ubuntu is a lump of coal and Mint is a diamond

? ? ?
Why does mpv `ls -t | head -1|`
not run the entire name, but instead splits it at the spaces?

How do I insert the entire string ? ?

Why do you use a trailing pipe?

>My main objective is not listening to the song, I just want to look like an 1337 haxor while playing dem songs :D

Still .
Surround your backquotes by double quotes.
"`ls -t | head -1`"

So I have a shortcut that logs me straight into my server using SSH. How do I edit the shortcut so it automatically issues a command after login?

For example I would like a shortcut that logs me into ssh and starts nmon, how would I do that?

>parsing ls
>using backticks
holy shit

man find

This is going to sound a bit retarded but how can I use large portions of RAM as disk cache assuming that I have enough RAM in order to compensate for bad disk performance?

Use Linux. It's automatic.

I noticed the same thing recently as well. A sure way to crash it is Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C when nothing is selected and Ctrl+V

distro like puppy linux is full charged in RAM
good for bad computer

Don't parse ls. mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs
Use quotes.
Use $() instead of ``.
Better solution:
mpv "$(find . -type f -mtime -1 -print -quit)"

>on antergos
>install plex server
>can't find it in any menu or bin directory
halp please

So I think I've almost solved it. However when I run the command 'ssh ubuntu' for example I get errors on every line of the ./ssh/config file.

>.ssh/config: line 1: Bad configuration option: {\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf1138\\cocoasubrtf510

The fuck?

It's not xubuntu. It's thunar. Probably coded in C++.

Nah, it's written in C


I seriously need help.
I installed ubuntu on my main desktop a few months ago, but was too lazy to set everything up properly and all/most of my data is on my SSD now and my 2TB HDD isn't even used.
Now I have 5GB left on my SSD and thought about MAYBE I finally should move different folders to the HDD.

How do I do this? I don't want all of /home on the HDD, because I'd like to keep fast access on /home/documents

I just want to outsource folders like

how do I do this and still keep a symlink (or something like that) to home folder, so I can easily access them?

I know that linux automatically caches opened files but what I want to do is caching frequently used files before they have been accessed, like prefetch.

I need a gpu for my linux machine since my old one literally burned up.
need DP and 4k and video hardware acceleration
no gaming
occasional vm passtrough

Any suggestions?

Does anyone know how to keep your screen from blanking when mpv is open? I tried

And neither worked with any success. I'm on Fedora 25 using gnome.


Hi linux folk

> Only used raspbian with fuck around pi
> Got a 2015 retina macbook pro for nothing
> Want to put a nice distro on it

Which distro is best for macbook hardware?

Some dudes said mint. Good choice?

Inb4 gentoo

Mint is the way to go.

anything you want. the hardware support is pretty much the same for all the distros. dont use mint. anything but mint.

what's wrong with current os?

Heartbeat-cmd should include the actual command that will be executed to stop screen from blanking.

I use xscreensaver, so my mpv.conf has a line

heartbeat-cmd="xscreensaver-command -deactivate"

Look for documentation on the screensaver you're using.

>DP and 4k and video hardware acceleration
Novidya cards that have this feature with proprietary drivers are probably your best bet.

RX 480

Quick and dirty. You call that programs with all the files you want to cache.
let size = 4096;;

let buffer = Bytes.create size;;

let eat in_channel =
let rec loop () =
match input in_channel buffer 0 size with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> loop () in
loop ()

let cache_file file =
let ic = open_in_bin file in
eat ic;
close_in ic
| x ->
close_in ic;
raise x

let main () =
let lim = Array.length Sys.argv in
let rec loop has_error i =
if i < lim then
let has_error =
cache_file Sys.argv.(i);
| x ->
"error when caching %S: %s"
Sys.argv.(i) (Printexc.to_string x);
prerr_newline ();
true in
loop has_error (succ i)
has_error in
let has_error = loop false 1 in
if has_error then
exit 1

let () = main ();;

Thanks a ton, I got it to work with

--heartbeat-cmd="gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0"


Thanks, how can one use this script though? I'm not familiar with bash scripting.

Not him but free as in freedum m8

Is it trolling? You save it into precache.ml
ocamlopt -o precache precache
And precache is a binary.

Any distro that supports SiS 771/671 (video) out of the box, already tried manually compiling some ghetto drivers in Ubuntu Mate and Lubuntu and didn't work

>Is it trolling
Nope, I'm just clueless about this sort of stuff. Thanks again.

how to copy & paste between various terminal and application windows in i3 ? the midle mouse button is not working

To copy just highlight the text.

To paste use Shift + Insert.

Been a standard on all OSes since OS/2



Does netsurf support posting on Sup Forums?

>Any suggestions?
nvidia will provide better performances with openGL
amd will provide better performances with Vulkan

>will people actually use vulkan for games ?
probably, but not now.

>I only cares about free drivers and don't want proprietary shit
go with amd

check phoronix for actual benchmarks on linux.

No, unless you have a 4jew pass.

netsurf offers only rudimentary js support, insufficient for captchshka.

Well that sucks, I was hoping I could post on Sup Forums while installing gentoo. I remember when they had midori as their browser. Why did they take that out?


It works perfectly for me. I was wondering the same and asked on here. Apparently there's a part in mpv's source which toggles X11's DPMS settings (which cause it to blank).
Of course that doesn't apply to you if you use additional "screensavers".

please stop bully arch users

On the internet, no one knows you're using Arch.

Archkids brought it upon themselves.


Any tips on how to improve fonts on KDE and set everything up for hidpi? I messed with infinality already, but afaik, it's deprecated.

Currently on a 25' 1440p display.

gonna need a light weight easy to use distro for 60gb ssd,2gb ram celeron for my mom.

Was thinking bunto,but know I think I am gonna install arch,or should I try souls on it? i don't want bloat guys

If you don't want bloat, don't get Arch.

Arch is a terrible choice for your mom.

Not like she will tinker with shit, only needs to play videos,netflix,and fb.

>plex server
Try starting the plex-media-server service, not sure you need direct access to the binaries

I have a little problem. I thought about switching desktop enviroment, because unity kinda sucks so I am on i3 right now.

I kinda dont understand the config process. I just did this (found on archwiki)

"Therefore, users of alternate keyboard layouts who want straightforward key bindings, which match the bindings given in tutorials, may prefer to circumvent the "config wizard". This can be done by just copying /etc/i3/config into ~/.config/i3/config (or ~/.i3/config), and editing that file"

I fucking cp'd it but I dont find ~/.config/i3/config! Where would it be?

Why cant i simply edit the original config?

Thanks in advance, I know I shouldnt be doing this but I am too committed

Fonts and your Infinality mistake have nothing to do with HiDPI.
Support for HiDPI scaling depends on the toolkit the program is using. GTK3 and Qt5 have "decent" scaling under Xorg (as mentioned by others). Wayland improves on that and allows even better fine-tuning.

To get decent font rendering, go to the Arch Linux Wiki page and copy a simple, sample config file. I don't know if KDE overwrites it and applies other fixes, so you should test that yourself and bear it in mind.

> I dont find ~/.config/i3/config!
Create it yourself, obviously.

How would I change my mouse-cursor only for when it's over the terminal.
My mouse theme makes it get lost but I prefer it everywhere else.



Not possible

Oh shit, I just found it, thanks. And when i edit this "config" I change my i3?

What web browser do you guys use? I'm torn between Chrome and Firefox again.

>considering using a proprietary web browser at all
I seriously doubt Chrome has any exclusive features that Firefox hasn't. "Speed" is also a buzzword that only idiots take into account, because there is no significant "speed" difference.

Why are you even asking? It's not like there are dozens of browsers to consider. There are not even a handful.

up and running.

easier than expected, thanks anons.

Is there a media indexer were i can point it to certain folders and it creates an searchable index?

Shift+mod+R reloads i3 iirc

All it has over firefox are DRM features and native flash. Anyone using GNU/Linux should avoid it. Flash is obsolete now anyway. Don't even need it for porn anymore. And if you do need to watch a flash video youtube-dl exists for that. Chrome is for cucks.

>iris graphics
How's the performance on lunatix? I've been thinking about making a desktop with Intel gpu.

you're an idiot for picking mint.
i tried to warn you user

/r/ the highest presets for mpv.

flash games are still a thing