Is there any reason to use a GUI program when there is a CLI/TUI equivalent?

Is there any reason to use a GUI program when there is a CLI/TUI equivalent?

Not really. Some cases where the GUI is honestly better than CLI such as a web browser are the exception. There is yet to be a command line browser that is as good as a GUI browser.

Graphical programs. Pretty self explanitory.

Image and video editors/viewers, file managers, web browsers, games. Occasionally a configuration tool if the parameters are easier to set visually. Otherwise, no.

I like drop down menus

Well I said "when there is a equivalent". Would you use a CLI/TUI version of GIMP/Firefox for example?

>file managers

ranger and mc.

Is there any reason to use a CLI/TUI program when there is a GUI equivalent?

>Is there any reason to use a GUI program when there is a CLI/TUI equivalent?
See There is no inherent reason to prefer CLI/TUI programs:
- they don't necessarily looks simpler/more ergonomic
- they don't necessarily have better keyshorts
- they don't necessarily have better I/O latency, depending how the software/the underlying terminal emulation is implemented
- they limit graphical output
- the hinder the development of better remote desktop solutions

I've used Lynx and it's very inneffective for browsing. I use a Vim keyboard shortcuts addon for my browser and that's fairly handy, but I wouldn't give up GUI functionality.

I occasionally use feh/imagemagick editing parameters from the CLI, but for trying to use brush tools or do any real image editing it would be hugely innefficient.

I use ranger for a lot of stuff, however, for something like multi-selecting images without thumbnail previews it's very inneffective.

> Is there any reason to use a GUI program when there is a CLI/TUI equivalent?

Yea, so I don't have to remember a shit ton of commands. If I need to do something complex I'll write a script.

Typing in man [program] or [program] --help is too much work?

CLI looks cool on Linux or Mac but ugly on Windows

But then again even our GUIs are ugly as shit, but those are more capable of customization

why read a manual and fiddle with cryptic commands when a gui explains itself in an instant and requires no work, effort or time?

Yea, I know the basic commands on linux. So in case a server has issues I can reset easily. But to remember commands for a lot of other programs, thats just fucking crazy.


The CLI is objectively better than the GUI. Think about it: the CLI allows you to speak the language of the computer, while the point-and-click interface of a GUI reduces your vocabulary to the equivalent of grunting, it's not language. It's like traveling to a foreign country and going to a restaurant without knowing the language and pointing at pictures of the food you want. If you understand the language you can not only tell the waiter what food you want, you can describe how you want it cooked and ask questions about it (does it contain nuts?).

That's why I always laugh when someone tell me they consider themselves a tech enthusiast but they never touch the command line, or someone who says they know CS and how to code, but all they use it visual studio. These people have no idea what's really going on, and they're proud of themselves for it.

GUI's are for lesser humans who prefer grunts and pointing to using actual language to communicate.

It's not a very advanced GUI then. Imagine if google abandoned the command line interface to search and instead let you sift through a list of websites to find what you wanted? Sounds retarded.

Programs like Vim have so many features that if you made a menu item for each one, then vim would be all menus. GUIs are interfaces for idiots.

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Ncurses is better than GUI or just plane TUI/command line.

thread served its purpose
we found the sperg

Get a load of this boya


this basically
some programmes i use once or twice a year, if that, but they're still useful to keep. not gonna bother remembering commands (or looking them up each time) so gui is much easier since you can just click on the thing that looks like the thing you need to click on