Oh cool! My internet provider replaced my broken modem for free! Thanks, Spectrum! This new modem is a beast!

Oh cool! My internet provider replaced my broken modem for free! Thanks, Spectrum! This new modem is a beast!

Thanks Spectrumâ„¢!

Thanks, Spectrum!

Are there ISPs that don't do that? Fucking cucks, bet the same ones who have data caps for 100$ internet.

I'm the OP and I live in a rural area. I pay $45 a month for 2Mbps down and 0.5Mbps up. I hate my life.

it certainly looks like a beast

Thought it was a weird AM radio for a minute. It's probably just as effective desu

is that a fucking ubee modem? I have one, but its not that fucking huge. its one of the router/modem combos which isnt too bad cause it adds extra ports to my existing router.

Why wouldn't they, retard.

>Are there ISPs that don't do that?
Probably ones that require you to bring your own modem or allow you to do so.

>mfw OP owns Spectrum.

I made this post in jest. I know that all ISP's now replace a rented modem. I'm just pissed that that gave me this huge brick that I'll have to find space for.

>rented modem

fucking usura breh

your fault for not owning your own hardware

I have spectrum 75mb internet for $45

I don't understand why anyone would bother buying modems which are NOT CPE. Let it be the ISPs problem, unless they charge you a rental fee that's an arm and a leg.

>I live in a rural area. I pay $45 a month for 2Mbps down and 0.5Mbps up

Nigga you ain't rural till your only option is fucking satellite.

there's a 75mb option?

i have spectrum as well, but only the options were available.

I'm happy with the 65mb, but I'd rather then bump up their upload to at least 15-20mb up. 5mb upload is shit.

>be deep innawoods-type rural
>only solution is satellite
>retardedly expensive and time limited (location of satellite during times of the day etc)
>spend that short, precious and extortionately pricey time shitposting on Laotian crop growing bulletin board.

> your modem

you mean their modem

Holy shit. I had that case in white/blue

I'm pissed that they gave me a modem with a built in router and wifi access point that I have to work around and no longer offer any alternative.

It's semi-rural. Spectrum is the only internet provider in my area.

The next best internet option is 60mb for $65. I just can't budget for that at this point though.

Let's celebrate OP being a public hotspot!! yay!

>time limited
Are you a fucking idiot?

>location of satellite during times of the day

ball earth shill

> tfw rural area in the netherlands
> no niggers and minorities
> 500 mbps internet uncapped
feels good.

I have 150mb internet for £25